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Old August 27th, 2004, 05:18 PM

XenoTheMorph XenoTheMorph is offline
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Default Re: Designable facilities in SE5!


Didn't Aaron say something about colonies on Worldships/Orbitals? If facililites are cargo couldn't a facility component that allows increased Pop make these into Colonies . This could really make games much more complex and what about truely nomadic races, they could finally be implemented properly! [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon27.gif[/img] Though I think Malfador will probably use components on the vehicles directly for space bourne colonies.


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Old August 27th, 2004, 06:09 PM
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Default Re: Designable facilities in SE5!

I think it's a very good idea, because:
a) it will ad more complexity without excessive micromanagement. And complex things are best.
b) you'll be able to fit facility cost to your construction rate (no more wasted construction points).
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Old August 30th, 2004, 11:20 AM
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Default Re: Designable facilities in SE5!

FYI, I gave Aaron the heads up about this thread. I thought this idea was worthy of deeper discussion and had interesting possibilities. But the thread seems to have died as fast as it sprung up.

Oh well, maybe it's just the weekend that pushed this thread back to page 2.

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Old August 30th, 2004, 12:33 PM
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Default Re: Designable facilities in SE5!

Thanks David!
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Old August 30th, 2004, 07:41 PM

gosho_mladenoff gosho_mladenoff is offline
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Default Re: Designable facilities in SE5!+cargo

something that was brought up breifly in the aaron hall chat sessions which comes to mind. there should be cargo with different types of flags and tags. Thus a fighter would have a certain cargo tag which gives them the following effects :in a fighter bay a fighter would have full cargo weight (mass), while in a cargo box it would take up 1/2 mass but would not be available during combat (due to the boxed nature of the fighters). Some facilities would have a flag or tag which would prevent them from moving off planet but would still take up cargo space (because their delicate or to bulky or cant be broken down to fit into regular cargo containers). no more worries about moving cities or facilities from planet to planet (although you could always make them mass hugely). This way it would make transporting populations harder as they would take up more cargo space if you didn't use proper life support cargo spaces. cryo freeze might lessen the space for pops but would not be good for anything else...
personally I think weapons should be modded the same way.
weapon flag#1 can target target types #2,3,4,6 thus blurring or taking out the traditional drone/seeker/etcc..
therfore you can create a seeker with a shipsized profile.
or a drone with a seeker sized profile.

anyways just some thoughts

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Old August 30th, 2004, 08:01 PM
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Default Re: Designable facilities in SE5!+cargo

Makes sense.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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Old August 30th, 2004, 09:58 PM

gosho_mladenoff gosho_mladenoff is offline
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Default Re: Designable facilities in SE5!+manufacturing

Something that has always bugged me about se 4 is the way the resources, production and supply has been handled by the game engine.I always felt that the one space yard per planet limitation was a bit weird. Why should a planet have only one factory but dozens of resource producing facilities. When I think of proportions with its massive megopolis's etc which produce massive resources but have no (zero nil) manufacturing capability. It hardly seems right. Historically it has been the center of an empire which supplies the manufacturing whereas the outscirts supply the resources. It would be nice to be able to build facilities which are like moo's robotic factories on a planet instead of having to build space yards.
Which brings me to a second point about ships and supplies.
why do ships need maintenace if they've got supplies, it's artificial. This was poorly done in SE (sorry Aaron, god of programming). What's the difference? Supplies should be manufactured goods for the maintenance of ships and have to be stockpiled. no more maintenance (ie how does it get to the ship? why does the ship not need to process the raw materials for replacement parts and food and medicins?). Plus when a ship runs out of supplies it doesn't blow up randomly from a fleet. If it's out of fuel it doesn't move. out of ammunition it doesnt fight.if its out of food the crew dies. If its out of parts then every component should have a percentage chance of breaking down per turn. It doesn't explode....
I also have a gripe about population. The population on non-atmospheric or hostile atmospheric planets and storage capacity of a planet should be determined by it's surface area, (or volume for you sauran sssla types). As long as you build domed facilities or habitats you should be constantly be able to increase your population. Given the right technology and caves the moon should be able to hold a enormuse amount of population. facilities should be able to mod for increases in pop in many circumstances. Hirise megopolises or subterranean coves should both increas the planetary limits.
Lastly would be nice to manufacture robot populations as a seperate population type. Like in moo1 population should give a small manufacturing component to the planet ( not a percentage). added with factories and planetary yards this would give a total manufacturing capability. Maybe add a requirement that each facilities have a minimum population to run them at full efficiency, then pro rate the manufacutring or resource production down for shortfalls in work force

just some more ideas

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Old August 30th, 2004, 10:22 PM

gosho_mladenoff gosho_mladenoff is offline
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Default Re: Designable facilities in SE5!+manufacturing

with this in mind maybe population on a planet should just have a cargo component???

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