Originally Posted by Skirmisher
Originally Posted by Double_Deuce
I usually go with strict TO&E of whatever nation I am playing
How are you able to get this information with all nations
that you play?
Skirmisher go to this link gives more what I think you are after just combat stuff.
Suggest you pick the bones out of it selecting common formations & saving.
You will find of course that the OOBs provided give generally the right mix so if you take a tank formation & add recon etc you get a good basis.
What I did was split to sensible levels for a game so 90 tank formation use 1/3rd as basis for correct ratios of troops, recon, ATGM, AA, arty etc.
Hope its of some use, there may be some duffers in there as just hanging around on my computer in which case try another & feel free to PM with ?