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Old March 13th, 2003, 02:31 AM

Corey Corey is offline
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Default What do you do...

I was recently playing SEIV Gold, and I had only 3 systems... However, without cheating I had a sphereworld, 2 ringworlds, over 2000 large fighters, over 300 baseships, 100s of large weapon platforms, 1000s of large troops, and only 2 more technologies that weren't completely researched... I believe I spent around 25 hours to accomplish this, tech research was on slow, the galaxy massive, medium number of races, difficulty was hard with a high AI bonus... Turns were taking almost a minute just for the AI to move, and I'm on a pretty fast machine.

I was about to unleash my massive force and crush the entire galaxy!!

And then my stupid filesystem got corrupted and I had to resintall windows =/

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Old March 13th, 2003, 02:40 AM
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Default Re: What do you do...

Originally posted by Corey:
Turns were taking almost a minute just for the AI to move, and I'm on a pretty fast machine.

And then my stupid filesystem got corrupted and I had to resintall windows =/

OK tell us what the system is, perhaps some of the guys here can help you out. File system coruption is almost always a hardware problem.

[ March 13, 2003, 00:41: Message edited by: Thermodyne ]

Think about it
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Old March 13th, 2003, 05:32 AM

Corey Corey is offline
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Default Re: What do you do...

It was NTFS... I tried to recover the data, but it didn't work...

I was looking more for how to cope with the loss psychologically
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Old March 13th, 2003, 06:19 AM
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Default Re: What do you do...

Only one thing to do, start fresh and do it again! Was it your intention from the start to only have 3 systems? Sounds like an interesting strategy if so, fewer micromanagement nightmares in the end game
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Old March 13th, 2003, 08:57 AM
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Default Re: What do you do...

You could also open the DOS prompt and do a data search or whatever it was called and try and find the file. When my 2k failed back in September, the data was still there. I had to call MS support and use up my remaining free tech help to recover my system. The problem was that once I did the restore from the original file, I had to reinstall everything that was installed after that. HOWEVER, the data was still on my HD and I could access it. So I saved all the files that I wanted, and reinstalled all of my games and swapped out the new files for the old ones, and presto I was back in business. That does not sound like it will help you, but you might do that DOS thing.

I think I typed in "List" or "Mem" something like that to see if the data was still on my HD.

Then the MS tech guys walked me through the save steps to A floppy before helping me to restore my system. I think you get two free tech support calls before they charge you if the OS is registered to you. You will need the OS serial number though.

Good luck.
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Old March 13th, 2003, 11:32 AM
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Default Re: What do you do...

The majority of the data is still there. You just need to boot from a diskette and work it from the command line. Depending on the file that was lost, sometimes it can just be replaced after booting the system.

One particular brand of chip set has become a problem of late. The data problems are caused by aggressive DDR timings. You need to correct the cause of the problem, or you will get to revisit the problem at a later date.

Think about it
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Old March 16th, 2003, 11:19 AM

Corey Corey is offline
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Default Re: What do you do...

The data was all there, I tried recovering everythign but it didn't work... Unfortunatly my space empires game slipped my mind and I didn't grab a copy.

My strategy is usually to have very few systems... I only colonize large and huge planets also. I like to micromanage EVERYTHING, but I don't like micromanageing 49242 small planets. I was doign well too...
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