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Old June 21st, 2011, 11:20 AM
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Default Questions about Russian and German OOB`s

Good day!
First of all i want to thank all that wonderful people who are supporting this remarkable game! And during playing appears some questions that i want to ask here...
1. When i played at 44th as USSR, i saw a strange thing - a "Priest" SPG in the arty section... as i know any of these are didn`t sended to the soviet union by lend lease. It will be correct to remove this SPG from Red Army
2. So in 44th i look to the german forces and saw that they don`t have any trophy units BGs exept those who consists of t34, some french tanks or "colonial" scout cars. I was surprised and first of all jumped to march of 42nd... and didn`t found any trophy soviet tanks there exept the same t34 as in 44! And this is when USSR got wonderful battle group which consists of the main representatives of panzerwaffen in soviet camo like it must be). But germans got SU-100 SU-85 and other with their marking in 44 and much more at begin of GPW 41-45! there was whole formations, that consists of trophy tanks. And i didn`t found them.... maybe it`s my bad searching... And is you want some proof - i can get it easily.
For example trophy t26 with german marking:
some kv (a whole platton)...
early kv (l-11)
matilda (at afrika)

You can say that there was a very small number of tanks like that - but i can say that finnish army got a ISU152 that was only in single copy!

Thank for attention!
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Old June 21st, 2011, 11:45 AM
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Default Re: Questions about Russian and German OOB`s

Originally Posted by ich View Post
Good day!
First of all i want to thank all that wonderful people who are supporting this remarkable game! And during playing appears some questions that i want to ask here...
1. When i played at 44th as USSR, i saw a strange thing - a "Priest" SPG in the arty section... as i know any of these are didn`t sended to the soviet union by lend lease. It will be correct to remove this SPG from Red Army
2. So in 44th i look to the german forces and saw that they don`t have any trophy units BGs exept those who consists of t34, some french tanks or "colonial" scout cars. I was surprised and first of all jumped to march of 42nd... and didn`t found any trophy soviet tanks there exept the same t34 as in 44! And this is when USSR got wonderful battle group which consists of the main representatives of panzerwaffen in soviet camo like it must be). But germans got SU-100 SU-85 and other with their marking in 44 and much more at begin of GPW 41-45! there was whole formations, that consists of trophy tanks. And i didn`t found them.... maybe it`s my bad searching... And is you want some proof - i can get it easily.
For example trophy t26 with german marking:
some kv (a whole platton)...
early kv (l-11)
matilda (at afrika)

You can say that there was a very small number of tanks like that - but i can say that finnish army got a ISU152 that was only in single copy!

Thank for attention!
Regarding 2. Buy them as captured from The russians.
I am not responsible for any damage your brains may suffer by reading the text above
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Old June 21st, 2011, 01:32 PM
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1/ I will have to dig into this . That unit has been in the OOB's for over 10 years and it's never been questioned and formations are available just for it. It would be an odd calibre for the Russians though

2/ Did you perhaps notice how crowded the German OOB is ?? Why would I use up any more valuable spots for the multitude of Russian made trophy tanks the Germans captured when anyone can buy them as captured when they are purchasing ??? It's quite simple and then any unit you like can be recreated and why I haven't added more

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Old June 22nd, 2011, 01:56 AM
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Default Re: Questions about Russian and German OOB`s

Thanks for answering!
Of course there was no "priests" in red army and if you need proofs, i `ll get it with time.
And what about 2nd question - in same reason we can remove any other trophy tanks from oob of all countries exept those that was reconstructed after capturing (like Char B1 that was improved with flamethrower and some other tanks).
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