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Old April 21st, 2005, 12:51 PM
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Alneyan Alneyan is offline
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Default PBEM Game: King of the Hill 2 (Closed)

There has been interest in a sequel to the King of the Hill game, so here it is! The settings of the first game have been pasted at the end of this post.

The only change I would consider is to make the choice of nations on a "top 3" basis: every player gives three nations (in order of preference), and nations claimed by more than one player are assigned according to the rule of Dice (or by agreement). With only six players, there shouldn't be a lot of trouble picking nations though.

I have been thinking of joining the game as a player this time; if I do play, I will use "regular" means to check who is holding the Hill (spying and Astral Window). The "rankings every five turns" setting would also become "full values given every five turns": being the only one knowing the exact number of provinces/forts... all nations have would be unbalancing.

Current roster:
- Cainehill: ?
- Griffin: Ermor
- Izaqyos: Pythium
- Oversway: Machaka
- Tauren: Pangaea
- Alneyan: T'ien Ch'i

Settings of King of the Hill 2:
- Map: Theater of War (weights 6 mo), can be downloaded from here.
- Number of players: 6 players.
- Independent Strength of 6.
- Difficult magic research.
- Zen's Pretender mod 2.01, and Scales mod 1.2 (both are attached to this post).
- 15 Hall of Fame entries.
- Special starting locations are switched on, and will be more or less identical.
- Graphs are off, but you will be given the rankings (and only the rankings) of all nations every five turns.

The victory condition is to hold a central province, called the Hill, and to keep it under your control for 20 turns, not necessarily in a row. This condition starts from turn 10 onwards. Note that you will have to be in actual control of the province, or to be besieging it; being besieged does not count towards the victory condition.
Attached Files
File Type: zip 349766-KOTH2mods.zip (4.4 KB, 238 views)
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