So if you had the problem, than the cause of mine must be exactly the same. How did you permanently fix the problem?
Hidden down in my post, I said that the cause of the problem was:
more than 42 Quantum engines on a single hull
More than 84 ion engines would do the same thing.
What I had to do was ensure that the AIs did not try to design ships with more than 42 engines on 'em.
To do that, I re-patched the standard AIs using my AI patcher, but using an engine factor GREATER than 45. (40 is the default)
If you've used my Engines, you've probably used the patched AIs too. To fix them easily, get the newest copy of them from my sig links. (latest P&N, P&N AI patch, or D/L the patcher and use it)
The latest info on
Pirates & Nomads (forum thread).
Download the Latest Version of P&N>- (just extract to your SE4 folder)
Download my HomeComing scenario>- (For P&N v2.3b)
P&N V2 AI patch>- (V2
only, for the AIs included in ZIPs from v2.0 to v2.3, prevents rare RCEs)
Download P&N Classic>- (The final release of P&N v1.x, just extract to your SE4 folder)
Download compatible EMPs for P&N v1.2 through v1.7>-
Download SJs latest AI Patcher>-
Download my FTL propulsion map>- (ships can travel FTL StarTrek/B5/StarWars style)
Download my LAN helper>- (Auto-searches for new turns on a filesharing-enabled LAN)
My Homepage
Other Links:
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Schlock Mercenary>- (great space-based webcartoon) -<
First Strip>-
8-bit Theater>- (fun comic with the pixellated FF1 characters)
MpN R*-A RM(L) RP+ TCP- Fq++ FR!++ P? A+/- Sf+ Nd- L $ M++++ Pw!+