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Old August 12th, 2004, 01:55 PM

Sheap Sheap is offline
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Default Re: Poisoned Weapons and Etherealness ???

In 3 of my games, it happened that Tritons killed my GK with ease, often if the 1st round of combat, swarming him.

Once however my GK had over 70 hit points due to high dominion ... but he was killed too in the 1st round of combat.

I'm thinking a poisoned weapon ignores Etherealness just as a magic weapon. It is right?
Nope, that's just how Tritons are. If your SC relies on spells for his power, as the GK does, then tritons - or any horde of strong flying units - will be very problematic. With Tritons you will be facing 27 attacks per turn - even with etherealness you are going to be hit a lot and it only takes a couple of lucky rolls in this case to wipe you out.
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Old August 12th, 2004, 02:19 PM

Vynd Vynd is offline
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Default Re: Poisoned Weapons and Etherealness ???

With Tritons you will be facing 27 attacks per turn - even with etherealness you are going to be hit a lot and it only takes a couple of lucky rolls in this case to wipe you out.
Yeah, I think Sheap has the answer here. Etherealness is good for stopping attacks from hitting, but it doesn't do anything to reduce the damage from those that do hit. That's what you need Mistform for. But against a bunch of Tritons you'll never get a chance to cast it.
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Old August 12th, 2004, 03:43 PM
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Default Re: Poisoned Weapons and Etherealness ???

At the risk of stating the obvious, isn't it the purpose of giving a unit orders to Bodyguard just so you can prevent such things from happening? Granted, doing so removes a bunch of your troops from being able to offensively engage your foe, but isn't defending your casters a wee bit more important?

Just a thought.
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