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Old April 13th, 2004, 11:41 AM

DeadZone DeadZone is offline
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Default Re: OT: Any way to forget Gator?

Make sure you have ad-watch running if you can afford it

And if not, Im sure there are plenty of free alternatives about

Also, if a pop-up asking you to install something appears ALWAYS PRESS NO/CANEL

Thats the only way Ive ever know Gator to get installed

Also, use emule if you must use P2P, its spy/ad ware free

Goto www.download.com and look around for things that will help with security

As for a firewall, havent used one for a long time, I find them too much hassle and no firewall is as good as people make out as they just provide a challenge to hackers, and hackers will accept all challenges

Every since I stopped using firewalls I havent been hacked once and my net speed as been noticablly faster and more stable

But thats just me
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Old April 13th, 2004, 12:36 PM
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Default Re: OT: Any way to forget Gator?

There really is no reason to use IE instead of any other non-spyware supporting browser
Yes, one reason: My website!
Seriously, and OT- Does anyone have any good resources for making javascript compatible with non-ie browsers? I can't do it on my own!

[ April 13, 2004, 11:37: Message edited by: dogscoff ]
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Old April 13th, 2004, 09:15 PM

Baron Munchausen Baron Munchausen is offline
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Default Re: OT: Any way to forget Gator?


You can get lots of help with Mozilla Online. Check out their own site. They have a page pointing to help: http://www.mozilla.org/support/

Apparently the 'Unofficial Mozilla Help Page' is very popular because it's the first thing listed on the official page!


Then there is usenet. There are many Groups under netscape.public.mozilla.* but netscape.public.mozilla.java is probably your best bet. Javascript is a subset of Java after all. Or you could go to netscape.public.mozilla.general and ask which group would be best to ask about this issue in. There is also comp.lang.javascript in the regular computer language series. People there will probably know about the differences between Mozilla based browsers and IE.

Finally, they even have an IRC help channel! Geez, these guys are thorough. Join channel #mozillazine on the server irc.mozilla.org and ask around.

P2P Software:

I haven't used eMule but I recommend WinMX to anyone who wants to get access to P2P stuff. Get it free at www.winmx.com -- no ads, no spyware, and it's very small. A few hundred kbytes. It's very stable. At least when you aren't acting as a host for a chat room or serving thousands of files on a broadband connection. It also seems to be very safe. I've never heard of any of these 'viruses' for P2P networks traveling on the WinMX system.

I used "Kazaa Lite" for a while and was really put-out by the clunky design, not to mention it's instability. WinMX is much better for both stability and user interface. And there is quite a bit of good music on the WinMX system. Maybe not as much software as on Kazaa or eMule, though.

And Last but not least, WinMX is still 'under the radar' of the anti-P2P forces. I've never heard of anyone on WinMX being tracked down and sued by the RIAA or anyone else yet. That's probably because WinMX/Frontcode does not operate any servers. Not even 'contact' systems giving addresses for other servers. WinMX is a totally distributed system.

If you want to go into 'paranoid' mode though, there is always Freenet, a true encrypted and secure system. http://www.freenetproject.org/

[ April 13, 2004, 20:20: Message edited by: Baron Munchausen ]
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Old April 13th, 2004, 09:28 PM
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Default Re: OT: Any way to forget Gator?

I guess our days of pretending to be a forum of law-abiding citizens are over.
It's not whether you win or lose that counts: it's how much pain you inflict along the way.
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