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Old February 1st, 2001, 11:50 PM

Bowden Russell Bowden Russell is offline
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Default Fighter Launch Bug? Can\'t break down into smaller Groups

How do I launch fighters in Groups of one or two from a planet (not a CV, I know how to do that). When my opponent attacked me he had one Mark IV cannon blow up a single group of 13 fighters with one shot. He had only one cannon so if I had the group broken up into smaller numbers the most he could have taken out was one or two fighters.

It seems that the fighters group themselves based upon how they were constructed.

Also, in combat or just before it begins in space, not in a planet, how do I break up the fighter Groups into smaller numbers?


Bowden Russell
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Old February 2nd, 2001, 06:06 AM

AJC AJC is offline
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Default Re: Fighter Launch Bug? Can\'t break down into smaller Groups

to set strategic combat
Designs + Simulator +strategies+launching
select your desired number of fighters per group.

In Tactical -
Select the planet - then select
Orders+Launch Fighters in Groups

or select Orders+launch units - this allows you to select the individual types of fighters you want to launch in simular groupings. Start by selecting the button: Move one , Move 5 or Move all- then start clicking on the fighter pictures on the left.

Note - when you do it this way it Groups all the fighters you place into the right hand column together, once you hit close the fighters launch.

[This message has been edited by AJC (edited 02 February 2001).]
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