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Old February 2nd, 2001, 04:54 PM

Triumvir Emphy Triumvir Emphy is offline
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Default Re: Shipsets from UniversalShipYards....

"Des Menschen Wille ist sein Himmelreich"
roughly translates to "the human will is his heaven empire"

Hey Darwin, where is your personal shipset, you can't complain if you just sit on your behind and don't contribute. Just Because you might have shelled out some money for a game doesn't entitle you to free tech support and game remakes for life. If you don't like the shipsets, i suggest you make some for the gentlemen kind enough to give us AI's that give you a run for your money.

[This message has been edited by Triumvir Emphy (edited 02 February 2001).]
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Old February 2nd, 2001, 05:09 PM

Sabre21 Sabre21 is offline
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Default Re: Shipsets from UniversalShipYards....

IMO sites like US and HB that try and subjectively categorize shipsets based on their opinions is doing a huge diservice to the SEIV community in general. It tends to turn people off from playing sets that may turn out better to play than some of the pretty ones. Placing sets in categories based on enhanced AI scripts versus standard or no scripts is fine, this way gamers can select shipsets based on their own gaming desires, but to place opinions on the actual picture designs is pretty ridiculous. Some players want B5 shipsets, or to create a Star wars or Star Trek universe...others want orignial ideas...more power to them. Besides. I havent been able to download anything successfully from US anyways (something to do with that Tripod server). I end up having to go to the author or another site to get it. I find the UFA/TCO site to be one of the few un-biased sites out there..besides..I like his joke section
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Old February 3rd, 2001, 02:34 AM
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Default Re: Shipsets from UniversalShipYards....

To Henk Brouwer: Just found your post on the US board. Thanks for the effort, henk.

To Darwin: Well, I too love good artwork but that is not why I buy or play a game. AI is much more important for me. Then again you cannot argue about personal taste.

"Des Menschen Wille ist sein Himmelreich"

[This message has been edited by [K126]Mephisto (edited 02 February 2001).]
For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's futures. And we are all mortal. - JFK
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Old February 3rd, 2001, 07:11 AM

Darwin Darwin is offline
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Default Re: Shipsets from UniversalShipYards....

Ok, I'm back again. (and its always a pain thats why I don't post unless its important. Anyone know why this place won't save my password or let me change it to something I can remember?)

I wasn't trying to anger anyone in my post. Mearly saying to me that Harder AI isn't important to me as the standard ones can beat me on medium and up. For all of you who want hard I really hope you get it.
Now yes I want AI scripts in there. A good Speech file is important. And a decription of the race are too.
I just feel that any race without custom pictures should have the same kind of warning as you would put if it didn't have AI files.

I don't play SE as a desktop General. I play as a Desktop leader. I like to stay in character. Forget it's a game and really believe that the colony ship I just lost, 20 million people, real people died becuase I made a mistake. I try to imagine the little stories in there.
As for the person who said I bought the wrong game looking for good grapix. I bought se4 because I've been playing se for 6 years I fell in love with se2 shareware Version that looked up when I entered combat. So I played by myself without AI. And loved it. Esentually I had won before I started but it was still enjoyable to be. Everyone gets something different out of this. Me I get a great story, all in my head, Its just that seeing the Xiati twice or some ship from a TV show runs it.

You questioned what about my shipset. A sample is included (I hope) In the end we simply disagree about importance. But I really feel that in a shipset the Ships should be the most important thing

Lord Darwin,
Space Empires Fan since
Space Empires 2 in 1995
Lord Darwin,
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Space Empires 2 in 1995
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Old February 3rd, 2001, 01:40 PM
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Default Re: Shipsets from UniversalShipYards....

Darwin: Nice looking shipset there!

Great that we can disagree on detail but come to the same conclusion...a great game!

Cheers and have fun!

Tampa: Talk about shock when meeting a new shipset just installed--first time I ran into the Borg in-game and they came across with that in-character "prepare to be assimilated" or something like that my jaw hit the floor. Man, do I love some of these MODs! Unfortunately, I haven't actually run into the the Darloks ...yet

[This message has been edited by pathfinder (edited 03 February 2001).]

[This message has been edited by pathfinder (edited 03 February 2001).]
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