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Old January 18th, 2012, 01:43 PM

1SG 1SG is offline
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Default For What Its Worth

I see lots of nice mods offered here in the forum.
I decided to add my own 2 cents well at least .5 cents by making my own mod. I have used several of the good ideas mentioned on this forum, but I have added some of my own as well.

Added a Battleship to the game. Good surface to ship attack, moderate air defense and low sub sea attack. Ranged attack of 1.
Since the Battleship has the ranged attack I took away that option from the cruisers.

trying to think of a way to make Infanty have a greater role in the game, but not much success. Thought that maybe only allowing regions that contain cities can be taken in combat when infantry are also in the attack since they are the true holders of built up areas. Do not see a way to add that to any mod since it looks to be hard coded within the program. Maybe only cities,Factories & fortified postions can only be built when infantry are in the same region, or add a engineer unit to do that.

Thinking about adding Transport Helicopters such as Chinocks to carry 2 infantry, maybe 1 AA Truck nothing too heavy.

I anyone is out there please give me your thoughts, opinions ect.
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Old January 20th, 2012, 08:16 AM
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spillblood spillblood is offline
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Default Re: For What Its Worth

Very good ideas, 1SG, especially the modifications that'd enhance the role of infantry. Fleshing out the different roles of the units would be awesome. One additional idea: Cities could also give infantry a defense bonus (like fortifications), and infantry should have a bonus on attacking cities and entrenched positions.

BTW, as far as I know the AI is hardcoded and can't be modded. If you discover a way to modify it it could be the solution to all problems the game currently has.
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Old January 20th, 2012, 03:07 PM

1SG 1SG is offline
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Default Re: For What Its Worth

I like the idea of infantry getting a bonus when defending cities, I think that can be added just like the bonus for fortified positions, except it would have to include all land units. I was testing the fortified positions by playing myself a 2 player hotseat game by checking the combat results on the defender but it does not seem to work. I even gave forts a 10 bonus but the combat results do not change the damage results to the defender. I may be missing something?
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