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Old June 11th, 2012, 11:43 AM

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Default OOB 6.0 Norway CV90

CV90 combat vehicle stats seem to lack consistency.

Norwegian CV9030N was the same level as Swedish Strf9040A (not counting gun and turret differences). Later it was upgraded to CV9030FN1, to be equipped equally to the Finnish variant CV9030S.

"In September 2003, Land Systems Hagglunds received a contract from the Norwegian Army to upgrade 17 CV9030N vehicles to CV9030S configuration. The upgraded vehicles, called CV9030NF1, have an additional mine protection kit, new air-cooling system and rear view camera."


It looks to me that the CV9030N was assumed to be Mk II whereas it in reality was Mk I and the subsequent upgrade to be made (incorrectly) to Mk III level. Therefore the level changes should be pushed back slightly to match other European countries' equipment. The good news: all the other countries (Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Switzerland) stand in line.

obat 29 - Norway
Unit 020 CV9030
Rename to: CV9030N
Steel armour: 10/6/4/10/8/4/2
HEAT armour: 10/10/4/10/8/4/2
Stabiliser: 1

Unit 397 CV9030(+)
Rename to: CV9030FN1
Steel armour: 12/6/4/12/8/4/2
HEAT armour: 12/10/4/12/8/4/2
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Old June 11th, 2012, 02:54 PM
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Default Re: OOB 6.0 Norway CV90

CV90 is popular today... this is the comment I have received on it today.

On the list to investigate.

NOTE: If anyone has reliable data on main gun armament ammo loads for the various guns it carries in the various armies that use it this would help correct some ammo inconsistencies that have been previously noted

FURTHER: Here's what I have so far but it's not been confirmed

30mm variant - 400 30mm shells
40mm variant - 232 40mm shells

Best guess for the 35mm would be 315 or thereabouts


Last edited by DRG; June 11th, 2012 at 03:30 PM..
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Old June 11th, 2012, 04:09 PM

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Default Re: OOB 6.0 Norway CV90

More information about NOR = Mk I, SWE, FIN = Mk II, NL = Mk III:

It also boldly states that the upgraded version CV9030NF1 uses the Eryx missile launcher but I couldn't find any other reference or pics to confirm that so I doubt that piece of information..

Additionally I have to take back on "being in line." CV9035 is the Mk III and the Strf 9040C just Swedish upgraded version.


"The CV90-35 MkIII is a new-generation CV90 IFV, with improved firepower, protection, mobility and ergonomics plus an advanced electronics architecture."

"The Mk III also has a new armor package with increased protection against top-attack weapons and mines, and is fitted with Hagglunds’ defensive aids suite (DAS) with linked laser warner and smoke grenades. The main armament is also linked with the DAS to engage potential threats with effective counterfire."

I think CV9035s should be what CV9030(+)s are now plus a bit (survivability) more.
Steel: 14/10/4/2/14/10/4
HEAT: 18/18/4/18/14/4/2
Survivability: 6

Completely another issue to tackle is the relative firepower of the weapons. 30 mm < 35 mm < 40 mm in general, am I correct?
weapon  accuracy  hekill  appen  sabotpen
30mm       28       15     12       12
35mm       16       17      7       11
40mm*      24       16      -       20
* 40mm = Bofors AC, not Bushmaster

I find the 35mm Bushmaster out of the line there with accuracy, appen and sabotpen.
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Old June 11th, 2012, 04:42 PM

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Fallout Re: OOB 6.0 Norway CV90

Well this is going to be a pita, the Dutch use the BUSHMASTER III
35mm/50mm apparently with only minor adjustments that 35mm will fire 50mm rounds. As a side note the Swedes are putting the EVO Armor package on the STRV 122 and CV-90, will post up on that with the last of the news that's late (1 June was wishful thinking on that! ). Will see what I can find on ammo.

2. In discussing the Swedish version apparently as a part of it's armament it also carries a 71mm mortar. Export variants also were shipped with 30mm Bushmasters, so at least in the case of the Dutch they upgraded theirs at some point according to their MOD site.

3. But the best is saved for last, and it's never failed me. Everything you wanted to know about the CV-90, variants, dates and who has them, sorry no ammo numbers though because their are too many variants carry different weapons from straight up 30mm, 40mm, 30mm/40mm DPG and 35mm/50mm DPG. This backs up dmnts post. I see units being adding capable or, better, called upon to use the 40mm and 50mm capabilities of the DPG's.

This also illustrates the need to use multiple refs when submitting or talking about equipment in a specific manner, just take the Dutch issue at hand above as 1-3.

4. Alright Don I told a fib, this will help with the ammo issue, a little anyway. First the main site for the "Scan" guys out here and the rest as follows. The home site specializes in news affecting Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The rest show full specs, though you have watch a video or two along the way.

Some notes included suggust the NL & DK MK III versions carry third gen TI/GSR sites and that's best systems out there right now. We just put them on the BRADLEYS and M1A2 SEP V2 just recently ourselves as already posted.

I'll see what I can find from BAE I would think they would at least provide spec ammo numbers, but not today if someone else wants to post it themselves, FEEL FREE.

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Old June 11th, 2012, 09:45 PM

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Fallout Re: OOB 6.0 Norway CV90

No luck with BAE Land Systems, general commercial stuff. ATK was only a little better as it does tell the types of ammo the BUSHMASTERS can handle, especially useful with the dual purpose ones already discussed. Below is that info from ATK, just click on the one you want to see.
Well that was the easy way, so much for that!?!

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Old June 11th, 2012, 09:45 PM
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Default Re: OOB 6.0 Norway CV90

I will note this down and deal with it after the summer. Many times guns get the ratings they get for very good reasons very few of which I bother to Catalog, if I spent the time doing that so I could answer questions like this we'd be still be working on version 2 and I'd be spending hours looking through notes.

It's all very well to say you think the 35mm is out of line base on the specs for the 30mm and 40mm but there is more to accuracy, appen and sabotpen than just "it's between 30mm and 40mm "

Pat, thanks for the links but in the time it took to look up the links, check the info, copy the links to the post then post it to the forum you could have simply given me the frigging info.

WHY do people have to make simple things hard ??? I have dial up. I DO NOT watch videos. I have copied the links and will deal with this in a couple of months

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Old June 12th, 2012, 06:05 AM

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Default Re: OOB 6.0 Norway CV90


"Totalt kan man medföra 232 st. 40 mm. projektiler."
"In total, they can carry 232 pc. 40 mm. projectiles."

No idea about distribution between HE / Sabot though.

It also handles some stuff about the mortar etc.

"Strf 9040 är ständigt under utveckling, bland annat genomförs det en del studier med vagnen som vapenplattform för ytterligare vapensystem och tillbehör, några av dessa är:
* En vagn som förutom automatkanonen är beväpnad med Robot 56 Bill monterad bredvid skyttplats utanpå tornet. En demonstrator har tillverkats och skjutningar har genomförts under 2001. I nuläget saknas dock ekonomiska medel för serietillverkning.
* En 9040 med en granatspruta eller Tksp monterad på torntaket. Testskjutningar skall ha genomförts under 2002-2003.
* En lätt minvält monterad på Strf 9040."

"Strf 9040 is constantly under development, for example there is research for using the vehicle as a weapons platform for various weapon systems and additions, for which some are:
* A vehicle without autocannon to be equipped with Robot 56 Bill mounted to a shooting location outside of the turret. A prototype has been manufacturer and shootings performed in 2001. Currently there's no economical means to enter mass production.
* A 9040 with a mortar or heavy machine gun mounted in turret. Test firing should be done in 2002-2003.
* A light mine roller mounted on a Strf 9040."
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Old June 12th, 2012, 07:46 AM
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Default Re: OOB 6.0 Norway CV90

Well that confirms my info on the 40mm loads, if anyone can confirm the info on the 35mm and 30mm guns that would be helpful along with the guns ROF. So far I have.....

40mm 300 RPM
35mm 150 to 200 rounds per minute
30mm up to 250-rounds per minute

.......barrel lengths would also be helpful in checking what we have in the game now.....

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Old June 12th, 2012, 10:13 AM

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Default Re: OOB 6.0 Norway CV90

Originally Posted by DRG View Post
Well that confirms my info on the 40mm loads, if anyone can confirm the info on the 35mm and 30mm guns that would be helpful along with the guns ROF. So far I have.....

40mm 300 RPM
35mm 150 to 200 rounds per minute
30mm up to 250-rounds per minute

.......barrel lengths would also be helpful in checking what we have in the game now.....

Archived PDF of CV9030FIN from the manufacturer.

30mm Bushmaster II Mk44
Rate of Fire 200-400 rds/minute
Ready rounds 2 x 80 rds
Stowed rounds "Typical 240 rounds"
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Old June 12th, 2012, 11:38 AM

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Default Re: OOB 6.0 Norway CV90

Finnish reservists talks: http://www.aamukampa.net/forum/viewt...=4070&start=30

The Finnish standard is 80+80 and 240 rounds stowed.
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