Re: SP3 Redux?
I understand that some languages can have upwards of 200 different dialicts (as in speach patterns not robotic villians). That would mean that a good chunk of the populantion can only be understood in their local area. I'm sure there are hundreds of dictionaries out there, but I think the best way to learn is from the culture itself. My father spent two years in Scottland as a youngn man, so growing up we got to hear stories and meet friends of his from there. I had a chance to study Russian in secondary school and college, as well as live in SW Russian doing religious service for two years. It was a wonderful experience and I wish I had done study abroad when I was in college. The Internet provides lot of oppurtunities to learn more.
@Imp - probably the same way that I, who is slightly dislexic, and another person who is slightly dislexic were able to work together. I read off a number to her, but mixed some of them up. When she wrote them down, however, they were correct.
"Charlie may be dancing the foxtrot, but I'm not going to stand around wearing a dress"
Howard Tayer