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Old April 6th, 2009, 04:23 PM
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Default vs AI Tournament - Official Rules

Here are the "Official" vs AI Tournament Rules

I have tried to keep this as brief as possible.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

All players will play the battles through to the end of each battle without replaying any turns or using the Undo button. Since you are playing versus the AI there is no real way to prevent anyone from cheating. Even though we will have a winner at the end based on accumulated points, all participants are on the honour system. This is mainly about having some fun, participating in a campaign with an interesting storyline.


Here are the steps to follow upon receiving the game files for each battle;

..1). Save the zip file to your WinSPMBT "SAVED GAMES" folder.
..2). Unzip the file to that same folder.
..... ..a). Make sure you have the SpSvxxx.dat, SpSvxxx.cmt and VS-AI_Tourney_Missionx.txt files.
..3). READ the VS-AI_Tourney_Missionx.txt file as it contains your Operations Order for the Battle.


Here are the steps to follow in starting up each battle;

..1). Start WinSPMBT.
..2). Click "PREFERENCES".
.. .. ..a). Set ALL GENERAL PREFERENCES to ON except "AI TANK HEAVY" and "FAST ARTILLERY" (FAST ARTILLERY can actually be ON or OFF).
.. .. ..c). Set ALL PLAYER PREFERENCES to 100% or xxx.
.. .. ..d). Click EXIT.
..3). Toggle to the "SAVED GAMES" Tab and can Click on the designated Scenario for the battle.
..4). Click START.
..5). Click Continue.
..6). Select "HUMAN DEPLOY".
..7). Review the battlefield and note the Objective Hexes.
..8). Deploy your forces (being sure to upload your troops if needed).
..9). Set your "Priority Target Hexes".
.10). Quit the Deployment Screen.
.11). Click "EXIT DEPLOYMENT".
.12). Click "START TURN".

Begin playing the battle to the last turn. Since you are playing vs the AI you can break at any time, as long as you complete the battle in the designated time frame.


Here are the steps to follow for each battle as you play through them;

..1). Play each turn only once and do NOT use the "UNDO" button.
..2). SAVE the game at then end of each of your Turns, as the last thing you do BEFORE you end your Turn.
..3). When saving, SAVE the Game file to alternating Save Game Slots so you NEVER overwrite the previously saved turn.
..4). Play the Battle until the game ends (You can view the End Game Screen to see how you did, check the map, review your and the enemy's forces, etc).
..5). Click Continue.
..6). Click Go On.
..7). Click Exit.
..8). Click Continue. (If you get a notice you can conduct a Follow-up attack, please decline).
..9). Click Continue.
.10). Click EXIT.
.11). Click EXIT. (This should exit WinSPMBT).


Here are the steps to follow when sending the files back to Double Deuce;

..1). Go to your WinSPMBT "SAVED GAMES" folder.
..2). Zip the SpSvxxx.dat and SpSvxxx.cmt files from the LAST saved game.
..3). Email the Zip file to Double Deuce at [email protected]


Here is the process and factors I will use to "Score" each battle.

..1). The Player will EARN points for All Friendly controlled Victory Hexes.
..2). The Player will EARN points for All Destroyed/Damaged enemy units.
..3). The Player will LOSE points for each of their Destroyed/Damaged units.
..4). The Player will LOSE points for each Enemy controlled Victory Hexes.
..5). Some things I WILL track for each battle (among some other stuff);
.. .. ..a). Each time a Friendly unit gets KIA.
.. .. ..b). The Damage taken by each Friendly unit.
..6). Some things I WILL NOT track for each battle;
.. .. ..a). Each Friendly units # of "Kills".
.. .. ..b). Each Friendly units skill levels and promotions.


All players start the Tournament with "0" points. The player with the highest combined Total Score at the end of the last battle will be declared the Winner.

Special thanks to Marek Tucan for allowing me the use of his excellent maps.

Wargaming Blog: Combat Campaigns

Last edited by Double_Deuce; April 6th, 2009 at 04:49 PM..
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Old April 6th, 2009, 04:59 PM
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Question Re: vs AI Tournament - Official Rules

Have you talked to Ramm? I sent this guy me email 2 times and have NOT heard anything back from him. I'm wondering if we are gonna battle or what....
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Old April 6th, 2009, 06:27 PM
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Default Re: vs AI Tournament - Official Rules

When you are ready to do so,are going to just post the files here?
Since anyone can participate wouldn't that be easier than sending individual PM's and EM's?
If it's not againist the forum rules "andy or don" should answer this.
I'm betting it would make life alot eaiser for you, as it might get confusing.
EM's in and out that sort of thing when you only need the last turn save.

Of course we should send last turn files via EM to you.
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Old April 6th, 2009, 06:36 PM
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Default Re: vs AI Tournament - Official Rules

DD just to clarify when you say unzip to your save game folder do you mean to your scenerio folder? Then select the Scenerio called XXX to play?

Wrong post opponents wanted skirmisher is what you after
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Old April 7th, 2009, 03:34 AM
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Default Re: vs AI Tournament - Official Rules

Originally Posted by EJ View Post
Have you talked to Ramm? I sent this guy me email 2 times and have NOT heard anything back from him. I'm wondering if we are gonna battle or what....
IIRC he is busy with school atm.
Wargaming Blog: Combat Campaigns
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Old April 7th, 2009, 03:38 AM
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Default Re: vs AI Tournament - Official Rules

Originally Posted by Imp View Post
DD just to clarify when you say unzip to your save game folder do you mean to your scenerio folder? Then select the Scenerio called XXX to play?
No, to the Saved Games folder. You are loading a saved game. Once I create the campaign and go through the force purchase and setup I go to the Human Deploy screen. I save it from there. When you reload it you cannot change the AI player from AI to Human and you go to the Deployment screen again. You are basically taking my save game and going from there.
Wargaming Blog: Combat Campaigns
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Old April 7th, 2009, 03:43 AM
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Default Re: vs AI Tournament - Official Rules

Originally Posted by gila View Post
When you are ready to do so,are going to just post the files here?
Since anyone can participate wouldn't that be easier than sending individual PM's and EM's?
If it's not againist the forum rules "andy or don" should answer this.
I'm betting it would make life alot eaiser for you, as it might get confusing.
EM's in and out that sort of thing when you only need the last turn save.

Of course we should send last turn files via EM to you.
That would definitely work. Only thing is I do not want someone playing it then posting questions or AAR's on the forums here as that would end up ruining another's game if they are still playing. I may upload the files and PW protect the zip. Then players have to PM me for the PW. Sorta limits control until the game is finished. Then I can post the PW for anyone to download and play through it.
Wargaming Blog: Combat Campaigns
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Old April 7th, 2009, 06:50 PM
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Default Re: vs AI Tournament - Official Rules

I'd just like to say you've done a fine job with this. Very organized.
Very cool map.

I have the first mission installed, should be no problem making the deadline.

Do any forces that make it through the battle automatically make it to the next battle?
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Old April 7th, 2009, 07:28 PM
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Default Re: vs AI Tournament - Official Rules

Originally Posted by Skirmisher View Post
I'd just like to say you've done a fine job with this. Very organized.
Very cool map.

I have the first mission installed, should be no problem making the deadline.

Do any forces that make it through the battle automatically make it to the next battle?
If you have the time..
How do you treat rar.files?
When I try to open them i get the "find" prompt.
And when tryed zipping then and saving to save folder it did not work
Am i missing a program or just doing it wrong!
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Old April 7th, 2009, 07:32 PM
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Default Re: vs AI Tournament - Official Rules

Originally Posted by Skirmisher View Post
Do any forces that make it through the battle automatically make it to the next battle?
No. Because its really just a standard generated campaign that I am saving and then passing the files on to all of you, each of you will play the next battle with the forces that survived and were repaired in "my game". What forces you lose during your battle are not important to the campaign itself as its generating the next battle based on how I did in my battle. This does not mean losses are not a big deal (so don't get too careless trying to grab a few extra VH). The the key is to score the most points (and give up the least points to the enemy) in each battle "like rounds in a tournament" so that you end up with more "combined points" than the other players.

Your score each round is the difference between your points and the enemy points. For example my combined score after the 1st battle was +3122 (the difference between my score, 6782 and the enemy score 3660). If the results were the other way around I would have a combined score of -3122. Highest combined score after 5 rounds (Missions) wins.
Wargaming Blog: Combat Campaigns

Last edited by Double_Deuce; April 7th, 2009 at 07:59 PM.. Reason: Silly run on sentences!
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