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Old April 26th, 2003, 03:06 AM
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Default Re: New Star Trek Race the Vaadwaur

Originally posted by Hugh Manatee:
Who is left shipless in the ST universe, perhaps soon I can try to do something....?
You can try to make a DoGA Version of V'Ger
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Old April 26th, 2003, 04:01 AM
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Default Re: New Star Trek Race the Vaadwaur

Originally posted by Ragnarok:
Atrocities, has this set been added to the PBW database yet? There is a game starting soon and I was going to use this set, but I don't see it on there. I didn't want to put it on there myself without your permission so I thought I'd ask first. The game won't start for a couple days I'm sure so it's no big rush.
I will add it tonight.
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Old April 26th, 2003, 08:08 AM
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Default Re: New Star Trek Race the Vaadwaur

I know, I call Suliban!!! They would have the temporal trait, and they should be pretty easy.
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Old April 26th, 2003, 02:20 PM
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Default Re: New Star Trek Race the Vaadwaur

The Suliban? Ok, a bunch of spheres.

For Enterprise we have:


We can have:
Early Klingons
Early Romulans

Regarding Enterprise the show.

1. I like it. I have to say that dispite the plot frellups they have done a great job thus far. I like the cast, the writing, the S FX, the stories, and the cast interaction together.

2. I think that many of the "cannon" issues can be addressed. Like the Romulans for instance. We know from TOS that they never saw a romulan let alone knew about them having a "Practical Invisiblity screen. Lets just say for sake of arguement that all contact with the Romulans is considered classified because of how it would strain Vulcan Human relations. That would explain why Kirk and Spock did not know about them.

3. From what I understand the Temperal War thing is going to explain a lot in the final years of Enterpirse. Lets hope so.

4. According to sources, this years season ending episode is going to start Enterprise down an entirely new path. I am intreaged.

5. Eventually Paramount will give the ok for some company or Cable channel to go and "Fix" the old SFX of TOS and replace them with new ones. To modernize the old show so they can resell all the episodes.

6. DS9 is out on DVD and that is great.

7. There is already talk about doing a new Movie, specifics not yet reported, but Paramount is really interested in keeping the movie franchise going despite the horrible box office reciepts of Insurrection and Nemesis.

8. They killed Data.

9. I have read and heard that Enterprise will feature guest appearances of William Shatner, Patric Stewart, and many many others. That there is talk of doing a time travel episode where Archer, Trip, and the Vulcan hotty are sent into the STNG future. Another episode idea following that same line has Q sending Picard back in time as a punishment or test or something. Time will tell.

10. We have 5 more years of ENTERPRISE and I for one will enjoy each and every year.
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Old April 26th, 2003, 05:05 PM
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Default Re: New Star Trek Race the Vaadwaur

I want a movie about DS9, something to tie up the series ending. Those were great characters, and I'd love to see the production values af a movie aplied to DS9. Hell they could have the Genetically Enhanced people bring Data back.
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