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Old July 27th, 2013, 11:31 PM
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BigDuke66 BigDuke66 is offline
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Question Decrease overlapping terrain - mod request

Is it possible to decrease the overlapping of terrain into neighboring hexes?
With the current graphic you usually don't see empty hexes between other terrains, just try it yourself and make two rows of soft sand for example with a clear between them the graphic overlaps so much that the clear terrain in the row between the sand rows isn't visible anymore.

Would it be possible to modify those terrain graphics?
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Old July 28th, 2013, 01:44 PM
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Cross Cross is offline
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Default Re: Decrease overlapping terrain - mod request

Personally, I don't see the need for this sort of mod, but if you wanted to make it, be aware that there's almost 100 different terrain types, and each type has somewhere around 50 icons (although perhaps only 20 of those may spread into other hexes) and each icon would have to be created in two zoom levels.

Perhaps about 4,000 icons would have to be artistically edited, and then each one individually loaded into shape files and positioned, which is a 12 step process for each icon! You are talking about many hundreds of hours of mind numbingly repetitive but precise work, and it could even go into thousands of hours if you are a slow artist.

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