Phoenix-D said:
Just look for the flags, not your ships. Definitely annoying that you can't see them but you don't actually need to.
Yeah, you could just use the flags, but I have to agree with Santiago: it's pointless to play a game about Space Empires and starships and not be able to see the ships. I, for one, NEED to see my ships. There are a lot of races with a lot of different ship styles, and with the modder community hard at work there will be many more. One of the coolest things about SEIV was/is the huge number of gorgeous ship sets available to play with.
When the Borg invade my system I want to see those cubes clearly. When I play the Klingons, or the Terrans, or whomever, I want to see my beautiful starships sweeping across the system. I want to know at-a-glance what enemy has entered my territory. This is a very, very, very basic thing, IMHO. It should have been brought to Aaron's attention by the beta testers, and dealt with early on.
I like the new planet information and ship information panels, and I even enjoy the new ship design screen and ship design "philosophy."
But how can we consider SEV a step forward in graphics if it's so bloody hard to see your spaceships in the main system view?
And the fact that modding can take care of something so basic as the ship-size problem is not good enough. It should be taken care of by the game designer! Not every game buyer searches out mods and feels comfotable installing them. The game should be playable and not headache-inducing right out of the box. The AI should be of rudimentary competence, and you should be able to look at the screen and play the game without your eyes watering. Period.