adapting AI to devnullmod
Sorry, I know it has been already asked. I browsed without success the board to find an anwser:
what should I do to have a TDM or unmodded AI works for devnullmod? Not speaking of switching to default AI, but adapting it.
I would like especially to add to the devnullmod the races of the TDM mod, to have a broader choice. But I dont want to switch them to the default AI. If I add them simply, SE IV tells me there is an error in loading the emp file, and I feel anyway that the TDM AI will be crippled if used as it in the devnull mod.
Also if I understand well, the TDM mod is a collection of race with custom AI, but without other changes to SE IV, whereas devnullmod is a major reworks of nearly all parameters of SE IV, with additional races?
Excuse my ignorance
Currently playing: Dominions III, Civilization IV, Ageod American Civil War.