I've had them used against me by MA ermor a fair bit as useful chaff, troops not expected to live anyway. I'm pretty sure I subsequently faced them again as undead too
The Following User Says Thank You to Dragar For This Useful Post:
The net gladiators are a nice way to help stopping an early trampler rush (or sacred cavalry). Most of the troops facing the tramplers will die, so why not use troops who you will lose anyway and who will also make the opponent immobile for your javeliners/slingers/archers (I personally like Lion tribe warriors for this task; cheap troops who can be mass-recuited, and those javelins will hurt the netted tramplers real good) to take out from behind the backs of these disposable units?.
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Megamek (latest dev version with home-made random campaign generator), Dominions 3 (with CBM) and Sins of a Solar Empire (heavily modded)