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Old January 28th, 2003, 08:22 AM

Merry Jolkar Merry Jolkar is offline
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Default Please help! TDM modpack problem: random shipset assignment?

Could some kind soul please clarify the use of the TDM modpack launcher? I am playing a PBW game, and some of the races use TDM ship sets. I keep seeing other player's ships with random ship sets (including some TDM sets that belong to AI races in the game Dra'Kol), but they are assigned to ships of another player. Someone suggested putting the game files I download from the PBW site into a savegame directory under the TDM directory. There was no savegame folder under the TDM-Modpack directory. I copied the savegame folder I have been using, under the "Space Empires IV Gold" directory, and then opened using the TDM modpack picker, via "load game command with player number and password specified (on right) and TDM modpack specified on left. I was able (for the first time) to load game (as opposed to simply starting it and loading game from the opening game screen). But, my friend's ship still shows up as an Dra'kol ship. The owner of this ship has had similar problems. Any suggestions?

Thanks! Merry
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Old January 28th, 2003, 10:25 AM
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Default Re: Please help! TDM modpack problem: random shipset assignment?

Is the game using the TDM mod, or no mod? If no mod, copy the TDM races into the standard game's race folder, and run your savegame from there.
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Old January 28th, 2003, 09:40 PM

Merry Jolkar Merry Jolkar is offline
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Default Re: Please help! TDM modpack problem: random shipset assignment?

I am hosting the game. I created it after launching from the TDM launcher, with TDM mod selected. The A.I.'s are TDM mod races. However, I did not do anything special when setting the game up on the PBW site to indicate that the TDM modpack is being used. Did I miss something on setup?
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Old January 28th, 2003, 10:09 PM
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Default Re: Please help! TDM modpack problem: random shipset assignment?

Hmmm... 'kay see, if you're playing PBW, and a person is in control, you're not playing TDM-Modpack.

So, someone is using a TDM Modpack shipset, and every turn you're seeing a different shipset. That's caused by you not having the shipset on your computer, in the folder your copy of SE4 is using to find the other shipsets.

1). Find out what folder you should be using. It's SE4/Pictures/Race*. I unfortuneatly have C:/programs/Shrapnel Games/Malfador Machinations/ ... well, you get the idea, your hard disk could be messed up in a different way. You may have multiple installs, etc.
* I could be a little off with the name here, someone should correct me shortly.

2). Get the shipset, if its part of the TDM Modpack, then you'll find it. Or download just that one from the PBW server by clicking it's name on the player screen.

3). Put it in the folder with the other ones.

Problem should be solved, unless it's not Gold compliant. If you get error Messages, but the correct race pictures, we'll fix that when we get there.

[ January 28, 2003, 20:10: Message edited by: Arkcon ]
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Old January 28th, 2003, 11:31 PM

Merry Jolkar Merry Jolkar is offline
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Default Re: Please help! TDM modpack problem: random shipset assignment?

I am not sure I understand what you mean by a person being in control. I created the game and uploaded the first turn, but the PBW has been on full automatic ever since.

Regarding people using ship sets that I do not have, all players installed TDM modpack before the game began, and I believe all players used only shipsets that appear in the TDM modpack. We are all using recently purchased Versions of the SE4 Gold, and have applied the latest patch (1.78, I believe). So, I'm not sure what to try next. Any further advice?
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Old January 29th, 2003, 12:23 AM
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Default Re: Please help! TDM modpack problem: random shipset assignment?

Try to alter your path.txt int eh Space Empires IV folder for a start:

(1) Open the file "Path.txt" in your Space Empires IV folder.

(2) Alter this line:

Using Mod Directory := None

Using Mod Directory := TDM-ModPack

(3) Save and close the file "Path.txt".

(4) The game will now run with the "TDM-ModPack". The starting Window should have a text line in the right upper corner reading "Using TDM-ModPack Directory".

Now load your PBW game. Do the ships still show up wrong?
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Old January 29th, 2003, 02:27 AM

Merry Jolkar Merry Jolkar is offline
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Default Re: Please help! TDM modpack problem: random shipset assignment?

I discovered a possible source of the problem. One of my players is using the Dra'Kol ship set, and the Dra'Kol are one of the A.I. races in the game. Would this cause the offending player to see random ship set assignments?

Any way to tell this player apart from the real Dra'Kol?

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Old January 29th, 2003, 06:38 AM
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Default Re: Please help! TDM modpack problem: random shipset assignment?

Originally posted by Merry Jolkar:
I discovered a possible source of the problem. One of my players is using the Dra'Kol ship set, and the Dra'Kol are one of the A.I. races in the game. Would this cause the offending player to see random ship set assignments?
Now that's bizare. If SE4 can find one shipset then it should find both. Maybe they switched shipsets just before you started executing the game? It happened to me in the Last PBW game I joined.


Any way to tell this player apart from the real Dra'Kol?

No. Sorry.
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Old January 30th, 2003, 01:27 AM
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Default Re: Please help! TDM modpack problem: random shipset assignment?

However, I did not do anything special when setting the game up on the PBW site to indicate that the TDM modpack is being used. Did I miss something on setup?
If the game is not set to use TDM-Modpack on the PBW server, all of the AIs will use the stock files when the turn is processed.

Post in the PBW Admin Requests Forum to have the game type changed.

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Old January 30th, 2003, 02:34 AM

Merry Jolkar Merry Jolkar is offline
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Default Re: Please help! TDM modpack problem: random shipset assignment?

I have posted to the forum requesting that the game be set to use TDM modpack A.I.'s. What should I have done to set it up this way when setting up? (Or, where can I learn about this so I don't have to bug you with it! )

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