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Old March 26th, 2015, 09:57 AM

dmnt dmnt is offline
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Default Finnish OOB mod 8.0

The usual warning: This mod is not authorized and although a great deal of care was taken to make it not, it may wreck your scenarios and saved games. Especially all PBEM games.

Talk about bad timing...

Long post ahead!

I've pretty much Finnished with the changes, additions, improvements and fixes for the Finnish OOB 8.0. The updated OOB is attached to this post, I'll try and fix the pick list as well but as there is no documentation available I've had to make an educated guess on how the pick list works. I was also working on description texts but as I saw the 9.0 update is coming I decided to release this without pick lists, icons and descriptions.

Here's the full change list for units, weapons and formations (changes in cost not listed for units as calculator does that automatically for us anyway):


Units 5, 6: T-34 M41 & T-34 M42
Wpn1 HEAT Rds: 0 -> 5
Wpn1 HE Rds: 40 -> 35

Units had WW2 HEAT ammo available, although in small amounts. See gun changes.
(Source: jaegerplatoon website)

Unit 13: T-54-3 (T-54B)
Fire Control: 5 -> 3
Last Year Avail: 85 -> 71
Speed: 16 -> 17
Stabiliser: 2 -> 0
Vision: 20 -> 10

These were version T-54-3, not T-54B as previously assumed. Removed from service altogether in 1991, until that in close support role (see units 410, 411).
From 1972 on improbable that they would've been fielded (see additions).
Sources: http://panssarit.blogspot.fi/2012/09...-suomessa.html, Confirmed T-54-3, Model 1951: http://yhdistykset-akaa.fi/reservila...inaari2010.pdf

Unit 14: T-55AS
Last Year Avail: 92 -> 82

Ammunition upgrade in 1983 (presumed; Lot of friendly / nominally neutral countries got BM-8 in 1982-1984, exact year is unknown). See gun changes, additions for other weapon changes.

Unit 15: T-55MS
1st Month Avail: 2 -> 1
Fire Control: 20 -> 30
HEAT HF: 33 -> 20
HEAT HS: 11 -> 10
HEAT TF: 35 -> 23
HEAT TS: 16 -> 15
Steel HF: 28 -> 20
Steel HS: 9 -> 8
Steel TF: 33 -> 23
Steel TS: 16 -> 15
Weapon 1: 98 -> 142 (see weapon changes)

Ammunition upgrade in 1989: Mecar M1000 APFSDS. At the same time the Fire Control upgrade was to install a Bofors high-end ballistic computer, better than T-72 according to tankers. At FC: 30 the level matches Russian early 1980's levels and Swedish IKV 91, which used the same fire control system.
The armor upgrades were tested in a prototype but proved to be too heavy and cumbersome.

Unit 17: T-72M1S
Last Year Avail: 85 -> 86
Lift Cap: 13 -> 0
Vision: 30 -> 20

The night vision was really poor, FDF states that "active IR until 800 meters in good weather". The troops using this tank in simulation warfare always lost to modernized T-55MS. Vision 20 supposedly captures this better.
The ammunition for this unit was in use until Russia sold the more modern ammunition. It is uncertain whethre the currently specified ammunition was delivered at the same time as the tanks or if it was the older, 1968 round. Latter is used.

Unit 18: T-72M1S
1st Year Avail: 85 -> 87
Last Month Avail: 12 -> 6
Last Year Avail: 94 -> 107
Vision: 30 -> 20

The ammunition was accepted in 1987 and was the most modern ammunition in storage until the decommission of T-72M1S.

Unit 19: T-72M1S
Nation: 65 -> 0

Remove from OOB: no newer ammunition received from Russia.
Sources: http://yhdistykset-akaa.fi/reservilaiset/t-72.pdf (T-72 in Finland from 13.12.1984 to 28.12.2006)

Unit 21: Leopard 2A6S (Leopard 2A6FIN)
EW: 0 -> 4

Lacking smoke launchers from OOB. See also gun changes.
Ammunition upgrade: Finland bought in the end of 2006 new KE ammunition DM53A1 (DM53 upgraded to DM63 standard, for L44 and L55 guns).

Unit 23: Leopard 2A4S
1st Year Avail: 108 -> 107

See also gun changes.
Ammunition upgrade: Finland bought in the end of 2006 new KE ammunition DM53A1 (DM53 upgraded to DM63 standard, for L44 and L55 guns).

Unit 25: Leopard 2A5FIN (Leopard 2A5FIN)
Nation: 65 -> 0

No upgrade as 2A6s bought.

Unit 27: BMP-1 (BMP-1)
Graphic (Icon) ID: 1700 -> 3409
Last Year Avail: 91 -> 96

BMP-1 to BMP-1Ps upgrade was done between 1993 and 1996. In 1993 part of the BMP-1Ps vehicles were acquired from former DDR sources.
Delivered actually in 1982 but keeping 1981 for compatibility reasons.

Unit 28: BMP-1Ps (BMP-1)
1st Year Avail: 92 -> 93
Graphic (Icon) ID: 1703 -> 3409
Last Year Avail: 107 -> 103
Weapon 2: 64 -> 162
Wpn 2 Name: 7.62mm PKT CMG -> PstOhj 82
Wpn2 AP Rds: 0 -> 4
Wpn2 HE Rds: 120 -> 0
Weapon 3: 0 -> 64
Wpn3 HE Rds: 0 -> 120
Wpn 3 Name: -> 7.62mm PKT CMG

A Ps level upgrade: BMP-1Ps was able to fire AT-4/AT-5 missiles. AT-4/AT-5 removed completely from equipment in 2001 & 2003 (missiles expired).

Unit 29: BMP-1Ps
1st Year Avail: 94 -> 93
Last Year Avail: 104 -> 103

AT-4/AT-5 removed completely from equipment in 2003 (missiles expired).

Unit 31: BMP-2
Last Year Avail: 105 -> 101
Weapon 2: 166 -> 162
Wpn 2 Name: PstOhj 82M -> PstOhj 82

AT-4 version, available until missiles expired in 2001.

Unit 32: BMP-2
1st Year Avail: 105 -> 104
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 119

Modification to BMP-2MD ongoing, all upgraded in 2019.

Unit 33: BMP-2MD (BMP-2FIN)
1st Year Avail: 115 -> 116
Fire Control: 20 -> 25
HEAT HF: 9 -> 0
HEAT HR: 2 -> 0
HEAT HS: 8 -> 0
HEAT TF: 8 -> 0
HEAT Top: 1 -> 0
HEAT TR: 5 -> 0
HEAT TS: 6 -> 0
Range Finder: 12 -> 22
Steel HF: 6 -> 4
Steel HS: 5 -> 3
Steel TF: 5 -> 4
Steel TR: 3 -> 2
Steel TS: 4 -> 3
Vision: 40 -> 45

From 2016 on, new BMP-2MD that "takes it to CV90 levels in firing accuracy and night time capability." Includes 3rd gen TI systems but no armor upgrades (weight issue).

Unit 38: Bv 206 TOW
Weapon 1: 168 -> 169
Wpn 1 Name: Spike ER -> Spike MR

Spike ER limited to Coastal use, MR more common and practical in short shooting ranges inlands.

Unit 46: VK JuKo
Nation: 65 -> 0

VK JuKo was a prototype, never produced.

Unit 48: XA-180 PaSi
1st Month Avail: 8 -> 1
1st Year Avail: 84 -> 85
Last Year Avail: 85 -> 120
Weapon 1: 53 -> 0
Wpn1 HE Rds: 90 -> 0
Wpn 1 Name: 7.62 PKM AAMG ->

XA-180 came into service in Jan 1985 and was unarmed (UN variants had an AAMG). XA-180 is still in use and may be fielded without an AAMG.

Unit 49: XA-180 PaSi
1st Year Avail: 85 -> 91
Last Year Avail: 100 -> 120

NSVT AAMG versions came in 1991 when extra NSV AAMGs came from DDR stocks with T-72s. They were dedicated for vehicle protection then. (Name 12,7mm ITKK 96 NSV comes from the infantry use year)

Unit 52: XA-203 PaSi AT
Radio%: 90 -> 91
Speed: 31 -> 30
Swim Spd: 1 -> 0

Up-armored XA-203 (compared to XA-180/185) can not swim (and is a tiny bit slower) and XA-203 in AT role is rare.

Unit 54: AMV Patria APC
Fire Control: 5 -> 20
Range Finder: 8 -> 22
Stabiliser: 0 -> 5

The OWS platform is the same as in the AGL use.

Unit 64: KeS Team (Orak Team)

KeS (Kertasinko, Single use recoilless) is more appropriate a name than the warhead type (Orak).

Unit 66: Spike ER Team (Spike ER Team)
1st Year Avail: 108 -> 105

Spike ER was delivered early and training started early, already in 2005.

Unit 67: Apilas Team (Apilas Team)
Radio%: 80 -> 82
Speed: 4 -> 6

Apilas Team is the most common AT patrol for the era, so marked as common. Speed 4 is an understatement. Known as touhutorvi (activity bugle) it is known to be cumbersome to some extent but I don't think it's slower than other RPGs.

Last Year Avail: 120 -> 114

MBT-LAW moves to replace APILAS after 2015, not so much in ATGM replacement role.

Unit 71: AT-4 Team (AT-4 Team)
1st Year Avail: 82 -> 85
Last Year Avail: 102 -> 101

Unit 72: AT-4 Team (AT-4 Team)
Last Year Avail: 102 -> 101

AT-4 was accepted for use in 1985. Missiles expired in 2001.

Unit 73: AT-5A Team (AT-5 Team)
Last Year Avail: 102 -> 103

Unit 74: AT-5A Team (AT-5 Team)
Last Year Avail: 102 -> 103

AT-5A expired in 2003.

Unit 75: I-TOW Team (I-TOW Team)
Last Year Avail: 88 -> 90

I-TOW was trained from 1990 onwards.

Unit 95: 30mm AAG (30mm AAG)
Range Finder: 3 -> 8

Used the same range finder as Unit 101.

Unit 98: 35mm AAG Radar (35mm AAG Radar)
Fire Control: 100 -> 110
Last Year Avail: 91 -> 87

Fire Control 100 + 10 as in non-radar version. Modernized by 1988.

Unit 99: 35mm AAG Radar (35mm AAG Radar)
1st Year Avail: 92 -> 88
Fire Control: 100 -> 120

Improved targeting computers, Fire Control 100 + 20 as in non-radar version. Modernized by 2003.

Unit 103: 57mm AAG Radar (57mm AAG Radar)
Fire Control: 100 -> 105
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 100
Range Finder: 8 -> 6
Vision: 15 -> 10

Fire Control, Vision, RF as in Russian unit 420. (Same equipment)

Unit 118: Jaeger Section (Jaeger Section)
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 114

Unit 119: Jaeger Section (Jaeger Section)
Crew: 8 -> 7
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 114

Unit 120: Jaeger Section (Jaeger Section)
Crew: 8 -> 7
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 114

Unit 121: Jaeger Section (Jaeger Section)
Crew: 8 -> 7
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 115

Unit 122: Jaeger Section (Jaeger Section)
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 116
Weapon 2: 14 -> 13
Wpn 2 Name: 7.62 LMG 62 -> 7.62mm PKM LMG

2015 change of paradigm (allowing some overlapping for equipped reservists). See new units.

Unit 150: 35mm AAG Radar (35mm AAG Radar)
Fire Control: 110 -> 125

Modernized version, new FC computers, thermal imaging.

Unit 156: 105mm Field Gun (105mm Field Gun)
Last Year Avail: 100 -> 97

Removed from service in 1997.

Unit 159: 122mm Field Gun (122mm Field Gun)
Radio%: 90 -> 91

This type was storaged but never taken into war time equipment lists.

Unit 170: 152mm Field Gun (152mm Field Gun)
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 107

Scrapped along with T-72 and other soviet era abundant equipment.

Unit 172: 155mm Field Gun (155mm Field Gun)
Radio%: 90 -> 92

More common than others, main field gun for spearhead units.

Unit 201: ITA Tuuli (ITA Tuuli)
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 113
Lift Cap: 25 -> 125

Scrapped in 2013. Lift cap should enable gun transports etc.

Unit 205: Igla Team (Igla Team)
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 115

Replaced with Stinger.

Unit 207: Bolide Team (RBS-70 SAM)
1st Year Avail: 104 -> 109
Weapon 1: 137 -> 138
Wpn 1 Name: RBS-70 Mk 2 -> ItO 2005 Bolide

Infantry use from 2009 onwards (trained). Only Bolide missiles.

Unit 208: Strela-3 Team (Strela Team)
Nation: 65 -> 0

Never taken into use.

Unit 210: Bolide SAM (Bolide SAM)
Nation: 65 -> 0

Removed from OOB.

Unit 282: Scouts (Scouts)
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 116

Unit 283: Scouts (Scouts)
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 116

Unit 284: Scouts (Scouts)
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 116

Ski Scouts (Ski Scouts)
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 116

Ski Scouts (Ski Scouts)
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 116

66 KeS Orak replacement 66 KeS 12.

Unit 307: PzJaeger Sec (PzJaeger Sec)
Last Month Avail: 1 -> 12
Last Year Avail: 83 -> 82

Unit 308: PzJaeger Sec (PzJaeger Sec)
Last Month Avail: 1 -> 12
Last Year Avail: 83 -> 82

Overlapping 1/1983 with the new unit, presumably an error.

Unit 309: PzJaeger Sec (PzJaeger Sec)
Crew: 6 -> 8
Last Month Avail: 1 -> 12
Last Year Avail: 87 -> 86
Wpn4 HE Rds: 12 -> 16

Date fix, more troops (PzJaeger section is 8 men + BMP crew). Hand grenade amount fixed.

Unit 310: PzJaeger Sec (PzJaeger Sec)
Crew: 6 -> 8
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 114

More troops, change of paradigm in 2015.

Unit 311: PzJaeger Sec (PzJaeger Sec)
Crew: 6 -> 8
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 114
Weapon 4: 18 -> 121
Wpn4 AP Rds: 3 -> 0
Wpn4 HE Rds: 0 -> 16
Wpn 4 Name: Apilas -> Hand Grenade

More crew, duplicate unit changed to differing weaponry.

Unit 318: SP-ZU-23M (SP-ZU-23M)
Fire Control: 100 -> 107

Same Fire Control (99 radar + 8) as for SP-ZU-23M.

Unit 321: Itpsv 90 AA (Itpsv 91 AA)
Fire Control: 100 -> 120
Range Finder: 8 -> 22

Fire Control for radar adjustment. Name change and range finder (laser range finder) added.

Unit 322: Itpsv 2015 AA (Itpsv 2010 AA)
1st Year Avail: 110 -> 116
HEAT HF: 0 -> 71
HEAT HR: 0 -> 15
HEAT HS: 0 -> 33
HEAT TF: 0 -> 6
HEAT Top: 0 -> 2
HEAT TR: 0 -> 2
HEAT TS: 0 -> 2
Load Cost: 41 -> 44
Range Finder: 12 -> 22
Steel HF: 19 -> 60
Steel HR: 5 -> 6
Steel HS: 8 -> 13
Survivability: 3 -> 5

ItPsv upgrade to Leopard 2A4 hull.

Unit 323: SP-ZU-23M2
Fire Control: 110 -> 115

Fire Control unification with non-SP version.

Unit 334: Nasu SP-Mortar
Wpn1 HE Rds: 40 -> 25

Stowage: 25 rounds.

Unit 335: XA361 AMV AMOS
Wpn1 AP Rds: 20 -> 8
Wpn1 HE Rds: 70 -> 16
Wpn2 AP Rds: 20 -> 8
Wpn2 HE Rds: 70 -> 16

24 rounds within the vehicle.

Unit 336: XA361 AMV STRIX
Wpn1 AP Rds: 10 -> 8
Wpn1 HE Rds: 35 -> 16
Wpn2 AP Rds: 10 -> 8
Wpn2 HE Rds: 35 -> 16

Unit 348: XA361 AMV AMOS
Wpn1 AP Rds: 20 -> 8
Wpn1 HE Rds: 70 -> 16
Wpn2 AP Rds: 20 -> 8
Wpn2 HE Rds: 70 -> 16

Unit 349: NASAMS II
Vision: 0 -> 40

Equipped with thermal imaging.

Unit 351: ITO05 Unimog
EW: 6 -> 7
Fire Control: 105 -> 125
Range Finder: 0 -> 22
Weapon 2: 0 -> 138
Wpn 2 Name: -> ItO 2005 Bolide
Wpn2 HE Rds: 0 -> 4

EW slightly underrated for a modern missile. LRF missing and Fire Control values quite low. The system consists of a vehicle mounted firing system (8 missiles) and an infantry system (4 missiles), which I chose to represent as two separate weapons in the system. Another option would be to include a Inf-SAM unit and add carry capability.

Unit 352: Bandvagn Bolide (Bandvagn RBS-70)
1st Year Avail: 104 -> 107
Range Finder: 0 -> 14
Weapon 1: 137 -> 138
Wpn 1 Name: RBS-70 Mk 2 -> ItO 2005 Bolide

Bolide missile came to infantry use in 2007, before this only in Unimogs. Range finder as in infantry use and RBS-70 Mk 2 is not used or owned by FDF, but capability to use (with current launcher tubes) exists.

Unit 354: T-54-3 KMT-5
Fire Control: 5 -> 3
Speed: 16 -> 17
Stabiliser: 2 -> 0
Vision: 20 -> 10

T-54-3, not T-54B. See Unit #13.

Unit 355: T-55A KMT-5
Weapon 1: 97 -> 98
Wpn 1 Name: 100mm D10TG 60 -> 100mm D10TG 79

Ammunition upgrade missing.

Unit 356: T-55M KMT-6
1st Month Avail: 2 -> 1
1st Year Avail: 88 -> 89
Fire Control: 20 -> 30
HEAT HF: 48 -> 40
HEAT HS: 11 -> 10
HEAT TF: 35 -> 23
HEAT TS: 16 -> 15
Speed: 17 -> 16
Steel HF: 29 -> 20
Steel HS: 9 -> 8
Steel TF: 33 -> 23
Steel TS: 16 -> 15
Weapon 1: 98 -> 142
Wpn 1 Name: 100mm D10TG 79 -> 100mm D10TG B89

Changes as in T-55MS. Ammo available from 1989 on.

Unit 357: T-72M1 KMT-6 M2
Last Month Avail: 12 -> 6
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 107

T-72M1 scrapped including mine plowers. Before the FDF said that all T-72s and T-55s except for mine plowers/rollers will be scrapped, but only T-55 versions kept.

Unit 361: T-55M/BTU Dozer
1st Year Avail: 88 -> 89
Fire Control: 20 -> 30
Weapon 1: 98 -> 142
Wpn 1 Name: 100mm D10TG 79 -> 100mm D10TG B89

Changes as in T-55MS. Ammo available from 1989 on.
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Old March 26th, 2015, 09:57 AM

dmnt dmnt is offline
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Default Re: Finnis OOB mod 8.0

(post too long, part 2/2)

Unit 385: 75mm AT-Gun
Weapon 1: 88 -> 176
Wpn 1 Name: 75mm L48 Gun -> 75mm L46 Gun

Unit 386: 75mm AT-Gun
Weapon 1: 88 -> 176
Wpn 1 Name: 75mm L48 Gun -> 75mm L46 Gun

Incorrect gun (L48 is a tank gun). See gun changes.

Unit 391: Musti 95mm RCL
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 107
Range Finder: 2 -> 22

Range finders available sine 1990's ammunition upgrade (anti-ERA) to improve first round hit probabilities.

Unit 400: CV9030S
Class: APC (Track) -> Heavy MRV APC
Class ID: 25 -> 220
HEAT HF: 12 -> 16
HEAT HR: 4 -> 5
HEAT HS: 10 -> 11
HEAT TF: 12 -> 16
HEAT Top: 2 -> 3
HEAT TR: 4 -> 5
HEAT TS: 8 -> 12
Steel HF: 12 -> 14
Steel HR: 4 -> 5
Steel HS: 6 -> 7
Steel TF: 12 -> 14
Steel Top: 2 -> 3
Steel TR: 4 -> 5
Steel TS: 8 -> 10

Finnish CV9030 is in par to Swedish CV9040B and even a bit heavier although the gun is lighter. The armor is therefore bumped up. Also the CV9040B and above are mine-resistant, designed to protect the crew up to 10 kg (22 lbs) AT mines.
Unit 410: T-54s PsvP
Fire Control: 20 -> 3
Range Finder: 22 -> 6
Speed: 16 -> 17
Stabiliser: 2 -> 0
Vision: 20 -> 10
Weapon 1: 97 -> 98
Wpn 1 Name: 100mm D10TG 60 -> 100mm D10TG 79

T-54-3, not T-54B. Also newer ammunition in use at this point.

Unit 411: T-54s PsvP
Fire Control: 20 -> 3
Last Year Avail: 103 -> 90
Range Finder: 22 -> 6
Speed: 16 -> 17
Stabiliser: 2 -> 0
Vision: 20 -> 10
Weapon 1: 98 -> 142
Wpn 1 Name: 100mm D10TG 79 -> 100mm D10TG B89

T-54-3, not T-54B. Also ammunition upgrade enabled at this point.

Unit 424: Coast Jaegers
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 114

Apilas being replaced by NLAW gradually, Coast and Guard Jaegers are early adopters.

Unit 473: Sissi Section
First Year Avail: 79 -> 83
Unit 474: Sissi Section
First Year Avail: 83 -> 79

Units 473, 474: exchange years so Kylkimiina 81 is in use for the 1983-1987 unit and satchel charge for 1979-1987.

Unit 478: Sissi Patrol
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 116

Unit 510: 75mm Inf-Gun
Weapon 1: 88 -> 176
Wpn 1 Name: 75mm L48 Gun -> 75mm L46 Gun

L46 is the correct gun.

Unit 551: 122 RAKH 89
Last Year Avail: 115 -> 120

Unit 556: RAKH 89 Platoon
Last Year Avail: 115 -> 120

RAKH 89 still in use.

Unit 557: MLRS Platoon
1st Year Avail: 111 -> 116

Unit 558: MLRS MSL Plt
1st Year Avail: 115 -> 116

An educated guess for when these beasts are taken into use.

Vision: 0 -> 40

As in SP-SAM, equipped with TI.

Unit 560: SA-3 Pechora (SA-3 Pechora)
Last Year Avail: 109 -> 95

More or less replaced with Crotale and BUK. Storaged in 1995.

Unit 581: 75mm Coast Gun (75mm Coast Gun)
Weapon 1: 88 -> 176
Wpn 1 Name: 75mm L48 Gun -> 75mm L46 Gun

L46 is the correct gun, L48 is the tank gun.

Unit 586: 152mm Coast Gun (152mm Coast Gun)
Last Year Avail: 64 -> 91

Removed in 1991 (X3 radiocode, so human use only)

Unit 590: 100mm Turret (100mm Turret)
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 91
Wpn 1 Name: 100 50 TK Gun -> 100 56 TK Gun

Modernized in late 80's/early 90's to either 591 or 592, using D-10T gun. No SABOT ammo.

Unit 591: 100mm Turret +
Fire Control: 15 -> 30
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 112
Range Finder: 14 -> 22

Removed from service in 2012. Fire control was the same as in T-55s.

Unit 592: 100mm Turret IR (100mm Turret IR)
Fire Control: 15 -> 30
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 112
Range Finder: 14 -> 22
Wpn1 AP Rds: 40 -> 0
Wpn1 HEAT Rds: 0 -> 40

Removed from service in 2012. Fire control was the same as in T-55s.

Unit 593: 130mm Turret (130mm Turret)
1st Month Avail: 1 -> 6
1st Year Avail: 92 -> 84
Fire Control: 40 -> 30

Installed from 1984 on. Sources: http://www.rannikonpuolustaja.fi/archive/1995_1.pdf p. 4

Unit 594: 152mm Turret (152mm Turret)
Size: 1 -> 2
Wpn1 HEAT Rds: 60 -> 40
Wpn1 HE Rds: 60 -> 40

A bit larger turret, also rounds were rather large so limited the number of rounds a bit.

Unit 654: Coast Jaegers (Coast Jaegers)
Last Year Avail: 120 -> 114

2015 paradigm change. See additions.


I list only units added (and maybe gun change or a single changed value) and the reason for adding them (or what's different compared to other versions in the OOB)

Unit 12: T-54-3
Wpn 1 Name: 100mm D10TG 60
Ammunition upgrade for T-54-3 D10TG.

Unit 16: T-55AS
Wpn 1 Name: 100mm D10TG 79
Ammunition upgrade before 1989 modification.

Unit 20: Leopard 2A4S
Last Month Avail: 12
Last Year Avail: 120
Wpn 1 Name: 120mm L44 WG87
L44 WG87 is still storaged and could be fielded. Also HE, HEAT ammunition available.

Unit 34: BMP-1
BMP-1 without missiles or Ps missile upgrade but with VIRSS.

Unit 39: BMP-1Ps(-)
BMP-1Ps after missiles expired.

Unit 44: BMP-2
Wpn 2 Name: PstOhj 82M
BMP-2 AT-5 variant (see Unit 31, with AT-4).

Unit 45: BMP-2
Wpn 2 Name: PstOhj 82M
As Unit 44 (see Unit 30, with AT-4), but before VIRSS installation.

Unit 53: XA-180 PaSi AT
Wpn 1 Name: PstOhj 82
XA-180 PaSi AT, as listed in SIPRI, AT-4 missiles were bought for XA-180 installation and the weapon was taken into use in 1985.

Unit 56: Miniman Team
Weapon 1: 83
Wpn1 HEAT Rds: 6
Wpn 1 Name: 74 KES 68

Swedish Miniman - or 74 KeS 68 - recoilless was replaced soon by M72LAW, 66 KeS 75/88. However it was in reserves for a while.

Unit 57: TOW-2A Team
Wpn 1 Name: PstOhj 83MA

Unit 58: TOW-2 Team
Wpn 1 Name: PstOhj 83M

Unit 62: I-TOW Team
Wpn 1 Name: PstOhj 83

TOW teams lacked some missiles and some missile names were inconsistent (see Weapons).

Unit 65: Apilas Team
Range Finder: 22

An APILAS team with LRF.

Unit 202: IA-202 SAH 2200

Border Guard Hovercraft.

Unit 211: Strela-2M Team
Wpn 1 Name: ItOhj 78 Strela

Missing from Inf-SAM units.

Unit 212: Stinger Team
Wpn 1 Name: ItO 15 Stinger

New unit.

Unit 264: 12cm Mortars CM

New unit for CM mortars. With AP ammo.

Unit 285: Scouts
Wpn 3 Name: 66 KES 12

New unit for M72LAW upgrade.

Unit 286: Scouts
Wpn 3 Name: 66 KES 12

Unit 295: Ski Scouts
Wpn 3 Name: 66 KES 12

Unit 296: Ski Scouts
Wpn 3 Name: 66 KES 12

M72 LAW upgrade units.

Unit 312: PzJaeger Sec
Wpn 4 Name: 102 RLPstO NLAW

PzJaeger upgrade, NLAW equipped.

Unit 313: PzJaeger Sec
Wpn 3 Name: 66 KES 12
Wpn 4 Name: 102 RLPstO NLAW

PzJaeger upgrade, with NLAW + new M72LAW.

Unit 314: PzJaeger Sec
Wpn 3 Name: 66 KES 75/88
Wpn 4 Name: RSKES Apilas

New unit for slightly older tech (until 2020).

Unit 320: 7.62 AAMG Truck
Wpn 1 Name: M/09-31(4) ITKK

Post-WW2 AAMG truck.

Unit 330: 12.7mm NSV AAMG
Fire Control: 2
Range Finder: 2
Wpn 1 Name: 12.7 NSV ITKK96

1996 NSV with optics (FC, RF == 2)

Unit 331: 12.7mm NSV AAMG
Fire Control: 2
Range Finder: 2
Vision: 20
Wpn 1 Name: 12.7 NSV ITKK96

1996 NSV with optics and night vision gear.

Unit 332: M/32-33 AAMG
Wpn 1 Name: M/32-33 ITKK

Unit 333: Bv206 SP-Mortar
Wpn 1 Name: 81mm Krh 90

New in FDF since 2014. SPMortar with 81mm caliber.

Unit 337: XA361 AMV Dual
AMOS for dual use. X3 Radiocode for humans to use as a SP-Mortar that can go and fire direct fire as well if required to. (Should Assault gun version be removed?)

Unit 387: 75mm AT-Gun
Wpn 1 Name: 75mm L36 Gun

L36 AT-Gun.

Unit 392: Musti 95mm RCL
Wpn 1 Name: 95S 58-61M2 RCL

2003 ammunition upgrade (multi-charge AFAIK). Range finder, night vision gear.

Unit 393: 122mm impr ATG

122mm H 63 (D30) secondary use as an improvised AT Gun.

Unit 395: Bv 206 TOW
Wpn 1 Name: PstOhj 83MB
Unit 396: Bv 206 TOW
Wpn 1 Name: PstOhj 83MA
Unit 397: Bv 206 TOW
Wpn 1 Name: PstOhj 83M

Other missile types in addition to existing ones.

Unit 402: BMP-1(-)
Class: APC
Unit 403: BMP-1Ps(-)
Class: APC
Unit 404: BMP-2(-)
Class: APC
Unit 405: BMP-2(-)
Class: APC

Non-missile versions for second PzJaeger Co configuration (missiles taken with the infantry when dismounting)

Unit 412: T-54s PsvP
Wpn 1 Name: 100mm D10TG B89

Ammo upgraded Close Support tank.

Unit 426: Coast Jaegers
Wpn 1 Name: 7.62 RK 95
Wpn 2 Name: 7.62mm PKM LMG
Wpn 3 Name: 102 RLPstO NLAW

Heavily equipped Coastal Jaegers, 2012->

Unit 431: Coast Engineers
Wpn 1 Name: 7.62 RK 95
Wpn 4 Name: 66 KES 12

Upgarded Coastal Engineers, 2015->

Unit 469: Sissi Patrol
Unit 475: Sissi Patrol
2015 upgrade (KES 12)

Unit 511: 75mm Inf-Gun
Class: Pack Howitzer
Wpn 1 Name: 75mm L36 Gun

L36 for infantry gun use.

Unit 587: 234mm Coast Gun
Unit 588: 254mm Coast Gun
Unit 595: 305mm Turret
Unit 599: 305mm x2 Turret

Heavy coastal guns for scenarios.

Unit 600: NH 90 TTH
Wpn 1 Name: 7.62mm M134 Gat
Wpn 2 Name: 7.62mm M134 Gat

M134 Gatling equipped (2014 ->)

Unit 601: NH 90 TTH

Unarmed NH 90 (2009 ->)

Unit 602: Agusta AB 206
Unit 603: AS-332L1 S.Puma
Unit 604: Bell 412
Unit 605: DO-228 Dornier
Unit 606: DO-228 Dornier
Unit 607: Agusta 119AW

Coastal guard helicopters and planes.

Unit 610: RG-32M Scout
Class: Light MRV APC
Wpn 1 Name: 7.62mm PKM LMG

Unit 611: RG-32M Scout
Wpn 1 Name: .50 M2HB QCB MG

Unit 612: RG-32M Scout
Wpn 1 Name: 40mm KrKK 2005

Unit 613: Mercedes G300
Class: Utility Vehicle

Armored patrol cars.

Unit 615: Jaeger Section
Wpn 1 Name: 7.62 RK 95-op
Wpn 2 Name: 7.62(2) PKM LMG
Wpn 3 Name: 66 KES 12
Wpn 4 Name: 8.6mm Tkiv 2000

CV Jaegers, 2015 paradigm: 2 x LMG, 2 x APILAS/NLAW, 2 x M72 LAW, 1 x Marksman in each section of 9 persons (split into 6 + 3 in OOB: AT patrol of 3 and section of 6)

Unit 616: Jaeger Section
Wpn 4 Name: Sniper Rifle 85

Otherwise same as above.

Unit 617: Jaeger Section
Class: Heavy Ski Troops
Wpn 4 Name: Sniper Rifle 85

Like 615 but regular Jaegers.

Unit 618: Jaeger Section
Wpn 1 Name: 7.62 RK 62
Wpn 2 Name: 7.62(2) LMG 62

And a bit lower level of equipment.

Unit 619: Jaeger Section
Wpn 1 Name: 7.62 RK 62-op
Wpn 2 Name: 7.62(2) PKM LMG
Wpn 4 Name: 8.6mm Tkiv 2000

With better equipment.

Unit 620: MBT-LAW Team
Class: Ski Inf-AT
Wpn 1 Name: 102 RLPstO NLAW
Wpn 2 Name: 66 KES 12

Ski Inf-AT 2015->. Apilas being replaced with NLAW.

Unit 621: Coast Jaegers
Lightly equipped Coastal Jaegers (RK62, LMG 62, Sniper Rifle 85, grenades) 2015->

Unit 622: Coast Jaegers
A bit heavier version (RK95, PKM, Tkiv 2000, grenades)

Unit 623: Coast Jaegers
Heavier (RK95, PKM, GL, Sniper Rifle 2000)

Unit 625: Spec Jaeger Sec
Wpn 1 Name: FN SCAR
Wpn 2 Name: FN Minimi LMG
Wpn 3 Name: 66 KES 12
Wpn 4 Name: 8.6mm Tkiv 2000

Special Jaegers equipment update.

Unit 629: Polaris 500 6x6
Class: Scout Vehicle

Guards scout / transport vehicle

Units 630-637: Guard Jg Sec
Class: Medium Guards Squad

Guard Jaegers. Early adopters of new tech. Since early 2000's trained and equipped with RK95-op.

Unit 640: Paratrooper Sec
NLAW equipment.

Unit 641: Paratrooper Sec
66 KES 12 added

Unit 656: Paratrooper Sec
RK95-op + TI, 66 KES 12 version.

Unit 657: Jaeger Section
TI version of CV Jaegers 2015->. NLAW + KES 12

Unit 658: Infantry Sec
TI equipped version of Infantry unit.

Unit 659: Coast Jaegers
TI version with high end goodies (95-op, PKM, GL, Sniper Rifle 2000)

Unit 660: Coast Jaegers
Like above, older rifle.

Unit 689: 12cm Mortar CM
120mm mortar with CM.

Unit 700-702: PzJaeger Sq

For PzJaeger Co type B, where ATGM is detached from the vehicle and travels with infantry on dismount.

Unit 703-707: PzJg AT-3/4/5 Tm

For PzJaeger Co type B, ATGM units.

Unit 715-716: BMP-1
For PzJaeger Co, missile BMP-1 version for ATGM AT-3, for "what if" scenarios as Finland possessed them but didn't take them into use as they were already old technology in the 1980's. Radio code X3.

Unit 730-735: SpecBrd Jaegars
Class: Paratroop Scouts

Border guard troops, specialized in long range reconnaissance and sabotage. Sissi troops with parachute and extended training.

Unit 740-742: Guards MP
Class: Heavy Guards Squad

Guard Jaeger non-conscript, professional soldier unit for fast response.

Unit 801-802: Jurmo
Class: LCG
Wpn 1 Name: .50 M2HB QCB MG / 40mm KrKK 2005

Coastal Jaegers current landing craft.

Unit 803-804: Hameenmaa
Class: Patrol Boat

For scenario use.

Unit 805-806: Uisko
Wpn 1 Name: .50 M2HB QCB MG / 40mm KrKK 2005

Coastal Jaegers next landing craft, entering service in 2016.

Weapons (stats order as in CSV file, name changes marked with ->)

18: Apilas -> RSKES Apilas
19: 66 KES 12 66 KES 12,2,0,4,2,4,222,0,5,4,0,0,45
20: 66 KeS Orak -> 66 KES 75/88
23: MP5A4 SMG -> MP5 9.00 KP2000
31: 120mm STRIX: +2 HE kill for MRSI salvages (~ VT effect)
33: 120mm AMOS: +2 HE kill for MRSI salvages
51: 20mm M/40 VKT -> 20mm(2) M/40VKT
52: 12.7 NSVT AAMG -> 12.7 NSV ITKK96
55: 7.62 AAMG 31-40 -> 7.62(2) ITKK 31: +2 HE kill for twin barrel
60: Add improved ammo: 95S 58-61M2 RCL,22,0,5,2,9,222,0,10,21,0,0,55
69: 12.7mm NSV TMG -> 12.7 NSV ITKK-T
83: Add Swedish Miniman: 74 KES 68,2,0,4,2,5,222,0,3,3,0,0,34
87: Add 40mm Bofors twin AAG: 40mm(2) Bof AAG,4,0,3,1,22,7,0,14,46,0,0,0
89: 77mm Gun wrong stats: 77mm Gun,6,0,4,2,5,13,0,12,70,80,22,0 (is actually 77mm HV, sabot pen -> 22, srange -> 80)
90: 76mm ZiS-3 Gun -> 76mm F-34 Gun,6,0,4,2,5,11,0,10,70,25,13,8 (ammo information from Jaegerplatoon website)
91: 100mm D10TG 55,6,0,5,3,11,18,0,14,90,0,0,28 (ammo BR-412B, too high pen 22 -> 18)
94: Add 75mm L36 Gun,6,0,4,2,5,7,0,12,70,80,9,9
96: 100 50 TK Gun -> 100 56 TK Gun,7,0,5,3,11,19,0,15,90,100,42,38 (HEAT, sabot range adjusted)
101: 125mm D81T 75 -> 125mm D81T 68,7,0,7,3,15,0,0,13,120,120,41,45 (Was older ammunition than 1972 (75) at that point)
102: 125mm D81T 86 -> 125mm D81T 72,7,0,7,3,15,0,0,13,120,120,43,45 (BM-15 delivered in 1987)
104: 122 H 63 (D30),7,0,7,3,15,0,0,10,205,0,0,46 (Advanced HEAT projectile, AP ammo)
117: 120mm 92 Mortar,3,0,5,2,19,7,21,3,190,12,0,0 (AP/CM ammo)
128: 130 50 TK Gun -> 130 53 TK Gun
138: RBS-70 Bolide -> ItO 2005 Bolide
141: Add ItO 15 Stinger,12,0,4,4,4,0,0,130,100,2,0,0
142: Add 100mm D10TG B89,6,0,5,3,11,22,0,14,90,100,42,38 (1989 Belgian Mecar M1000)
145: Add 66 KeS 12 RAK,2,0,6,12,9,0,0,5,4,0,0,0
147: Add 7.62(2) PKM LMG,2,0,1,0,9,0,0,22,12,0,0,0
148: Add FN SCAR,1,0,1,0,3,0,0,6,8,0,0,0
149: Add FN Minimi LMG,2,0,1,0,6,0,0,21,10,0,0,0
152: Add 7.62(2) LMG 62,2,0,1,0,13,0,0,15,12,0,0,0
153: Add Kylkimiina -> Kylkimiina 81,2,0,10,9,6,222,0,12,1,0,0,15 (HEAT pen reduced a bit, 150mm)
155: Add Kylkimiina 87,2,0,8,2,4,222,0,12,1,0,0,6 (Smaller side mine)
161: Add PstOhj 81,13,0,5,0,0,222,0,60,60,10,0,46 (Malyutka / AT-3)
163: BGM-71E TOW-2A -> PstOhj 83MA
164: PstOhj 83 -> PstOhj 83M
165: PstOhj 83M -> PstOhj 83MB
170: MBT LAW -> 102 RLPstO NLAW
175: 76mm L16 KT-28 -> 76mm L-10 M/27,6,0,4,2,5,6,0,6,60,0,0,8 (Incorrect gun @ T-28)
176: Add 75mm L46 Gun,6,0,4,2,5,13,0,11,70,50,17,9 (Missing, OOB was incorrectly using 75mm L48 instead)
211: 120mm L44 WG96 -> 120mm L44 WG06,7,0,7,3,15,0,0,13,120,125,88,60 (WG96 not in use in Finland, upgraded straight to 06 in L44)
212: 120mm L44 Fi07 -> 120mm L55 WG06,7,0,7,3,15,0,0,15,120,130,96,60 (L55 with DM53A1 in use for 2A6, not L44)
222: Add M/32-33 ITKK,4,0,1,0,5,0,0,24,30,0,0,0 (pre-NSV AAMG)
223: Add M/09-31(4) ITKK,4,0,1,0,9,0,0,24,30,0,0,0 (SP-AAMG)
228: 30mm Mk44 AC,19,0,2,1,15,12,0,28,80,130,13,0 (Adjusted sabot pen and range as in another thread)
230: Add 7.62mm M134 Gat,19,200,1,0,12,0,0,24,24,0,0,0 (for NH90)
231: 12.7mm (4) NSV,4,0,1,1,24,0,0,25,40,0,0,0 (for Hameenmaa)
232: ItO 04 Umkhonto,12,0,9,23,23,0,0,130,160,4,0,0 (for Hameenmaa)
235: 20 Pounder 52,6,0,5,2,7,20,0,17,80,80,30,0 (incorrect pen, 28 -> 30)
236: Add 234 50Be Gun,7,0,12,5,37,0,0,12,216,0,0,0 (Coastal turrets / guns)
237: Add 254/45-D Gun,7,0,13,6,41,0,0,11,218,0,0,0 (Coastal turrets / guns)
238: Add 305/52 O,7,0,16,7,51,40,0,13,216,0,0,0 (Coastal turrets / guns)


41: PzJaeger Co
42: PzJaeger Pl
104: Mech Support Pl
- Changed end date to 12/79 (was: 12/80) due to overlap with formations 43 and 44, start date 1/80.

43: PzJaeger Co
44: PzJaeger Pl
- End date to 12/109 (new formations added)

66: Jaeger Company
67: Jaeger Platoon
- End date to 12/114

108: CV Mortar Pl
- Start date to 1/105, CV9030 not available from 1/103 to 12/104

131: new Pz Jaeger Co
From 1/110 to 12/120
309,[PzJaeger Sec],26,[BTR-50PK],1188,Sniper Grp,1132,Pz Jaeger Pl,1132,Pz Jaeger Pl,1132,Pz Jaeger Pl,1132,Pz Jaeger Pl,1132,Pz Jaeger Pl,1107,Mech Mortar Pl
132: new PzJaeger Pl
From 1/110 to 12/120
306,[PzJaeger Sec],306,[PzJaeger Sec],306,[PzJaeger Sec],138,[Marksman],67,[Apilas Team],26,[BTR-50PK],26,[BTR-50PK],26,[BTR-50PK],26,[BTR-50PK]

191: SAM Battery
-End date to 12/95 as SA-3 Pechora goes away at that date.

198: new SAM Battery
From: 6/113 to 12/120

216: Coast Jaeger Co
220: Coast Jaeger Pl
- End date to 12/114

217: new Coast Jaeger Co
From 1/115 to 12/120
Exp/Morale +5/+5
420,[Coast Jaegers],1221,Coast Jaeger Pl,1221,Coast Jaeger Pl,1221,Coast Jaeger Pl,1142,Bn ATGM Platoon,1180,GL Section

221: new Coast Jaeger Pl
From 1/115 to 12/120
Exp/Morale +5/+5
420,[Coast Jaegers],420,[Coast Jaegers],420,[Coast Jaegers],67,[Apilas Team],67,[Apilas Team],67,[Apilas Team]

240: Infantry Gun Pl
241: Mot Inf Gun Pl
-Start date to 1/58

289: new Jaeger Company
From 1/115 to 12/120
118,[Jaeger Section],62,[I-TOW Team],1290,Jaeger Platoon,1290,Jaeger Platoon,1290,Jaeger Platoon,1188,Sniper Grp,1111,Mortar 2-Pl

290: new Jaeger Platoon
From 1/115 to 12/120
118,[Jaeger Section],118,[Jaeger Section],118,[Jaeger Section],67,[Apilas Team],67,[Apilas Team],67,[Apilas Team]

291: new Sniper Grp (Mt)
From 1/115 to 12/120
140,[Sniper],140,[Sniper],140,[Sniper],48,[XA-180 PaSi]

292: new MRV Jaeger Coy
From 1/115 to 12/120
118,[Jaeger Section],67,[Apilas Team],48,[XA-180 PaSi],1293,MRV Jaeger Pl,1293,MRV Jaeger Pl,1293,MRV Jaeger Pl,1291,Sniper Grp (Mt),1294,MRV Jg Suppt Pl

293: new MRV Jaeger Pl
From 1/115 to 12/120
118,[Jaeger Section],118,[Jaeger Section],118,[Jaeger Section],67,[Apilas Team],67,[Apilas Team],67,[Apilas Team],48,[XA-180 PaSi],48,[XA-180 PaSi],48,[XA-180 PaSi]

294: new MRV Jg Suppt Pl
118,[Jaeger Section],78,[Spike MR Team],67,[Apilas Team],207,[Bolide Team],83,[81mm 90 Mortars],48,[XA-180 PaSi],48,[XA-180 PaSi],48,[XA-180 PaSi]

295: RDF Jaeger Coy
296: RDF Jaeger Plt
- End date to 12/114

297: new RDF Jaeger Coy
From 1/115 to 12/120
Exp/Morale +10/+15
122,[Jaeger Section],54,[AMV Patria APC],1188,Sniper Grp,1298,RDF Jaeger Plt,1298,RDF Jaeger Plt,1298,RDF Jaeger Plt,1091,SP-Mortar Pl

298: new RDF Jaeger Pl
From 1/115 to 12/120
Exp/Morale +10/+15
122,[Jaeger Section],122,[Jaeger Section],122,[Jaeger Section],67,[Apilas Team],67,[Apilas Team],67,[Apilas Team],51,[XA-203 PaSi],51,[XA-203 PaSi],51,[XA-203 PaSi]

300: CV Jaeger Co
301: CV Jaeger Pl
- Start date to 1/105
- End date to 12/114
- Company structure to (so it fits the sniper groups in as well):
119,[Jaeger Section],67,[Apilas Team],400,[CV9030S],1304,CV Sniper Grp,1301,CV Jaeger Pl,1301,CV Jaeger Pl,1301,CV Jaeger Pl,1106,Bv Mortar Pl

302: Add CV Jaeger Co
From 1/115 to 12/120
119,[Jaeger Section],78,[Spike MR Team],400,[CV9030S],1304,CV Sniper Grp,1303,CV Jaeger Pl,1303,CV Jaeger Pl,1303,CV Jaeger Pl,1106,Bv Mortar Pl

303: Add CV Jaeger Pl
From 1/115 to 12/120
119,[Jaeger Section],119,[Jaeger Section],119,[Jaeger Section],67,[Apilas Team],67,[Apilas Team],67,[Apilas Team],400,[CV9030S],400,[CV9030S],400,[CV9030S]

304: Add CV Sniper Grp
From 1/105 to 12/120

312: Add 3 Scout MRVs
From 1/110 to 12/120
610,[RG-32M Scout],610,[RG-32M Scout],610,[RG-32M Scout]

328: Add Guard Jaeger Co
From 1/108 to 12/114
Exp/Morale +3/+3
630,[Guard Jg Sec],138,[Marksman],138,[Marksman],138,[Marksman],48,[XA-180 PaSi],1331,Guard Jaeger Pl,1331,Guard Jaeger Pl,1331,Guard Jaeger Pl,1336,Guard Jaeger SP

329: Add Guard Jaeger Co
From 1/105 to 12/107
Exp/Morale +3/+3
630,[Guard Jg Sec],138,[Marksman],138,[Marksman],138,[Marksman],48,[XA-180 PaSi],1331,Guard Jaeger Pl,1331,Guard Jaeger Pl,1331,Guard Jaeger Pl,1335,Guard Jaeger SP

330: Add Guard Jaeger Co
From 1/86 to 12/104
Exp/Morale +3/+3
630,[Guard Jg Sec],1188,Sniper Grp,48,[XA-180 PaSi],67,[Apilas Team],67,[Apilas Team],48,[XA-180 PaSi],1331,Guard Jaeger Pl,1331,Guard Jaeger Pl,1331,Guard Jaeger Pl,1334,Guard Jaeger SP

331: Add Guard Jaeger Pl
From 1/86 to 12/114
Exp/Morale +3/+3
630,[Guard Jg Sec],630,[Guard Jg Sec],630,[Guard Jg Sec],61,[55 S 55 Team],61,[55 S 55 Team],48,[XA-180 PaSi],48,[XA-180 PaSi],48,[XA-180 PaSi]

332: Add Guard Jaeger Co
From 1/115 to 12/120
Exp/Morale +3/+3
630,[Guard Jg Sec],1188,Sniper Grp,48,[XA-180 PaSi],67,[Apilas Team],67,[Apilas Team],48,[XA-180 PaSi],1333,Guard Jaeger Pl,1333,Guard Jaeger Pl,1333,Guard Jaeger Pl,1336,Guard Jaeger SP

333: Add Guard Jaeger Pl
From 1/115 to 12/120
Exp/Morale +3/+3
630,[Guard Jg Sec],630,[Guard Jg Sec],630,[Guard Jg Sec],67,[Apilas Team],67,[Apilas Team],67,[Apilas Team],48,[XA-180 PaSi],48,[XA-180 PaSi],48,[XA-180 PaSi]

334: Guard Jaeger SP
From 1/93 to 12/104
112,[30mm KrKK 93],48,[XA-180 PaSi]

335: Guard Jaeger SP
From 1/105 to 12/107
90,[40mm KrKK 05],90,[40mm KrKK 05],48,[XA-180 PaSi]

336: Guard Jaeger SP
From 1/108 to 12/120
90,[40mm KrKK 05],90,[40mm KrKK 05],629,[Polaris 500 6x6],629,[Polaris 500 6x6]

340: Add Guards MP
From 1/100 to 12/120
Exp/Morale +10/+10
740,[Guards MP],740,[Guards MP],613,[Mercedes G300],613,[Mercedes G300]

350: Add PzJaeger Co B
1/82 to 12/87
700,[PzJaeger Sq],703,[PzJg AT-3 Tm],402,[BMP-1(-)],1351,PzJaegar Pl B,1351,PzJaegar Pl B,1351,PzJaegar Pl B

351: Add PzJaeger Pl
1/82 to 12/87
700,[PzJaeger Sq],700,[PzJaeger Sq],700,[PzJaeger Sq],703,[PzJg AT-3 Tm],703,[PzJg AT-3 Tm],703,[PzJg AT-3 Tm],402,[BMP-1(-)],402,[BMP-1(-)],402,[BMP-1(-)]

352: Add PzJaeger Co B
1/88 to 12/103
700,[PzJaeger Sq],704,[PzJg AT-4 Tm],404,[BMP-2(-)],1353,PzJaegar Pl B,1353,PzJaegar Pl B,1353,PzJaegar Pl B

353: Add PzJaeger Pl
1/88 to 12/103
700,[PzJaeger Sq],700,[PzJaeger Sq],700,[PzJaeger Sq],704,[PzJg AT-4 Tm],704,[PzJg AT-4 Tm],704,[PzJg AT-4 Tm],404,[BMP-2(-)],404,[BMP-2(-)],404,[BMP-2(-)]

360: Add Sp Border Jg Pl
From 1/105 to 12/120
Exp/Morale +10/+15
730,[SpecBrd Jaegars],730,[SpecBrd Jaegars],730,[SpecBrd Jaegars],488,[Para Sniper]

400: 1 Hovercraft
-Start date to 3/93

401: Add Patrol Boat
From 1/92 to 12/120
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Old March 27th, 2015, 03:59 AM

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Default Re: Finnish OOB mod 8.0

Thanks. Btw, is this new OOB included into next version of WinSPMBT?
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Old March 27th, 2015, 03:33 PM
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Default Re: Finnish OOB mod 8.0

This is a private end-user mod, that is why it is in the mods forum, after all!.

So, no it is not part of any official release, and the usual caveats re third party mods apply.
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Old March 28th, 2015, 04:57 AM

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Default Re: Finnish OOB mod 8.0

Ok thanks about info. Looks good enough to be *almost* "official" OOB...
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Old March 29th, 2015, 08:29 AM

152H55 152H55 is offline
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Default Re: Finnish OOB mod 8.0

Some questions:
  • No leg engineer company?
  • BTR-50PUM-1 (a command vehicle) as a light APC?
  • Light 60mm Sissi mortars?
  • The reserve company formation is a bit strange. It exists for whole time range, only losing its HMGs in mid-90's. Should propably formed to portray a local (maakunta-) or territorial (alueelliset) companies; the latter with the new organization.
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Old March 30th, 2015, 04:36 AM

dmnt dmnt is offline
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Default Re: Finnish OOB mod 8.0

Originally Posted by 152H55 View Post
Some questions:
  • No leg engineer company?
  • BTR-50PUM-1 (a command vehicle) as a light APC?
  • Light 60mm Sissi mortars?
  • The reserve company formation is a bit strange. It exists for whole time range, only losing its HMGs in mid-90's. Should propably formed to portray a local (maakunta-) or territorial (alueelliset) companies; the latter with the new organization.
Yeah, it was in planning but since 9.0 is coming out I just dumped everything I already had. The good thing is that now as I have the change list tools (which I used to generate the awfully long post) I am able to make a "patch" or difference between OOBs and incorporate these changes either to 9.0 base or just take the changes from 8.0->9.0 and bake them in this new OOB.

Also I think we should replace the MRV Infantry (doesn't make sense: Jaegers use MRVs, Infantry uses trucks) with MRV Jaeger Co for the whole period and rename the MRV Infantry as Mot Infantry and have 2 trucks/platoon for them.

If you can chip in with the reserve companies I'd appreciate it a lot. Maybe some infantry with the aging stuff like 66 KeS 88 and KVKK light machine guns?
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Old March 30th, 2015, 06:52 AM

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Default Re: Finnish OOB mod 8.0

I'd be glad to help. One more addition, in the new 9-man squad the marksman seems to be armed with a RK with optics, not with a regular sniper rifle (Taistelijan käsikirja 2015).
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Old March 30th, 2015, 01:05 PM
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Default Re: Finnish OOB mod 8.0

Originally Posted by 152H55 View Post
I'd be glad to help. One more addition, in the new 9-man squad the marksman seems to be armed with a RK with optics, not with a regular sniper rifle (Taistelijan käsikirja 2015).
If you have the room in the weapons tab you can do what I did for the USMC OOB, add a "Marksman" rifle. Which is a less accurate and less range sniper rifle (I gave mine Acc=15, Rng=12).
Suhiir - Wargame Junkie

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Old March 31st, 2015, 03:05 AM

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Default Re: Finnish OOB mod 8.0

Originally Posted by 152H55 View Post
I'd be glad to help. One more addition, in the new 9-man squad the marksman seems to be armed with a RK with optics, not with a regular sniper rifle (Taistelijan käsikirja 2015).
Thanks! I have a plan of going to National Defence University library at some point to check the sources and references I have. On some stuff like that I had just assumed that the designated marksman will have Tkiv 85 rifle or such. If I'm correct then this is the case in Guard and Coastal Jaegars anyway.

Another thing I have on my list is the HK69A1 grenade launcher range / accuracy. In OOB the range is given as 350 m (7 hexes) but FDF gives max (effective) range of 150 m. Then on other weapons the max range against static targets (by FDF) is beyond the range in the OOB, for example in APILAS.
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