Allegiance Subverter and Computer Virus Qs
I am unsure of certain aspects of these things. Any help would be appreciated.
1) If a ship has both a bridge an an aux bridge, does that affect the chance of an allegiance subverter working?
2) If a ship has a MC and an aux bridge (but NOT the bridge+crew+support mpdules), does it affect the results of a computer virus attack?
3) If a ship has both a bridge+crew+support AND a MC, does an Allegiance Subverter attack on one combat turn (at long range) THEN (later on the same combat turn, in a later combat turn, or in a later battle) Virus attack combine effects? That is, if a ship has both MC and crew, does the attack succeed ONLY if the same ship hits the target on the same turn with both?
4) If a ship gets hit first by the Virus and THEN by the Allegiance Subverter (as above only in #3 order reversed), is it the same as the answer to #3? That is, does the order of striking the double-crewed target with the two weapons make a difference?
[ 09 April 2002: Message edited by: jim ]
[ 09 April 2002: Message edited by: jim ]