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Old June 28th, 2009, 05:05 PM

vyrago vyrago is offline
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Default Realism settings

at times this game is ridiculously hard. Im using all the realism settings and everything set to default 100%, but yet things like scouting and RPGs for example are insane to deal with.

even 'crappy' troops with RPGs can seem to take out my moving vehicles at 400m.

spotting infantry even with thermal sights is also hard.

the settings are there for a reason, so is there some agreed upon settings the community has come up with that resemble some kind of realism?

is hidden fire realistic when coupled the difficult spotting rules???

what about the hitting, a little too high???

all I know is that I try to advance smartly with overwatching groups, smoke to cover as well and mostly I watch my vehicles get raped by RPG squads and 'hidden' tanks. this game seems to favor defensive tactics, since when I'm neatly parked up on hills I likewise annihilate the enemy mostly before they even shoot back. silly??
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Old June 28th, 2009, 05:46 PM
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Default Re: Realism settings

My suggestion is:
Eventually you'll find the proper mix of preferences and tactics that suit you and maybe a couple of PBEM buddies and then you get ADDICTED TO THIS DAMN GAME!!!!
So, run while you can!!!
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Old June 28th, 2009, 09:12 PM

RERomine RERomine is offline
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Default Re: Realism settings

That gets into the realm of opinion. Look at it this way, if all your settings are at 100%, you and the AI/opponent are playing by the same set of rules.

As far as hitting with RPGs, it really depends on which one you are talking about. This is accuracy information for the RPG-7V is roughly the following:

Range Percent
50m 100%
100m 100%
200m 70%
300m 35%
400m 12%
500m 5%

This is with no cross wind, clear LOS and an unsuppressed and stationary gunner. That comes out of a TRADOC bulletin on the weapon. I can't say my experience with it has been far off, but I haven't been on the receiving end of it lately.

As far as TI goes, I tend to agree. My experience with it showed it worked very well and should have an edge over the M1 eyeball provided the tank is looking in that direction. It does require a heat differential however between what you are looking for and the environment. If the ambient temperature is same as that of a person, it won't worked that well.
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Old June 28th, 2009, 11:19 PM
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Default Re: Realism settings

Most people play with them all at default but & relating to your other thread & Suhiirs comment. You can adjust.
To simulate bad weather night etc apart from lowering vision range sometimes reduce spotting ability & on odd occasions to hit chance.
Reduced spotting tends to effect seeing infantry more than vehicles in my opinion so I do not see how it will help you. As Suhiir said if anything spotting might be to easy but the general concencess is default settings are about right.
Speculating here but sounds to me like you are trying to go way to fast if you keep driving vehicles into RPG range. Reduced spotting means you have even less chance to see them. Try diffrent things & perhaps thinking of what they are doing in real terms will help.
That APC with limited vision slits is driving up to a woods at 30mph are they going to see people in it? Are the people in the woods going to see the APC?

I did a post ages ago try searching tactical hints or tactical tips some of it may help
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Old June 29th, 2009, 12:34 AM

c_of_red c_of_red is offline
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Default Re: Realism settings

VYRago, you might want to see if the Blitz (google blitzkrieg wargaming)still has a mentor program. It really helps to play a couple of games for 'funsies' against an old pro. One that will explain to you what is what and why. Playing the AI is only good for learning the mechanics. The game really shines when played against another human, or near human in some cases.
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Old June 30th, 2009, 04:59 PM

Lt. Ketch Lt. Ketch is offline
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Default Re: Realism settings

Originally Posted by c_of_red View Post
Playing the AI is only good for learning the mechanics. The game really shines when played against another human, or near human in some cases.

spotting infantry even with thermal sights is also hard.
Spotting infantry in general is hard, particularly if they aren't moving. Imp brought up a good point, vehicles don't spot well whether it's because they're moving quickly, small slits, only being able to glance at the TI screen or they'll run into a tree, etc.

all I know is that I try to advance smartly with overwatching groups, smoke to cover as well and mostly I watch my vehicles get raped by RPG squads and 'hidden' tanks. this game seems to favor defensive tactics, since when I'm neatly parked up on hills I likewise annihilate the enemy mostly before they even shoot back.
If you're wiping the enemy out before they get a chance to fire then, my firend, you're doing a good job! Overwatch doesn't generally mean that you're units don't get shot at. It means that you get a shot at the shooter. Expect to use units every once in a while. Also, make sure your overwatch units have stoped moving before you move the sacrifical lamb. Otherwise they would have very good spotting.

When done correctly defences can make for a very easy and distructive battle. Playing a defence against the AI the easiest because it doesn't alter much from its coding. Don't underestimate it, I've had a few experiences, and read posts of others, when the AI pulled a nasty trick off and suprised me. But a human opponent can change things up, take risks, or otherwise do the unexpected. When you think about it, a lot of the decicieve battles of wars are won by the defender. US Civil War at Gettysburg, WW2 Pacific theatur at Midway, WW2 Eastern European Front at Stalingrad, WW2 Western Front, battle of Britian, or the Bulge. Vietnam conflict, 7 Days war (I believe). The list goes on. It stands to reason that the defend has more of an advantage in being able to choose the battlefield, posistion weapons ahead of time and wait unseen for the attacker to simply walk into the trap. The AI walks into traps rather well.

This is where C_of_Red's comment comes into play. Play around until you feel comfortable and then let people know your interested. It takes a little getting used to, but it's a lot more fun then playing the AI. I'm fairly new to MBT and am being "mentored" myself. It's nice to have feedback, even if it's at the cost of your equipment. (I'm still bummed about that Blackhawk, John ). Give it a try and have fun. Or you could heed hoplitis' advice
Eventually you'll find the proper mix of preferences and tactics that suit you and maybe a couple of PBEM buddies and then you get ADDICTED TO THIS DAMN GAME!!!!
So, run while you can!!!
Long post, sorry about that
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Old June 30th, 2009, 05:14 PM
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Default Re: Realism settings

Just one thing, the defender doesn't get to choose the battlefield, that's the advantage of the attacker, unless the defender has strategically retreated there and the attacker has to attack.
That's it, keep dancing on the minefield!
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Old June 30th, 2009, 05:34 PM

Lt. Ketch Lt. Ketch is offline
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Default Re: Realism settings

Originally Posted by Wdll View Post
Just one thing, the defender doesn't get to choose the battlefield, that's the advantage of the attacker, unless the defender has strategically retreated there and the attacker has to attack.
True. Thanks for pointing that out.
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Old June 30th, 2009, 05:41 PM
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Default Re: Realism settings

I would say most of the time the defender does just that, he picks the hill to defend river to stop you at etc. Only if other factors come into play like stopping you before a population centre is reached will he do otherwise & even then will try to pick the best spots.
Only if an army is near enough overrun does the attacker choose as the defender cannot reposition in time to take advantage of the terrain. He will be lucky to recover from this set back & must sacrifice units to gain time to do so once more.
Sounds rather like WW2 Blitzkrieg gave this advantage, Russia alone held on & reversed it.


Still Dan I feel retribution coming & expect to be a couple of tanks light when I load the next turn.
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Old June 30th, 2009, 06:36 PM

pjbandit2003 pjbandit2003 is offline
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Default Re: Realism settings

Another point in attacking is to lead with your scouts/infantry. Make the RPG units fire at your infantry first then your vehicles (APC/tank) can fire back. I like to have my infantry out about 100m in front of any vehicles and in most cases the infantry will stumble onto the enemy first. IMHO driving a vehicle into combat without an infantry screen is foolhardy at best in any circumstance but especially in an attack. Take you time and move slowly if possible.
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