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Old August 7th, 2008, 10:18 PM
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Default Aksum: Glory of Kings. (old thread)

Not quite playable, but getting close!

EDIT-Please Read!:

Now that I've got all the initial art for the recruits, commanders, and most of the summons done, and have most of the stats worked out for this nation, and it's nearly ready to play, I'm just gonna go ahead and finish it myself. So it's officially no longer a "Placeholder Nation". Which means it's no longer available for anybody else to take over-any more than anybody else's mod, anyway. If I disappear off these forums/haven't posted for a year (which would mean I've suffered a significant sea-change), feel free to do whatever you want with it (It'll probably need updated by then, anyway...). In the meantime---Hooray for me!

This is an Ethiopian flavored nation featuring the Queen of Sheba and the kingdom of Aksum, influenced by the Yoruba, early Christian and Jewish mysticism, Western Africa history, and my own demented imagination.

Eventually, it will be followed by a middle era nation more heavily based on Yoruba concepts, and Voodoo practices-which are, themselves, influenced by the Yoruba religion.


Images (All squished together):

Likes Heat 1.


Starting Units:
30 Shewans.
Obelisk of Aksum.

Starting Sites:
Great Stelae. Earth 2, Astral 1.
Yeha Temple. Blood 1, Allows recruitment of Razor Wife, Gugi Oromo, Oyo Esho.
Amba Sel. Allows recruitment of Jantirar, Black Lions, Dejazmach.
Opone Ta Netjer. Nature 2 Allows recruitment of Opaani Fortress-Beast, Blatta.

PD: 1-20 1xAddi, 1xAbbabor. Commander: Mekwanint. 21-125 , 1xManz, 1xAmhara. Commander: Jantirar, Quomos.

Gugi Oromo: The young women of the Society of the Razor, before they learn to ride the fierce black lions of the Oyo Esho, sharpen their skills on swift zebras, both as messengers throughout Aksum, and as calvalry support. Although they wear no armour and are armed only with a shotel and a single javelin, the speed and agility of the zebras and the skill of the riders is enough to support their fellows and to see them through many battles-giving them a chance to earn a place in the Oyo Esho. As it is in the Oyo Esho, the two-handed Ida is too dangerous a weapon to be employed from horseback, and so the sabre-like Shotel is used instead. Gugi Oromo Stats: Hp 12, Size 3, Str 10, Att 12, Def 18, Prot 3 (2), Mor 12, MR 12 Mv 21(3), Prec 12. Weapons: Shotel (Dmg 6, Lng 2), 1 Javelin. Armour: Loincloth
(Prot 2). Second Form: Razor Wife.
Cost: Gold 20, Res 9.

Addi: The Addi tribe holds a collection of farming villages on the outskirts of Aksum. Loyal to the Aksumite kings and queens for generations, they willingly send their young men to fight and die for the Aksumite cause, when called upon to do so. Although they are not trained soldiers, they are not without experience, having defended their farms from wild animals and raiders, their whole lives, and are quite brave. They fight with heavy knobkieries and light javelins.
Stats: Hp 10, Size 2, Str 10, Att 9, Def 9, Prot 2 (0), Mor 12, MR 10,
Mv 12(3), Prec 9. Weapons: Knobkierie (Dmg 4, Len 2), 2 Javelins. Armour: Headdress (Prot 2), Loincloth (Prot 2), Hide Shield. Cost: Gold 5, Res 1.

Ababor: Like the Addi tribe, the Ababors are loyal vassals to Aksum. They support themselves as nomadic goat-herders, and fight with the Assegai spear and javelins. They are more skilled with their javelins than the Addis, but not quite as fierce.
Stats: Hp 10, Size 2, Str 10, Att 9, Def 10, Prot 2 (0), Mor 10, MR 10,
Mv 12(3), Prec 10. Weapons: Assegai (Dmg 4, Len 4, Def +1), 2 Javelins. Armour: Headdress (Prot 2), Loincloth (Prot 2), Hide Shield. Cost: Gold 5, Res 1.

Manz: The Manz tribe are nomadic cattle-herders that operate mostly within the borders of Aksum. Although they have not been a part of the Empire for as long as some other tribes, they have been in business with Aksumite merchants for over a century, and are skilled and dependable fighters. They fight with the Assegai, to which they attach brightly dyed cow tails, and with the deadly Hunga-Munga, with which they are unusually adept.
Stats: Hp 10, Size 2, Str 10, Att 10, Def 10, Prot 2 (0), Mor 11, MR 10,
Mv 12(3), Prec 10. Weapons: Assegai (Dmg 4, Len 4, Def +1), Hunga-Munga (Dmg 6 + Str, Prec +2 (12), Rng Str, Ammo 1). Armour: Fila (Prot 2), Loincloth (Prot 2), Hide Shield. Cost: Gold 6, Res 2.

Amhara: The Amhara tribe are cousins of the Shewans, the main Aksumite tribe.
They are loggers, woodcrafters, and merchants, supplying Shewans with the raw goods needed to keep the empire running. They are a tall people known for their strength, and for the skill and craftiness of their traders. In battle, the powerfully built Amhara men wield heavy Agadengbe sword-axes, and Hunga-Mungas.
Stats: Hp 10, Size 2, Str 12, Att 10, Def 8, Prot 2 (0), Mor 10, MR 10,
Mv 12(3), Prec 8. Weapons: Agadengbe (Dmg 7, Len 2, Def -2), Hunga-Munga (Dmg 6 + Str, Prec +2 (10), Rng Str, Ammo 1). Armour: Headdress (Prot 2), Loincloth (Prot 2), Hide Shield. Cost: 6 Gold, 2 Res.

Bouda: (Werehyaena)
The Bouda are a tribe who are also closely related to the Shewan, though some Shewans would rather that were not the case. The Bouda are a small tribe of miners and metalsmiths who came from the far east many ages ago, when they were brought back by Bilqis, Queen of Sheba, from the court of King Solomon the Wise. Curse by Solomon for consorting with demons, the entire tribe was given to Bilqis to be her slaves and to bear Solomon's many gifts back to Aksum. Upon reaching Aksum, they took into themselves the spirits of hyaenas, befrending and worshipping them (some even claim they mate with them). They interbred with the Shewans freely at that time, and still do occasionally-although this is now rare, and frowned upon by the ruling Shewans, who respect and even fear the Bouda, but don't necessarily want them marrying their daughters. The Bouda still serve Aksum as fine metalsmiths, indomitable warriors, and cunning magicians, and they still bear the taint of Solomon's Curse. They can assume the shape of hyaenas and of monstrous hyaena-men. Though their demonic blood makes them stronger and faster than most men, it also allows holy magic the power to cause them harm.
Bouda Stats: Hp. 12 Siz. 2 Str 14 Att. 14 Def. 12 Prot. 6 (4)
Mor. 16 MR. 12 Mv. 15/2 Prec. 10 Weapons: Agadengbe (Dmg 7, Len 2, Def -2). Armour: Leather Kilt (Prot. 2), Headdress Prot. 2). Darkvision (50). Demon.
If GORed, Boudas have Forge bonus +5% and Earth 1, Blood 1.
Secondform: (Bultungin)
Hp. 16 Siz. 3 Str. 16 Att. 14 Def. 14 Prot. 6 (6)
Mor. 16 MR. 12 Mv. 18/2 Prec. 8. Darkvision (100), Regeneration (5%), Demon. Weapons: Claw, Bite.
Cost: Gold 25, Res 3

Shewan: The Shewans are the largest, oldest, and most powerful tribe in Aksum. It is from this tribe that Queen Bilqis came, and it is from this tribe that the Negusa Nagast are most often chosen. Shewans are artisans and artists, merchants and soldiers, architects, stonecutters, engineers, and great sailors.
Stats: Hp. 10 Siz. 2 Str 10 Att. 12 Def. 12 Prot. 2 (0)
Mor. 12 MR. 12 Mv. 12/3 Prec. 10 Weapons: Shotel (Dmg. 6 Lng. 2), Hunga Munga (Dmg 6 + Str, Prec +2 (12) Ammo 1). Armour: Dashiki (Prot 2), Fila (Prot 2), Bronze shield.
Cost: Gold 8, Res 4. If GoRed, Shewans have Sailing (0).

Black Lions: The Black Lions are an elite force drawn exclusively from veteran soldiers who have survived atleast 3 battles. The design of the force was heavily influenced by encounters with armoured Arcoscephalie hoplites (as was the use of Fortressbeasts, from Arcoscephalie elephants.), and they are easily the heaviest human troops at Aksum's disposal.
As a military unit, the Black Lions have existed for centuries, and they have a rich tradition of patriotism and military victory. The Empire itself was built with the Black Lions at it's core.
Stats: Hp. 12 Siz. 2 Str 12 Att. 15 Def. 15 Prot. 12 (0)
Mor. 18 MR. 12 Mv. 14/2 Prec. 12 Weapons: Trident, Hunga-Munga. (Dmg 6 + Str, Prec +2 (14) Ammo 3). Armour: Bronze Armour, Bronze Helmet, Bronze Tower Shield. Defensive Bonus (2)
Cost: Gold 15. Res 15.

Sarwe: The Sarawit (Sing: Sarwe) are not a tribe, but the name given to Aksumite army regulars, drawn from all the peoples of Aksum. Although they are lightly armed, and wear little armour, their large numbers, rock-solid discipline, and high level of training see them through almost any encounter.
Stats: Hp. 10 Siz. 2 Str 12 Att. 12 Def. 14 Prot. 3 (0)
Mor. 15 MR. 12 Mv. 12/3 Prec. 11 Weapons: Shortbow (12 Ammo), Knobkierie (Dmg 4, Len 2), Armour: Leather Cap (4 Prot), Loincloth (2 Prot).
Cost: Gold 7. Res 3.

Opaani Fortressbeast-These ancient creatures are beloved by the Aksumites, who view them almost as demi-gods. They train and armour them for war, but they're also cherished as pets, and symbols of greatness, majesty, and spirituality. If the immense animals weren't so stubborn, difficult, and dangerous-requiring constant hands-on training, they might have reached sacred status. As it is, Opaani meat is only ever eaten during religious holidays, and only from an animal which has died in battle-in order that the power of it's spirit might enter the hearts of the feasters. Opaani hides and bones may only be handled, used, or worn by veteran Aksumite warriors. With several layers of metal and leather covering their own immensely thick hide, Opaani become almost unstoppable in battle, serving as a sign to all Aksumites of victory in war.

Baluchitherium are prehistoric hornless relatives of rhinocerous, and the largest land mammal ever known, standing an incredible 18' high at the shoulder. While the animals themselves are tramplers with very high Prot, more HP and better morale than an elephant, they're very slow and mainly serve as archer's nests.

Each Opaani carries fully 4 archers on it's broad back, and they have Standard (20). Extremely resource-intensive, and my little nod to the At-At walkers from the Battle of Hoth.
Hp. 60 Siz. 6 Str. 30 Att. 12 Def. 12 Prot. 16 (6) Mor. 15 MR. 12 Mv. 6/1 Prec. 10 Weapons: Shortbow x4 (120 ammo). Trample, Macheti x4 (Dmg 14, no Str.). Armour: Beast Armour (Prot 8) Howdah Armour (Helm, Prot 12) Animal. Gluttony (12). 25% Resistance to all elemental forms of damage (Fire, Cold, Shock, Poison).
Secondform: Hp. 60 Siz. 6 Str. 30 Att. 9 Def. 12 Prot. 12 (6) Mor. 9 MR. 10 Mv. 9/1 Prec. 6 Weapons: Hoof, Trample. Armour: Beast Armour (Prot 8) Animal.
Gluttony (12) Berserk (0) 50% Resistance to all forms of elemental damage (Fire, Cold, Shock, Poison).
Gold 300, Resources 150.

Razor Wife: Razor Wives are the widows of Aksumite warriors who have died in battle, or women who either can't have children, have failed to find a husband in their youth and are now past marrying age, have not yet found a husband, or simply choose not to get married, but wish to support Aksumite society in other ways. Inducted into the powerful and influential Society of the Razor-part secret society, part cult-in a ceremony in which they "wed" the razor-like swords they wield in battle, the Razor Wives follow the military tradition of Bilqis, Queen of Sheba, devoting themselves to her example, and the nation she founded, worshipping her almost as a god. Should a member someday find a husband, the Razor Wife-now known as a 'Blood Widow' must leave the Society, giving up all authority and military standing, although relationship with Society members often remains cordial and close. Love, family, and the married life, are often postponed or set aside for power. Although the feared society itself is mysterious, powerful, and extremely secretive, it's whispered that members bathe in the blood of male infants, kidnap young girls to forcibly induct into their ranks, and even perform acts of human sacrifice. What is know for certain is that razor wives will often paint their bodies with the blood of their enemies, and even drink it, when they are caught in the grip of their battlerage.
Razor Wife Stats: Hp. 9 Siz. 2 Str. 9 Att. 12 Def. 12 Prot. 4 (0) Mor. 14 MR. 12 Mv. 14/2 Prec. 9 Weapons: Ida (Dmg. 6 Armour-piercing, Len. 3.) Armour: Bone Skirt (Prot 6)
Berserk (4) If GORed, Razor Wives have Blood 1 and Bloodhunting (+1)
Cost: Gold 10, Res 6.

Oyo Esho: The black lion is a powerful symbol of Aksum, and the female black lion is thought to possess the spirit of Bilqis. The Society of the Razor accepts women, young and old, into it's ranks, but only the youngest and strongest-women who willingly give up the chance to have a family, or who no longer have the ability to bear children, but are still young and otherwise fit, are physically able to join the ranks of the Oyo Esho, riding fearlessly and skillfully into battle on enormous black lions. They fight with Assegais as the deadly Idas are too sharp and too unwieldy to use in mounted combat.
Oyo Esho Stats: Hp. 12 Siz. 4 Str. 10 Att. 12 Def. 16 Prot. 10 (4) Mor. 14 MR. 12 Mv. 21/3 Prec. 9 Weapons: Assegai Lance (Dmg. 4, Len 4, Def +1 first strike), bite, claw. Armour: Lion Skull Helmet (Prot 6) Bone Skirt (Prot 6)
Berserk (3) If GORed, Oyo Esho have Blood 1 and Bloodhunting (+1)
Deathform: Lion (standard).
Second Form (no Deathform): Razor Wife.
Cost: Gold 40, Res 15.

Kabaro: Aksum moves and lives and fights to the rhythm of the drum. The name of these drums is 'Kabaro', and it is also the name of the players. It is the drum, fashioned from wood and covered in cowhide, that is sacred, but it confers this sacredness to the player as well. Kabaro are veteran soldiers who have given up the weapons of war and turned to the power of music, but they still retain their essential skills.
Kabaro Stats: Hp. 9 Siz. 2 Str. 9 Att. 12 Def. 8 Prot. 4 (2) Mor. 14 MR. 14 Mv. 12/3 Prec. 9 Weapons: Kabaro Drumstick (Dmg. 2, Len. 2, does x3 damage to demons), Kabaro Drumstick. Armour: Daishiki (Prot. 2), Slouch Hat (Prot. 2)
Standard (2), Sacred, Ambidextrous (4), may start elderly.
Cost: Gold 15, Res 5.

Shewan Quallu:
Although all of Aksum acknowledges and embraces the faith of the new Pretender, some of the Shewans go even further, making that faith the center of their lifestyle. Although they are not fully trained as priests, Quallus study the holy books and other works, pray daily, testify their faith to others, and even travel to other lands as missionaries. Although they are their friends and neighbors, who may work alongside them and break bread with them every day, Qallus are considered lay priests and holy men by other Aksumites.
Hp. 10 Siz. 2 Str 10 Att. 12 Def. 12 Prot. 2 (0)
Mor. 12 MR. 16 Mv. 12/3 Prec. 10 Weapons: Shotel (Dmg 6, Lng 2), Hunga Munga (Dmg 6 + Str, Prec +2 (12) Ammo 1).
Armour: Dashiki (Prot 2), Slouch Hat (Prot 2), Bronze shield.
Cost: Gold 20, Res 5. If GoRed, Shewan Qallus have Sailing (0), Holy (1).

Blatta (Scout). Blattas are famous hunters from both inside and outside the Empire. The poorest of the poor, belonging to tiny fringe tribes, or nomadic peoples, or the true indigenous bush-folk, Blattas have an almost otherworldly connection to the land, and are able to find food or track an enemy, anywhere. They are masters with the Assegai, or the Hunga-Munga, which they coat with a powerful toxin and use to bring down prey. Attached directly to the royal Aksumite house and lineage, they often serve as advisor, tutors, and bodyguards to young Mesafints, and if successful at that, they sometimes attain position as diplomats and councilors for the Negusa Nagast.
Hp. 14 Siz. 2 Str 14 Att. 16 Def. 14 Prot. 2 (0)
Mor. 12 MR. 16 Mv. 15/3 Prec. 14 Weapons: Assegai (Dmg 6, Lng 4, Def +1), Poisoned Hunga Munga (Dmg 6 + Str, Prec +2 (16) Ammo 1, Deadly Poison.).
Armour: Dashiki (Prot 2). Nature 1. Need Not Eat. Forest Walk, Mountain Walk, Swamp Walk. Darkvision (50) Scout (30) Poison Resistance 25%, Patrol Bonus (5) Assassin.
Research Penalty -25.
Cost: Gold 10, Res 2.

Mekwanint (Commander)
Hp. 12 Siz. 2 Str 14 Att. 14 Def. 12 Prot. 1 (0)
Mor. 16 MR. 12 Mv. 10/3 Prec. 10 Weapons: Knobkierie(Dmg 4, Len 2), War Rattle (Dmg 2 Len 1). Armour: Loincloth (Prot. 2). Poor Leader.
Cost: Gold 20, Res 2.

Mesafint (Prince)
Hp. 14 Siz. 2 Str 14 Att. 14 Def. 14 Prot. 4 (0)
Mor. 16 MR. 15 Mv. 10/3 Prec. 10 Weapons: Shotel (Dmg 6, Lng 2) Armour: Dashiki (Prot.2), Leather Armet (Prot. 6). Sacred, Poor Leader, Poor Magical Leader.
Cost: Gold 60, Res 5.

Bahr Negus (Commander with Sailing)
Hp. 15 Size. 2 Str. 14. Att. 16 Def. 16 Prot. 4 (0) Mor 16 MR. 12 Mv. 12/3 Prec. 12
Weapons: Shotel (Dmg 6, Lng 2), Shortbow (12 Ammo). Armour: Ethiopian Suit (Prot. 4), Knitted Cap (Prot. 4). Good Leader. Sailing (30).
Cost: Gold. 60, Res. 15.

Nagus (King)
Hp. 15 Siz. 2 Str 14 Att. 16 Def. 16 Prot. 11 (1)
Mor. 18 MR. 15 Mv. 12/3 Prec. 12 Weapons: Shotel (Dmg 6, Lng 2) Armour: Bronze Armour (Prot. 12), Crown (Prot. 8), Golden Shield. Earth 1, Sacred, Good Leader, Poor Magical Leader.
Cost: Gold 125, Res 15.

Dejazmach (Commander with defensive bonus)
Stats: Hp 18, Size 3, Str 14, Att 16, Def 18, Prot 15 (3), Mor 18, MR 12 Mv 18(3), Prec 10. Weapons: Assegai Lance (Dmg. 4, Len 4, Def +1 first strike), Hunga-Munga. (Dmg 6 + Str, Prec +2 (12) Ammo 5 ). Armour: Bronze Armour, Bronze Helmet, Bronze Tower Shield. Average Leader. Defensive Bonus (2).
Secondform: Dejazmach Hp 12, Size 2, Str 14, Att 16, Def 16, Prot 12 (0), Mor 18, MR 12 Mv 12(3), Prec 12. Weapons: Assegai (Dmg. 4, Len 4, Def +1), Hunga-Munga. (Dmg 6 + Str, Prec +2 (14) Ammo 5 ). Average Leader. Defensive Bonus (6)
Cost: Gold 125, Res 30.

Itege (Consort)
Hp 10, Size 2, Str 10, Att 15, Def 12, Prot 2 (1), Mor 18, MR 18 Mv 10 (3), Prec 12. Weapons: Staff of Office (Dmg 3, Len 4, Def +4). Armour: Diashiki (Prot. 2) Earth 1, Nature 1. 100% chance Earth, Nature. Sacred. Average Leader. Awe (0) Healing 5%.
Cost: Gold 250, Res 1.

Quomos (Priest)
Hp. 14, Size 2, Str 12, Att 14, Def 14, Prot 3 (1), Mor 16, MR 18, Mv 12 (3), Prec 12Weapons: Assegai (Dmg. 4, Len 4, Def +1). Armour: Daishiki (Prot 2), Fila (Prot 2).
Earth 1, Holy 2. 25% Chance Earth 1, Nature 1, Astral 1. Sacred. Poor Leader, Poor Magical Leader, Poor Undead Leader.
Cost: Gold 150, Res 2.

Aqabe Sa'at (High Priest)
Hp. 8, Size 2, Str 8, Att 10, Def 12, Prot 6 (3), Mor 14, MR 20, Mv 8 (3), Prec 12. Weapons: Staff of Earth and Heaven (Dmg 4, Len 4, Magical. x3 Damage vs Demons). Armour: Robes of Office (Prot. 3) Mitre (Prot. 3)
Earth 2, Astral 2, Holy 3. 25% Chance Earth 1, Nature 1, Astral 1. Sacred. Poor Leader, Poor Magical Leader, Poor Undead Leader. Starts Elderly.
Cost: Gold 350, Res 1.

Mahan Bouda (wizard-smith)
Hp. 24, Size 2, Str 18, Att 16, Def 12, Prot 6 (4), Mor 12, MR 18, Mv 12 (3),
Prec 12. Weapons: Spirit Hammer (Dmg. 6 Len. 2 Magical, Armour Negating) Armour: Leather Apron (Prot 4).
Earth 1, Blood 1. Forge Bonus 15%. Demon. Darkvision (100). Stronger in Darkness (2) Starts Elderly, Starts Disabled. Research -25. Poor Leader, Poor Undead Leader. Causes Unrest.
Secondform: (Mahan Bultungin)
Hp. 24 Siz. 3 Str. 18 Att. 16 Def. 16 Prot. 6 (6)
Mor. 16 MR. 18 Mv. 18/2 Prec. 8. Darkvision (100), Regeneration (5%), Demon. Ambidextrous (2) Stealth (5) Gluttony (20), Causes Unrest. Assassin. Summons vultures in battle. Weapons: Claw, Claw, Bite.
Cost: Gold 400, Res 15

Masenqo (Singer)
Hp. 10, Size 2, Str 10, Att 10, Def 14, Prot 2 (0), Mor 14, MR 18, Mv 12 (3), Prec 12Weapons: Knobkierie (Dmg 4, Len 2)., Armour: Ethiopian Suit (Prot. 4). Sacred. 2% Chance to Avoid Bad Events.
Awe (0). Air 1, Astral 1. 5% Chance Air 1, Astral 1, Nature 1, Earth 1. Research -25.
Cost: Gold 125, Res 1.

Hp. 12 Size. 2 Str. 12 Att. 14 Def. 12 Prot. 10 (0) Mor 15 MR 16 Mv 10 (1), Prec. 12
Weapons: Mangbetu (Dmg 5, Len 2), Shield Spikes (Dmg 1, Len 2), Hunga-Munga. (Dmg 6 + Str, Prec +2 (14) Ammo 2). Armour: Bronze Scale (Prot 11), Ivory Mask (Prot 9), Hide Shield. Sacred. Blood 1, Nature 1. Seige Bonus (2). Fear (0). Causes Unrest. Poor Leader, Poor Magical Leader, Poor Undead Leader. Summons Ife Guards.
Cost: Gold 250, Res 25.

Ife Guard.
Hp. 1 Size. 2 Str. 15. Att. 12 Def. 9 Prot. 6 (1) Mor 50 (Berserk) MR. 16 Mv. 15 (0) Prec. 1 Weapons: Mangbetu (Dmg 5, Len 2), Mangbetu (Dmg 5, Len 2). Armour: Ivory Mask (Prot 9), Loincloth (Prot 2). Ambidextrous (2). Fear (0) Fatigue (0) Seige Bonus (1) Pillage Bonus (2).
Zombai Guard.
Hp. 15 Size. 2 Str. 17. Att. 9 Def. 6 Prot. 9 (4) Mor 99 MR. 12 Mv. 9 (0) Prec. 1
Weapons: Mangbetu (Dmg 5, Len 2), Mangbetu (Dmg 5, Len 2), Bite (Att + 3 (12), Str -2Cause Disease). Armour: Ivory Mask (Prot 9), Loincloth (Prot 2). Mindless. Fear (0) Fatigue (0) Undead. Fire -50% Vulnerability. Deserts after 1 battle.

Ogboni Itan (mage-earth, nature, astral)
Hp. 18 Size. 3 Str. 16. Att. 14 Def. 14 Prot. 6 (4) Mor 16 MR. 18 Mv. 10 (3) Prec. 12
Weapons: Staff of the Woman (Dmg 4, Len 4, Magical, Drains Strength), Juju Seed Rattle ( Dmg 2, Len 1, Magical, Horror Marks). Armour: Daishiki (Prot 2.), Turban (Prot 2.). Earth 1, Nature 1, Astral 1. 100% Earth 1, Nature 1, Astral 1. 50% Earth 1 Nature 1, Astral 1. 25% Earth 1, Nature 1, Astral 1. Stealth (0). Fear (0). Starts Elderly. Poor Leader, Poor Magical Leader.
Cost: Gold 400, Res 5.

Sun Stelae: Sacred, Immobile (can't be teleported). Has the ability to summon Lions-combat only. Astral 2/Fire 2
Moon Stelae: Sacred, Immobile (can't be teleported). Has the ability to summon Hyaenas-combat only. Holy 2/Death 2

Raamah. Unique, high-level summon.

Other Units: Obelisk of Aksum: Hp. 100 Size. 6 Str. 10. Att. 12 Def. 3 Prot. 25 (25) Mor 30 MR. 20 Mv. 0 (0) Immobile. Prec. 10 Weapons: None. Armour: None. Earth 1. Nature 1. Death 1. Sacred. Immobile (can't be teleported). Stone Being. Summons Aksumite Longdead-combat only.

Aksumite Longdead:
Hp. 6 Size. 2 Str. 9. Att. 12 Def. 10 Prot. 2 (2) Mor 99 MR. 12 Mv. 12 (0) Prec. 1 Weapons: Rusty Shotel (Dmg 5, Lng 2) Armour: Rotten Shield. Sacred. Undead.

Queen Makeda
King Menilik
King Ezana
Leult Yeshashework Yilma
Abune Kesate Birhan

Negusa Nagast (King of Kings)
Lique Liqawint (Priest Scholar)
Tsehafi Tezaz (Scholar Mage)
Abune (Head of Church)
Azmari (bard)
Awon Iya Wa (Elder of the Society of the Razor)

Reserved for later Age:
Kanembu-Bornu: Heavy (Horse) Calvalry w/heavy lance, Shotel

Here's the complete (the ones I've completed so far) images for Aksum, with better resolution than the top image.

Recruits (Some of these are likely going to get a makeover, when I get around to it. Sacreds are the two on the far right):

Click image for larger version

Name:	AksumRec.png
Views:	183
Size:	31.9 KB
ID:	6883

Summonables and Other units (Incomplete, but mostly done, and I'm happy with these so far):

Click image for larger version

Name:	SummonOther.png
Views:	166
Size:	21.1 KB
ID:	6884

Commanders (Complete, except ofcourse for Attack Sprites. I *might* include another Ogboni commander, but I haven't decided yet):

Click image for larger version

Name:	Commanders.png
Views:	190
Size:	14.7 KB
ID:	6885

Let me know if this display works for everyone.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	AksumSquish.jpg
Views:	503
Size:	31.8 KB
ID:	6887  

Last edited by lch; September 17th, 2008 at 10:06 PM..
Old August 7th, 2008, 11:27 PM
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Default Re: Aksum -Glory of Kings.

Reserved for graphics.
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!
Old August 8th, 2008, 12:04 AM
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Default Re: Aksum -Glory of Kings.

Old August 8th, 2008, 12:20 AM
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Default Re: Aksum -Glory of Kings.

That's quite a good idea, thanks Poopsi! I'm definitely planning on doing a nation based on Zanzibar at some point, which will likely be the Aksum-flavored middle age nation.
First though, I'm going to make a Great Kush nation, which will in part be based on the Imaro series of novels by Charles R. Saunders.
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!
Old August 8th, 2008, 06:52 AM

LDiCesare LDiCesare is offline
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Default Re: Aksum -Glory of Kings.

Just one nitpicking bit: Hoplites name comes from hoplos meaning shield, so maybe you should rename aksumi hoplites to aksumi retiari or give them a shield?
Old August 8th, 2008, 11:31 AM
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Default Re: Aksum -Glory of Kings.

Yeah, I'm planning on them having a shield I'm just working things out at this point, but thanks for the info, I wasn't aware of the source of their name.
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Old September 11th, 2008, 12:36 AM
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Default Re: Aksum -Glory of Kings.

My first graphic for Aksum (and my first attempt at shadows, along with it).

Sun Stelae (free image borrowed and modified from Wikipedia):
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You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!
Old September 11th, 2008, 12:38 AM
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Default Re: Aksum -Glory of Kings.

Here's a version for the Forum:
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Last edited by HoneyBadger; September 11th, 2008 at 12:56 AM..
Old September 11th, 2008, 12:53 AM
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Default Re: Aksum -Glory of Kings.

Here's the moon stelae (another real Aksumite stelae that has, ofcourse, been heavily modified):
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File Type: bmp AksumMS.bmp (31.7 KB, 353 views)
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!
Old September 11th, 2008, 12:54 AM
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HoneyBadger HoneyBadger is offline
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Default Re: Aksum -Glory of Kings.

Here's the viewable image:
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Click image for larger version

Name:	AksumMS3.jpg
Views:	215
Size:	1.7 KB
ID:	6753  
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!
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