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Old July 31st, 2008, 10:22 AM
Mindi's Avatar

Mindi Mindi is offline
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Default Avatar Overages, please read!

The following people have avatars that exceed our 80x80 dimensions that need to be adjusted to fit our limits before we move to the new site. If they are not fixed by the time our site changes, they will be deleted:

| width | height | username |
| 100 | 100 | Drage Gryphon |
| 142 | 142 | Barnacle Bill |
| 196 | 256 | AMF |
| 100 | 100 | Devnullicus |
| 105 | 137 | Slaughtermeyer |
| 100 | 84 | tesco samoa |
| 96 | 96 | bearclaw |
| 124 | 156 | Harry_2 |
| 84 | 132 | PDF |
| 150 | 200 | sachmo |
| 85 | 100 | ELN-Gustyboy |
| 455 | 561 | Scruffy_Ferret |
| 240 | 320 | Desdinova |
| 100 | 75 | GeneralVaughn |
| 100 | 89 | Aloofi |
| 550 | 380 | NTJedi |
| 128 | 128 | Kristoffer O |
| 128 | 128 | Monolith |
| 138 | 171 | geo981010 |
| 244 | 276 | UNIVAC |
| 90 | 90 | reverend |
| 120 | 120 | Lord Hammer |
| 323 | 294 | JayThomas |
| 100 | 52 | Bakka |
| 162 | 229 | asparagus |
| 96 | 128 | Chazar |
| 185 | 290 | Baalz |
| 200 | 200 | z0dd |
| 100 | 60 | Sertorius |
| 150 | 145 | Leblanc |
| 179 | 232 | magnate |
| 120 | 120 | Solymr |
| 111 | 128 | Spectarofdeath |
| 240 | 240 | Klatu |
| 159 | 227 | BlazeOfWar |
| 336 | 422 | The Panther |
| 147 | 200 | Scatter |
| 85 | 100 | embis |
| 93 | 100 | Tyrant |
| 106 | 111 | DragonFire11 |
| 216 | 216 | Zen |
| 96 | 96 | Raider |
| 164 | 76 | rdinardo |
| 150 | 121 | Sarasa_Chan |
| 180 | 134 | Irulan |
| 100 | 100 | RudyHuxtable |
| 483 | 360 | Blueentity |
| 300 | 225 | Nex_Empire |
| 96 | 161 | Bongosan |
| 126 | 122 | Spuds |
| 180 | 169 | paulmacg |
| 107 | 108 | Leslie |
| 112 | 89 | High_Priest_Naresh |
| 107 | 98 | Jim1954 |
| 164 | 186 | Thexder |
| 384 | 256 | troopie |
| 150 | 150 | JohnHale |
| 120 | 152 | Mappo |
| 90 | 98 | 7thcav |
| 109 | 125 | trip_1509 |
| 101 | 110 | Nanook |
| 225 | 150 | Pannonicus |
| 90 | 108 | Arclight |
| 256 | 219 | Noah_Vaile |
| 148 | 103 | IvanPolkov |
| 100 | 100 | cryingdevil |
| 160 | 135 | Dan_UK |
| 600 | 407 | RecruitMonty |
| 317 | 503 | deanglen |
| 145 | 145 | Major_SNAFU |
| 150 | 75 | YoBitxo |
| 341 | 304 | niklas627 |
| 200 | 300 | Paladin_SE5 |
| 100 | 100 | SeditiousCanary |
| 95 | 100 | nihilistic |
| 380 | 287 | EnemyAce |
| 104 | 126 | NeadCB |
| 1027 | 544 | scout32 |
| 100 | 100 | shinigami |
| 85 | 80 | INWC |
| 128 | 128 | TheHand |
| 128 | 128 | Wade |
| 125 | 113 | LarryP |
| 186 | 166 | Ariba |
| 90 | 98 | pirimeister |
| 130 | 130 | HoneyBadger |
| 300 | 340 | FAJ |
| 243 | 243 | Oddjob |
| 95 | 100 | Romulus68 |
| 101 | 80 | Evilhomer |
| 96 | 96 | SoaviFox |
| 100 | 114 | Cerlin |
| 85 | 100 | waynec |
| 96 | 120 | XiahouDun |
| 508 | 459 | BandarLover |
| 150 | 120 | xelplex |
| 98 | 111 | Xietor |
| 106 | 100 | jimi3 |
| 215 | 249 | BR_Adler |
| 148 | 70 | blitzkreig |
| 166 | 123 | Shadohfrog |
| 90 | 90 | Kaylo |
| 388 | 400 | PAR |
| 250 | 188 | Locus |
| 512 | 384 | Hank_Krapf |
| 100 | 75 | Suhiir |
| 86 | 88 | ano |
| 491 | 568 | basesurge |
| 163 | 229 | BigandScary |
| 84 | 100 | Atreidi |
| 100 | 100 | Zeldor |
| 155 | 158 | Aapeli |
| 138 | 88 | Janblanc |
| 320 | 240 | charliecooper |
| 110 | 170 | Mickey_Shen |
| 90 | 91 | johannavich |
| 200 | 200 | Cavman |
| 400 | 400 | Torin |
| 100 | 100 | Brummbar |
| 100 | 135 | Mozkito |
| 148 | 149 | Haruhi_Suzumiya |
| 100 | 100 | Revolution |
| 134 | 109 | FedSlayer |
| 2497 | 2139 | sansanjuan |
| 180 | 232 | rasko |
| 155 | 250 | mountebank |
| 100 | 100 | klagrok |
| 91 | 91 | Raymo |
| 98 | 93 | Ylvali |
| 87 | 67 | Super_Papat |
| 160 | 125 | enrico7113 |
| 150 | 150 | Metalking |
| 140 | 133 | coolnathan01 |
| 200 | 205 | RightDeve |
| 160 | 106 | Idris |
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

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Old July 31st, 2008, 03:45 PM
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Default Re: Avatar Overages, please read!

I thought the limit was 64x64. >.>

|128|128| Kristoffer O

O.O Ouch, breakin the law!
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Old July 31st, 2008, 04:20 PM
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Default Re: Avatar Overages, please read!

Mindi said:
If they are not fixed by the time our site changes, they will be deleted:

What's the official date for the site change?

Cutbacks on messages and now avatars, must be switching to a smaller harddrive and/or less bandwidth.
~Just kiddin!
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Old July 31st, 2008, 05:17 PM
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Default Re: Avatar Overages, please read!

I think our current target is the weekend of the 8th.

Basically most of these rules either have been in place but not enforced or should have been in place a long time ago. On the new software, it just won't allow you to break the limits but UBBThreads (what we're currently on) isn't that smart, lol.

However, as Jim pointed out the old limits were much smaller (actually only 48x48) so I think 80x80 will be nice for those who want a larger avatar without going overboard.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

For those looking for with this forum, please see Annette as I am retired.
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Old August 1st, 2008, 10:22 AM

reverend reverend is offline
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Default Re: Avatar Overages, please read!

Though sorting the list alphabetically would've been easier.

How about a deal, trade in PM space for squar pixel size?
Dom3 Nation Reference

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Old August 1st, 2008, 10:26 AM
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Default Re: Avatar Overages, please read!

Just use the built in search function in nearly every browser (ctrl+f).
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Old August 1st, 2008, 10:39 AM
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Mindi Mindi is offline
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Default Re: Avatar Overages, please read!

Richard ran the query, I think it sorted by user number automatically, but the search feature in your browser does work wonders.

In the new software you can search a thread via forum tools on each thread.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

For those looking for with this forum, please see Annette as I am retired.
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