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Old November 27th, 2003, 07:38 PM
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Default Re: Petition to change LUCK\\ORDER Scales

Originally posted by Treebeard:
I think order/turmoil change the probability of events too much. Perhaps having it match luck scale (i.e. 10% per level) would level order 3/unluck 3 and turmoil 3/luck 3.
Yeah... with a weak gold economy, order 3 is very desirable... and with that, there are barely any events, so blowing points on luck is crazy.


[ November 27, 2003, 17:40: Message edited by: Saber Cherry ]
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Old December 1st, 2003, 05:45 PM
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Default Re: Petition to change LUCK\\ORDER Scales

Another person has proposed this before but I can't find who he is .

I think over it the other day and find giving Luck a small income bonus/penalty may also help. The appropriate number should be somewhat similar or slightly less than growth, e.g. +/-2%.

It's not unrealistic - luck help making money. People can still use Order +3/Luck -3. But with the income bonus/penalty acting against each other, it's a self-defeating setting. I have no problem with Order +3/Luck 0 as you have to spend points to get the bonus.
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Old December 1st, 2003, 06:28 PM
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Default Re: Petition to change LUCK\\ORDER Scales

It seems to me that Order-3/Luck+3 becomes viable in fast games on small maps. Possibly even average ones. One of the "tester minded" people who have longer attention spans than I do might want to do a run on this. How do the many good-luck events provide in comparison to high-order taxation?

Actually in my testing of all things "stupid to choose" Ive actually had abit of fun with "stupid" scale settings. For insteance, some races can benefit greatly from the many blessings achievable by taking all -3 scales. Many blessings as in having 4 in every magic (sometimes 5 in each) with one magic at 9 or 10. I started testing this thinking Id have to be take really low dominion power and plan to pretty much abandon the capital province by turn 10 (when most events kick in) but so far it hasnt been all that bad. With some thinking and nations its quite a useable tactic.
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Old December 1st, 2003, 06:42 PM
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Default Re: Petition to change LUCK\\ORDER Scales

Yeah, I forgot, but that's true too... luck+3 is not very useful on huge maps, since the number of events per turn is capped (at 3, right?) no matter how many provinces you own, while income/magic sites increase linearly with province ownership. If events also increased linearly with province ownership - and I see no reason why that should not be the case - luck scale would become more important.

The more I think about it, though, the more I think order should stop affecting the probability of events, or affect it way less (5% per tick, instead of seemingly 25% per tick). Then you could set order and luck independantly, and choose settings other than 3 order, -3 luck or -3 order, 3 luck. Also, luck/unluck scales increasing events would be nice.
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Old December 1st, 2003, 07:04 PM
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Default Re: Petition to change LUCK\\ORDER Scales

Originally posted by Saber Cherry:
Yeah, I forgot, but that's true too... luck+3 is not very useful on huge maps, since the number of events per turn is capped (at 3, right?) no matter how many provinces you own, while income/magic sites increase linearly with province ownership. If events also increased linearly with province ownership - and I see no reason why that should not be the case - luck scale would become more important.

The more I think about it, though, the more I think order should stop affecting the probability of events, or affect it way less (5% per tick, instead of seemingly 25% per tick). Then you could set order and luck independantly, and choose settings other than 3 order, -3 luck or -3 order, 3 luck. Also, luck/unluck scales increasing events would be nice.
If events increased linearly you would drown in events. Events would then be commonplace and more annoying. Your suggestion would not make events more important, just change the importance over time. Now events are important initially, perhaps too much so.

Also: The chance of a second and third event is dependent on the number of provinces you own.
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