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Old July 3rd, 2004, 08:45 PM

gammer gammer is offline
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Default DevNull 1.70 game start challenge

I am attempting to get True Destiny (a DevNull 1.70 game) started. I have been playing in another such game (Balance of Power), with no problems. I had no problems uploading my first turn, however, none of the other players have had any luck.

The message they have been receiving when they try to upload their first turn is:
"The Data files currently being used do not match the data files that were used when this game was started. Please check with your host to get the correct data files."

Unfortunately, as this is my first attempt at hosting a game (and one with a mod at that), I am at a loss as to what is happening or what to do to help the other players.

Can someone please help with this?
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Old July 4th, 2004, 12:56 AM

Renegade 13 Renegade 13 is offline
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Default Re: DevNull 1.70 game start challenge

A couple suggestions, however, I am no PBW expert, and someone else might want to correct me if I'm wrong:

1. You could send (email, etc) the data files you are using to each of the players, and they could put these data files on their computers, and try to run the turn that way.

2. Make sure you are all using the same Version of the mod. If you aren't, you'll get data file errors. Particularly, as you are the only one that can upload, make sure that YOU have the correct files!

3. Have the players re-install SEIV and the mod that you're using. That should correct the problem if all else fails, but it should be used as a Last resort option. Its a bit of a pain to re-install everything in your SEIV directory.

Hope that helps
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Old July 4th, 2004, 08:32 PM
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capnq capnq is offline
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Default Re: DevNull 1.70 game start challenge

The problem is that you created the game and did your turn in v1.84 + Devnull v1.70 (which is what Balance of Power is), but everyone else is trying to load the game as v1.91 + Devnull v1.70 (which is what True Destiny is set as on the PBW server).

You need to create a new game under v1.91 + Devnull v1.70, and upload that as a replacement turn.

PBW admin

[ July 04, 2004, 19:40: Message edited by: capnq ]
Cap'n Q

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