Conceptual Balance Handicapping
What is your nations handicap in the pack?
I have read many posts that say this nation was ruined (MA Oceana) or this nation was nerfed (Arcosephale) to hard by the CBM or some patch. Surely there is some amount of magical resources that would help it get back on its feet? Right?
I can paste the list from the HoF here, it's not perfect but it's a starting place (This is not my work, it is copied and pasted from the HoF):
Early (56)
Sauromatia: 9
Caelum: 5.5
Niefelheim: 5
Fomoria: 5
Lanka: 4
Mictlan: 4
C'tis: 3.5
Helheim: 3
Hinnom: 3
Kailasa: 3
T'ien Ch'i: 2.5
Vanheim: 2.5
Ulm: 2
Marverni: 2
Pangaea: 1.5
R'lyeh: 1.5
Argatha: 1
Arcoscephale: 1
Yomi: .5
Oceania: .5
Ermor: .5
Abysia: 0
Tir na n'Og: 0
Atlantis: 0
Mid (44)
Pythium: 7
Pangaea: 5.5
Abysia: 3.5
Shinuyama: 3
Jotunheim: 3
Caelum: 3
Ulm: 2
R'lyeh: 2
Ermor: 2
Marignon: 2
C'tis: 2
Mictlan: 2
Arcoscephale: 1
Oceania: 1
Man: 1
Ashdod: 1
Machaka: 1
T'ien Ch'i: .5
Argatha: .5
Vanheim: 0
Bandar Log: 0
Atlantis: 0
Eriu: 0
Late (34)
Ermor: 5
R'lyeh: 4
Marignon: 3
Mictlan: 3
T'ien Ch'i: 2
Utgard: 2
Abysia: 2
Man: 2
Patala: 2
Midgard: 2
Jomon: 1.5
Argatha: 1
Pythium: 1
Pangaea: 1
Caelum: .5
Ulm: 1
Gath: 1
Arcoscephale: 0
C'tis: 0
Atlantis: 0
Bogorus: 0
If you think that MA Oceania is ruined, because of the clam removal, how many pearls do you need to get your confidence back in choosing them for a year long game on Faerun (for instance). Do they need a full Stellar Focus magic site (+5 pearls) in their cap? Something more? Something less?
I was thinking of looking for numbers in conjuction with the CBM obviously, but, I suppose you could do the same thing for Vanilla.