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Old February 3rd, 2004, 09:25 PM

Osium Osium is offline
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Default Re: Bow Balance

The longbow was like the stealth bomber of its day and age, but the crossbow was probably a more leathal weapon and cheaper in both ways.

It was lethal because any tom dick or harry could pick it up learn to load it and fire it very effectively. It was cheap because no intricate skill was required to kill the most skilled and dedicated warriors on the field, it also happened to be cheap enough to be able to conscript hundreds of peasants and arm them all with a crossbow.

Sure the rate of fire was slower than a longbow, in the hands of a skilled archer the longbow was the most dominant weapon of its time. However those skilled archers cost way more than threatening to throw your peasants off their land if they didnt come fight for you ;p
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Old February 3rd, 2004, 10:33 PM
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Default Re: Bow Balance

what exactly is the difference between Crossbows and Longbows ingame ? They have both long range, are quite accuraty (for ranged) and half armor right ?

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Old February 3rd, 2004, 10:39 PM

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Default Re: Bow Balance

Crossbows are Armor Piercing (Half Protection).

Longbows are not Armor Piercing, but they have a higher average damage, so they punch through armor quite a bit better than a normal bows, but less than xbows.

The other main difference is the Longbow has a Rate of Fire (ROF) of 1/Round, while the crossbow has 1/2Rounds.
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