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Old March 23rd, 2022, 05:54 AM
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Default Scenario 516-Not what we wanted

In this scenario, a Portuguese mechanized infantry brigade is assaulting 3 towns that are under Warsaw Pact control (Ostiglia, Corregiogli, Melara).

Portuguese forces are composed of (see map above):

1,2,3=Tank companies 1,2,3

CA, CM=Cavarly armored, Cavarly mechanized


Mech 1/1,2/1,3/1=mechanized companies of one battalion

Mot 1/1 to 2/3=motorized companies of two battalions

P =Pioneer company

In addition to these, an AA battalion has its elements embedded into all maneuver formations. It is composed of blowpipe, chaparral and Vulcan platoons, brigade’s artillery batteries of 155mm are on call, as well as around 20 aircraft for CAS (mainly Portuguese G91 and A7, as well as US F16s, to be controlled by FAC).

The plan is the following:

Mot 1/1 will take Ostiglia and then cover the left bank of the river with fire. Mot 2/1 will continue towards the old town of Ostiglia after crossing the bridges with tank support from 1. Mot 3/1 will be a reserve.

CA and CM will cross the river south of Boschina island and proceed to secure a series of important locations. First, they will secure the Via santa crose road at (5), then the crossroads at (6), then the outskirts of old Ostiglia at (7) in order to cut off the defenders of the town. Same plan will be used to cut off Correctoli at (8).

Lagunari will secure Boschina island (3) and then put pressure at old Ostiglia at (4).

Mech 1/1 will secure the ford area alpha (9), mech 2/1 will take over after that and secure via santa crose at (10) and finally 3/1 will assault Correctoli with the aid of tank support from (2) and the pioneer company P.

Mot 1 /2 will secure the river bank at (12), mot 2/2 will take over and cut off Melara by occupying (13) with the aid of tank support and finally mot 3/2 will assault Melara with the aid of tank support.
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Old March 23rd, 2022, 06:21 AM
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Default Re: Scenario 516-Not what we wanted

Turns 1-10

All forces move forward according to plan. Motorized 1/1 moves slowly towards the western part of Orsiglia supported by a M48 tank platoon, while Mechanized 1/1 (together with the Pioneer company) and Motorized 1/ 2 prepare to cross the river close to the fording point.

Cavalry (mech) receives fire from BRDM vehicles around (1), but suffers no loses and continues to move forward. Simultaneously, Mot 1/1 receive fire from BRDMs inside Ostiglia. I estimate at least a recon platoon inside the town, possibly company size. Dismounts received fire from scout team. The company assaults the revealed scout positions around (2). Soviets lose 2 BRDMs, Portuguese one M48. Portuguese receive 82mm mortar fire which causes light casualties. Portuguese push further into Ostiglia where they encounter a dug in engineer platoon. One more M48 is lost while they destroy one Mt-LB. Later, Mot 1/1 loses one more M48. Only 2 remain with the company. Soviet engineer platoon is badly damaged with one squad eliminated and the others suffering heavy losses. Soviet 122mm artillery shells Mot 1/1 causing disruption and losses. One FO vehicle is lost from 122mm artillery fire and most of the company retreats under heavy artillery fire. Mot 2/1 attacks Ostiglia from the NW, although they also receive heavy mortar fire. Finally, one engineer squad is eliminated and the immediate area seems secure. 81mm mortars shell last known positions of Soviet troops.

Mechanized 1/1 crosses the river inside their M113s at fording area Alpha. As soon as they advance around 400 meters, they receive APC and RR fire from around (4) and (5). One M113 is lost from RR fire. Further advance eastwards triggers an encounter with an AT gun that destroys a M113. It is located at(3). Meanwhile, Mot 2/1 secures its objective (the ford east of fording area Alpha), while Cavalry (Armored) crosses the river at its designated location. They deploy alongside Mech 1/1 left flank and they try o to advance from inside the woods to the open, but they lose 3 vehicles from ATGM, AT gun and RR fire and have to halt. Mech 1/1 advances and knocks out one RR. Mot 2/1 finds an AT gun platoon around (3) and engages it. Next, Mech 1/1 and Mot 2/1 infantry assaults the AT gun platoon, knocking out one gun. Mech 1/1 receives 82mm and 120mm mortar fire. Portuguese G91 aircraft strike the Hungarian company at (4) and destroy 4 BTRs with strafing and rockets. They also pass over Melara and detect a T55A and they are fired by 57mm AAA as well as Strelas.

Finally, Lagunari secure Boschina island, despite sporadic MG fire from Ostiglia harassing them.
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Old March 23rd, 2022, 12:06 PM
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Default Re: Scenario 516-Not what we wanted

Turns 11-20

1/1 Motorized pushes further forward towards the bridges. Most resistance is cleared; however, shelling from mortars and howitzers continues, causing losses to the company. Eventually though, the western part of the northern bridge is captured. One rifle squad is sent forward, but receives a hail of MG and AGL fire from dug in teams, APCs, BMPs as well as bunkers and thus it has to withdraw back to the western Orsiglia. Meanwhile, MILAN ATGMs from the company deploy to the northernmost part of the western Orsiglia, overlooking both banks of the river (1). When they spot enemy vehicles that open fire, immediately blast them to pieces with their ATGMs. One BMP-1 and one BRDM tank destroyer with Faktoriya missiles are destroyed, but a couple of launchers are spotted and receive MG fire. At the same time, the attached American FAC calls for a heavy artillery strike on eastern Orsiglia, which results in the destruction of several BMP that are dug in there. Two more AFVs are destroyed by MILAN teams, although two teams are eliminated by MG fire. One M113 tries to cross the bridge, but it is destroyed by another BRDM Faktoriya, which was unspotted. One TOW team knocks out yet another MTLB. Meanwhile, infantry of 1/1 Motorized clear the rest of west Orsiglia, which had in total a recon platoon and a reduced armored engineer company defending it. One Soviet engineer platoon still desperately defends the western part of the southern bridge, although their situation is precarious.

Lagunari company cross the river in rubber boats, attempting to establish a bridgehead south of eastern Orsiglia. Some squads are spotted and they receive MG fire. Despite Lagunari MG teams trying to suppress enemy MGs, one squad is lost inside their boat. The men that crossed, soon spot a BMP platoon defending the southern flank of the Soviet forces in eastern Orsiglia and engage them. Portuguese air force A7s knock out two BMPs and cause significant casualties to the infantry. Despite outgunned, Lagunari put enormous pressure to their heavier armed opponents, with a sniper being particularly deadly.

Further south, AML-60 fire destroy one BTR of the Hungarian position at (2). Pioneers and Mech 1/1 move forward under heavy MG fire from the surviving BTRs. Soviet artillery and 120mm mortars also hit the attackers and the Pioneer company is hit hard, suffering serious losses and halting the advance, save for a couple of squads that stubbornly press forward. Mech 1/1 is also hit by artillery and rocket artillery, but most dismounts moved forward and the M113s are hit instead, with 3 M113s knocked out. To their south, 1 /2 Motorized clears the AT gun platoon at (3), securing the bridgehead. Barge carriers are brought to bring the tanks across the river. Soviet artillery shells the barges with tanks to no effect. In the meantime, MG fire from the M113s, artillery shelling and infantry fire pin down all revealed Hungarian riflemen, while Cavalry AFVs knock out two more BTRs at the cost of one vehicle of their own.

The riflemen of 1/1 Mechanized manage to defeat one Hungarian platoon covering the Hungarian left flank in a farm at (4). The Hungarian center is holding due to AT gun fire and infantry small arms fire. Portuguese reorganize and attack with Cavalry (Armored), Pioneer company and 1/1 Mechanized company for a 3 to 1 advantage. Two AT guns are revealed, as well as ATGMs and mech infantry. Portuguese lose two more M113s. Soviet artillery and Grad launchers bombard fording area Alpha, causing casualties at the M113s stationed there. Portuguese air force strafes Hungarian positions.

Portuguese M48A5 tanks have crossed the river and enter the battle. Hungarian line is faltering. One AML is knocked out by friendly fire from air. Portuguese riflemen attack from the south from the occupied (4) and slowly clear the dug in Hungarians defending the road. One Hungarian AT gun is left to stem the tide, all other heavy AT weaponry is knocked out.

Further south, Portuguese deploy MILANs from Motorized 3/2 to overlook Melara. One of them knocks out the T55A that was spotted. Mot 1 /2 moves towards the town from the north and they spot one more dug in T55. Air strikes at Melara destroy two mortar carriers. M48s, with the aid of A7 air strikes, knock out the T55 guarding the northern entrance of Melara. One platoon of Mot 1 /2 advances east to cut off the road that connects Melara to the east (5).

Finally, more companies cross the river. Mechanized 2/1 and Motorized 2/2 cross to aid the leading companies. That is not without any incidents, as Artillery and rocket strikes cause light damage to the follow up company (Mech 2/1).
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Old March 23rd, 2022, 04:27 PM
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Default Re: Scenario 516-Not what we wanted

Turns 21-30

The mauled Motorized 1/1 takes positions opposite of east Orsiglia and Motorized 2/1 resumes the attack. They push through the northern bridge with an infantry platoon and 2 tanks. The remaining engineer platoon is eliminated by the two surviving tanks of 1/1 and the tank HQ element+ two rifle squads, aided by MG fire from Boschina island which means that the western side of Orsiglia are captured. The tanks of Mot 2/1 destroy an MG nest that caused heavy losses to a Lagunari squad crossing the river. Next in line comes a bunker that is also destroyed by the M48 tanks. Soviet heavy artillery fire falls onto the western part of Ostiglia. Mot 2/1 attack continues with the tanks performing a mini Thunder Run across the northern bridge, suppressing any known MG or AGL positions. Behind them, infantry follows. However, while thet anks of Mot 2/1 reach the eastern side of the bridge, the following infantry is badly hit by intense artillery fire that hit the bridge and is separated from the tanks.

Lagunari push towards old Ostiglia from the south, eliminating MGs and mech inf squads, while an artillery barrage destroys one BMP.

To the middle, mech 1/1 ATGMs destroy an APC near Corregioli. Soviet air craft attack the company’s infantry, but they cannot prevent the capture of Via Santa Croce road by Mech 1/1. That gives Mech 2/1 the chance to assault Corregioli. Soviet heavy artillery fire knocks out one tank. One T55 tank platoon is spotted at (1) and Mech 1/1 ATGMs engage it. Cavalry (armored) moves forward but receives heavy fire from the T55 platoon and has to halt after losing two vehicles. As a result, a fight erupts between Cavalry AFVs, Mech 1/1 tanks and the defending T55 platoon. In the end, 2 T55s are lost 1 V150 armored car and a M48 tank. Another M48 is destroyed by air strikes, although AAA fire shoots down 3 aircraft. The last T55 is destroyed by ATGM fire from Mech 1/1. Both Cavalry squadrons attempt to push through the gap between Correglioli and Ostiglia (2). Mech 2/1 advances towards Correglioli, but Hind helicopters that appeared a few minutes ago destroy an APC and make them halt again. Mech 2/1 does get payback when ATGM fire shoots down a Hind helicopter and force 2 more to leave the battlefield. By turn 30, the western most outskirts of Correglioli are captured by Mech 2/1. Heavy infantry fighting in the town erupt as the leading elements of 2/1 clash with a defending Hungarian mechanized platoon.

In the south, Motorized 2/2 pushes towards Melara, while Motorizes 1 /2 secures the perimeter around the town. Tanks move through the streets, while infantry flanks them by moving through the buildings. One dug in T55 opens fire and destroys one M48, but it is knocked out by the other M48s. One other T55 that is spotted by infantry is knocked out by LAW fire. As 2/2 pushes deeper to Melara, reserve infantry platoons are spotted and engaged by riflemen and M48s. In addition to that, the MILAN launchers from the other side of the Po River support the assault and they knock out two BTRs. 2/2 slowly inches forward, destroying APCs, bunkers and infantry. Assault is slow moving, but effective. One more tank duel further in and one more M48 is destroyed.
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Old March 23rd, 2022, 04:48 PM
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Default Re: Scenario 516-Not what we wanted

Yay, did not expect my scenario to be played <3
Particularly because its reeeeally big.

I hope you will get a win right there :3
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Old March 23rd, 2022, 05:15 PM
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Default Re: Scenario 516-Not what we wanted

Originally Posted by SaS TrooP View Post
Yay, did not expect my scenario to be played <3
Particularly because its reeeeally big.

I hope you will get a win right there :3
Big scenarios are fun. Although I have to admit it takes quite some time to keep track of every unit and then putting everything correctly into the map.

Well, hope so. So far, everything goes great. Which is disturbing
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Old March 23rd, 2022, 05:43 PM
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Default Re: Scenario 516-Not what we wanted

Disturbing, you say? :3
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Old March 23rd, 2022, 05:56 PM
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Default Re: Scenario 516-Not what we wanted

Originally Posted by Aeraaa View Post

Well, hope so. So far, everything goes great. Which is disturbing

"disturbing" as in.......?

"If your attack is going too well, you're probably walking into an ambush."*

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?

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Old March 23rd, 2022, 06:30 PM
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Default Re: Scenario 516-Not what we wanted

Yeah, exactly that.
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Old March 23rd, 2022, 07:40 PM
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Default Re: Scenario 516-Not what we wanted

Turn 31-30

Things were going great up until now. Starting from turn 31, situation became much less rosy. First, my leading tanks of Motorized 2/1 are ambushed by a hidden engineer squad, which resulted in two M48s destroyed. Lagunari try to push from the south, but the resistance there is fierce, and the tanks of Mot 1/1 that pushed through the southern bridge are hit by Soviet mechanized infantry with one tank lost to RPG fire. But the worst is not that.

The worst came when my aircraft doing air strikes in eastern Orsiglia spotted the equivalent of a tank battalion+ BTR company moving inside the town from the east. At least a company of T72AVs, 1 company of T62Ds and the BTR company push towards my forces. That is definitely a force that the forces of mine that crossed the bridge cannot fight and I have to fall back.In addition to that, I decide to erect a defensive line composed of the tanks of Mech battalion that are not committed to the attack at Correglioli, Cavalry mechanized and armored, as well as any ATGMs I can spare. The defensive line is at (1).

Thanks to this new force, Soviets retake eastern side of the bridges, knocking out the HQ element of 1st tank company supporting Motorized 1/1. However, one T62 is lost from tank fire and one T72 from Milan fire from across the river. Half of T62D company pushes south, destroying a M113 TOW tank destroyer of mine. When they push further, they lose 2 T62s and 4 BTRs from MILANs and close range infantry LAWs and they stop. The other half tries to push through the southern bridge, but my M48s from across the bridge damage one T62D. ATGM fire is less effective vs. T62Ds because of the APS they carry.

Soviet T72 tanks try to push across the northern bridge, but they are halted by tank and ATGM fire. Artillery fire destroys the bridge and sends one T72 into the river. 4 tanks are stranded at the bridge and they are destroyed by M48 fire from close range as well as rifle squad close assaults. That does come at a price though, as 3 M48s are destroyed, with a fourth one heavily damaged and combat ineffective. Mortar fire causes casualties to Soviet MGs and Strela teams.
Lagunari infantry halts the advance of Soviet infantry but suffers heavy losses. Lagunari MGs also cut down any Soviet riflemen trying to cross the southern bridge. Eventually, Soviet armor pushes towards the south bridge, but tank fire and ATGMs cause losses and artillery destroys that bridge as well. By turn 40, things have come to a stalemate. Both sides are at opposite sides of the river, while Portuguese artillery, mortars and air strikes cause significant losses to Soviet infantry and vehicles.

Meanwhile, Mech 2/1 pushes inside Corregiogli, engaging and destroying a mech inf platoon. The sole remaining Hind helicopter makes the advance slower than usual. When they push more, they encounter one more mech inf platoon. Tanks and dismounts engage them. In total 2 out of 4 objectives inside Corregiogli are captured by turn 40.

Motorized 2 battalion also pushes inside Melara, with two out of its 3 companies. BTRs and reserve infantry squads are spotted and eliminated. One dug in T55 fires at a M48 but does not penetrate, and the T55 is destroyed buy overwatching ATGMs from across the river. By turn 40, 4 out of 5 objectives captured in Melara, as a tank duel leaves one M48 and the last T55A destroyed.

Thus, the Soviet counterattack is halted by Portuguese artillery blowing up the bridges and any visible target shelled by mortars and artillery and attacked by tank fire and ATGMs. I do plan to resume the attack, however, with the M48 armor and the reserve mechanized company remaining (3/1). That being said, I doubt I have the time to capture he entirety of Orsiglia, so I just want to recapture at least one bridge. Finally, the methodical advance towards both Corregiogli and Melara bore fruit, both towns almost completely captured with relatively light losses.

Turns 41-50

Things start to get quieter as all parts of Corregiogli and Melara are captured.
A team of a mech ifn platoon of Mech 3/1 and 8 tanks advances towards Old Orsiglia from the south. They lose in total 3 tanks, but they do manage to knock out 2 BMPs and 3 tanks and recapture the eastern part of the southern bridge, aided by mortar strikes and the survivors of the LG. So, as the battle comes to a close, I do recapture the southern bridge, but everything else east of the Po river regarding Orsiglia remains in Soviet hands.
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