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Old May 4th, 2004, 09:26 AM

liga liga is offline
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Default Any progress in players-made Documentations ?

Sorry to regularly rise up this question ... but I'm trying to convince more friends to play/buy the game and the first hard step is always the documentation (I come from a boardgame/wargame club and people I used to play with like to "understand the rules" of the game they are going to play).

So I think it will be nice to add a sticy thread suggesting (not by me, but form advanced plahyers) a sort of lectures to learn the game and where is possible to download this documentation.

As far as I can remember (browsing the topics) there was

1) the official paper manual (that I always suggest as first reading)

2) the Saber Cherry newbies guide

3) a project of a full deep manual that at the moments stop ath the chpeter about how dominions work (I have the pdf file but I'm not able to find it on dom2 websites)

4) a Quick Reference about the different races/themes (where it could be downlaoded)

5) The Magic Item QR Version 3,0 by Zen

6) The Summoned Creature Quick Reference (v1.0), by Zen.

7) All the other useful data/spreadsheet in Sunray_Virtual Library (castle, units, spells, ...)

... I have forgot something ? There is any impovement in these docs ?

It could be also nice (I want to try to that as soon as I got the DB from Derry'sl) to make a sort of spellbooks listing the spells that could be cast by each race/theme basic units/leaders, just to help newbies to decide which spells area reserach and in which order.

thank you anyone could help me


[ May 04, 2004, 08:35: Message edited by: liga ]
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