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Old February 5th, 2004, 08:20 PM
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Default Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos

The following is an excerpt from the High Chronicles of the Second Reign of Chungaat's Dominance, as recorded by the Deep Seer Phun Goo of the Third Spire of the Coral Tower.

"It did not take long for the Legions of the Deep to conquer all the seas close the the original home of the Great One, though a society of Amber Clan Tritons persisted in their attempts at resistance, and thus it came to be that the Amber Clan was ever after known as the lesser Reviled, and their lot will ever be one shame and disgrace unto the end of this world.

Once this had been done, our proud nation found that the Greater Causeway had been blocked by some past cataclysm, and to pass onto the lower seas a stretch of land must crossed. Though there were a few minor conflicts with the surface dwellers, they deserve no mention in this High Chronicle.

On the other side a terrible discovery was made, and a mere month later the First War of the Second Reign, a great war of liberation and glorious battles fought against the ancient enemy, began."
Great indebtedness does not make men grateful, but vengeful; and if a little charity is not forgotten, it turns into a gnawing worm.
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Old February 8th, 2004, 11:35 AM

CayseP CayseP is offline
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Default Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos

I am sorry, but something came up in RL and I can't play my turns. Tried to look for replacement, but lacking any set Man to AI control. I hope my computer Heir won't break to many of promises I have made to other rulers.

It was fun while it Lasted, and I hope to read some action reports here in the forum.

- Arn (Zeus of Man)
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Old February 8th, 2004, 12:30 PM

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Default Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos

Sorry about that Arn

Hopefully sometime in the future we'll be able to play with you again. I'll try not to crush Man without thinking about you
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Old February 9th, 2004, 02:47 AM

Xom Xom is offline
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Default Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos

I cant connect to server since yesterday. Is it down?

Ok, I have got new adress.

[ February 08, 2004, 12:55: Message edited by: Xom ]
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Old February 9th, 2004, 08:49 PM

atul atul is offline
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Default Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos

The message had spoken of a breeding war between Man and Ermor (yet this could not be confirmed, for the ruler of Man accepted messengers no more). And soon, scouts brought Messages of battles in the northern lands where the undead slaughtered the inhabitants of Pangaea. It was clear, no-one would be safe from the onslaught of Ermor.

As a sign of things to come, a small detachment of priest was sen to conquer remaining independent province between Ermor and Arcoscephale, filled with ghouls. This was equivalent of teasing a sleeping dragon, and the effect was quickly seen. Messages came from all around, telling of Ermor trying to sway Arcoscephale's neighbours against her, of a possible peace between Pangaea and Ermor, and finally, a clear statement that the scourge would march to Arcoscephale next.

The undead massed to her borders, and Arcoscephale stood against the darkness alone. Pretty words came to nothing when times were dire, for neighbours both south and north were nowhere to be seen. As the undead threw themselves against the least defended border province, the few present priest were quickly overwhelmed by an army numbering to fifth hundred.

The first victory was that of the scourge's. But Arcoscephale's hoplite army was mostly unhurt and her god yet to reveal His might to the coming horde, so the war was far from over.
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Old February 9th, 2004, 08:57 PM
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Default Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos

Pug looked down admiringly at his new boots. The craftsmanship was superb. Truly boots worthy of a god. He thought about the request he'd received this morning from the council:

"We beg you Lord, come home at once! Your people need you here. Your Smiths wish to consult with you on research. Your concubines grow restless."

He looked back down at his boots. They were very nice boots. Very nice, purposeful boots. Fightin' boots. He stood up and called out to the army camped below, "Muster up men of Ulm! It's clobberin' time!"
He either fears his fate too much, Or his deserts are small,
That dares not put it to the touch To gain or lose it all
~James Graham
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Old February 13th, 2004, 04:21 PM

mivayan mivayan is offline
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Default Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos

It was over. Our armies scattered, the holy forests in flames. The god has been unheard of since a catastrophic failure to break through the enemy lines. Soon, the Last defences would be destroyed, and the lands torched by the fiery lava demons.

I set pangea on computer control with 2 provinces and almost no units left. It was fun to play with you, hopefully I'll do better next time
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Old February 13th, 2004, 06:23 PM
Mardagg Mardagg is offline
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Default Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos

It proved to be the right decision,to attack Pangaea sooner than originally planned.
As soon as the Messages of the war between Ermor and the nature dwellers reached Mardagg,he did order the full scale attack,directly heading for the capital.For this case,the damned legion,mercenaries with the power lying in their numbers,had been the perfect addition to the strong Abysian Troops.
The peace between Ermor and Pangaea did come too late for Oratha then,the god of Pangaea.
With the capital already besieged,there was no other option than trying to break it.2 Battles followed,in which the Armies of Pangaea desperately fought for freedom,but it was hopeless.Even though Abysia lost the damned legion completely(luckily there had been a Blood-skilled Abysian commander with the army,as the leader of the damned legion was burned to dust by his own troops at the very beginning of the battle ),there had been nearly 0 losses of regular troops.
The centaurs and minotaurs had been slaughtered by the morningstars of the Abysian army.

The remaining Troops of Pangaea were now scattered throughout the land and those unlucky enough,were trapped in between the newly aquired lands of Abysia to the west of the capital...together with Oratha,the Mother of Lions.
These troops to the west,tried the break through to the south...and lost again.
It was then,when Oratha tried the heroic attempt to conquer a province on her own as a Last try to survive.Unfortunately she did retreat,after her Lions did rout...heading to where she came from...but this province now belonged to Abysia.
With no land left to retreat to,she obviously decided to commit suicide
"what a strange end" Mardagg thought ,who at the meantime slaughtered the small stealthy army,which dared to besiege one of the Abysian Castles.
But still,even after their god was gone,there had been resistance in the remaining few provinces,even though it wasnt something to worry about for the Abysian troops.
Complete victory was now 100% sure and just in reach.

Thanks and respect to Mivayan,who played Pangaea until the very end ,being in huge disadvantage due to the attack from Ermor.

[ February 13, 2004, 19:50: Message edited by: Mardagg ]
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Old February 14th, 2004, 04:15 AM

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Default Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos

The Demon's Detail - Part 1

Thus it was that Zenophon rose to power. With such power the ties of humanity were thin and wavering. Arcosephale, home of the ancient mystics and elder nation rife with power was taken. The storm of Ermor grew and struck with a ferocity that drove back the armies of old.

Provinces fell under the mighty hand of Zenophon's army and Etimmu reported they had drawn deep into the land. Over 500 of the old legions had spread through the land of Arcoscephale. The Moloch who had tainted the minds of the mystics gathered his hoplites and his elephants and hid in provinces of temples to their pretender god.

The massive bulk of humanity was slow and the capital of Arcosephale was taken, it's castle surrounded and it's land burned. The mighty doors of the fortress were ripped from their mooring and it was left defenseless while the nation's might sat in a nearby province. Already the second half of the might of Ermor, another 500 strong was gathered near the former borderline when news reached Zenophon's ear.

The Ulmites had tried their hand, and played their cards, perhaps too early. They stepped into the lands of Ermor with their pretender-king Pug the Cyclops. His hand was short as his forces were weak. A few defenders of the province south of the capital were swept away, but knowledge was gained.

Already his army were starving, their heart was weak and the might of Ermor were the undisputed kings of fear. So the second army of legions did not go to crush finally the lands of Arcoscephale, but turned to these Ulmish invaders. Would they be so foolish as to starve in the lands of Ermor? Would they be so foolish that the Wailing Consorts would destroy and rout them before they had even a chance to wield their weapons?

Time would tell and the ghouls within the lands of Ermor stirred, for never had a fortress fallen when under their charge and this day was no different.
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Old February 16th, 2004, 05:10 AM

alexti alexti is offline
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Default Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos

The world is round!
- exclaimed Tjodvig after the initial excitement of the meeting with the Frej's party.

It was months and months since Tjodvig failed attempt to pacify other warring nations. When the heat finally became unbearable, Tjodvig has commanded to build the rafts and cross the sea instead of going through the deadly jungle vapors. Few months later the party has landed in much cooler place and headed south. The landscape was harsh and supplies scarce, hunger and deceases hunted Jotuns, but after lhe long track strange semi-barbarian horsemen have been met. They were very war-like and refused to let Tjodvig's party to pass in peace. After all peaceful negotiations have failed, Jotuns forced their way through scattering enemies, but many Jotuns have perished too. The local peasants were welcoming Jotuns liberating their land and many took Jotuns faith. After few weeks of rested Jotuns continued their travel South in a good spirit. It wasn't long when they came to the formidable fortress towering over the narrow strip of the land between 2 seas. But scouts reported that the fortress was being sieged. Under the cover of the night, Jotuns were moving silently, hesitant whether to talk, sneak or fight. It was then, when Tjodvig heard roaring laughter from the enemy camp and he exclaimed - "It can not be true", recoginzing the voice of Frei, his old comrade who has stayed in Jotunheim when Tjodvig departed 2 years ago.

Tjodvig let himself be known and there was no end to Frei's surprise. A lot of ale was drunk and a lot of stories have been told that night. Goddess Fyllia herself have arrived in the morning and under here wise leadership combined forces successfully stormed the fortress dealing final defeat to the lizardmen of C'tis.

On receiving news in Jotunheim wise Nornas and Seithkonur were doubting warriors words saying that it could not have been, because Tjodvig was travelling to the South while Frei was moving North. For a long time they would be debating the problem if the Goddess Fyllia in her wisdom had not divined that the world must be round.

Thus a new page in the history of Jotuns was turned.
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