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Old October 2nd, 2008, 02:00 PM
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Default Cluster munitions

Recently Several countries have signed up to the Cluster munitions ban (the UK being one of them). That made me wonder what will be happening to the MLRS style units in the game? At the Moment the MLRS's are launching GPS Guided Rockets. So maybe altering the class to a High Accuracy Gun would work? on the plus side it'd be a much large bang instead of lots of smaller bangs. Obviously Plane dropped ordnance would have to go too.


I realize this is a bit of a data Mining Chore, so do you need any help with it?
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Old October 2nd, 2008, 03:22 PM
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Default Re: Cluster munitions

Originally Posted by Listy View Post
Recently Several countries have signed up to the Cluster munitions ban (the UK being one of them). That made me wonder what will be happening to the MLRS style units in the game? At the Moment the MLRS's are launching GPS Guided Rockets. So maybe altering the class to a High Accuracy Gun would work? on the plus side it'd be a much large bang instead of lots of smaller bangs. Obviously Plane dropped ordnance would have to go too.


I realize this is a bit of a data Mining Chore, so do you need any help with it?
Such nations can be assumed to be holding stocks of same till about 2020 for game purposes. In a general war, they will be issued.

There is no such thing as "high accuracy" off map guns, so no way to model GPS guided munitions (or CLGP or third-party targeted missiles). And in any case you have the additional problem of being the "player as God" and any such guaranteed-in-the-hex delivery system would be able to be targeted by you on out of LOS targets with far too much accuracy.

You can also assume the cluster munition represents several such projectiles delivered in the target zone.

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