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Old June 23rd, 2008, 10:55 AM
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WraithLord WraithLord is offline
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Default Wraithlord's dominionsKB *major* ver 1.00

From the document:
Description, This is mostly a compilation of common knowledge from the excellent Dominions community.
There are some personal observations here and there and a small amount of editing but mostly the entries of this knowledge base are based on excellent guides and posts made by outstanding individual dominions players.

I have made this document and was using it for sometime now. The compilation and sharing of this document was approved by many contributors so with in mind I am able to share it and give something back to this awesome community.

Dominions KB Version:

-> add MA Ulm - you called me a forge what?
-> add Nation Guide (in progress): LA Ulm
-> add 12.1.1 new Battle Simulator map
-> add Miasma/Executor's guide
-> add 8.37.2 A Few (Really) Good Men: Guide to Ashdod
-> add 8.22.3 Machaka a sorcerer¿s fevered arachnophobia
-> add 8.19.5 Niefelheim - Who¿s afraid of the big bad wolf?
-> add Early Arcoscephale - Ephebophilia incarnate
-> add Helheim Guide (Baalz)
-> add Yomi 3.21
-> add EA Caelum Ride the lightning
-> add MA Caelum - Fear of Flying
-> add MA Aby CBM Strategy
-> add 13.1 Zen and the art of Thugging
-> add 10.13 Basic Battle Tactics
-> add 8.18.2 Fomoria - Where is your God now? (AKA - The Other Giant Meat)
-> add OMG, I think I've done it
-> add 10.14 Beyond the script
-> add EA Ulm - Flying Conans of Doom
-> add 10.15 Vampires - you should be afraid of the night
-> add 8.13.2 Kailasa guide
-> add EA Arco - uncle moneybags
-> add 8.40.1 Gath - The last of the Giants
-> add go punch a mountain
-> add 8.36.3 Warhammer Lizardmen - Join the Communion Commrade
-> add EA Agartha guide
-> add 10.16 Unrest as weapon of war
-> add 10.11.3 Worthy artifacts to wish for

-> Update 8.10 Magic Path Booster Guide
-> add 10.12 Eternal Knights & Gift of Reason
-> add Guiding Jomon
-> add 1.7 Horror Harmonica and/or Carcator the pocket lich
-> add EA Agartha: The Ancient Lord SC.
-> add LA Tien Chi: Barbarian Kings Strategy Guide 2.0
-> add LA Man - Death and Taxes
-> add 1.8 Sieges
-> add 1.5.2 Ankh
-> add 1.9 Scouting, Intelligence
-> add "Article Author" entries for all the new articles.
Note, if an article you wrote appears w/o this entry please notify me and I'll fix this.

-> add 10.10 Blood Magic as Combat Magic?
-> add 10.11 Wish, 10.11.1 Wish list and 10.11.2 Wish for a Demon Lord
-> add 8.39.1 Bandar Log - you whipped me with what?!?
-> add 8.21.4 Beginner's guide to Lanka

add comment WRT to black hawks
-> add 8.19.4 Counters to Niefelheim
-> add 8.37.1 Ashdod proto-guide
-> add 8.21.3 Blood Kings: Lanka vs. Mictlan
-> add Advice for MA Man
-> add MA Man Advice Needed: Proper Use of Units
-> add LA marignon guide
-> add 8.27.2 MA Oceania
-> add Tips for Yomi, Oni Kings
-> add Tips with MA Ulm
-> add MA Ulm Pretender

-> Add 1.6 Beware the visiting heroes

-> Add 1.5 Get upkeep free undead commanders
-> Add 2 Buffs in dominions III
-> Add 11 Troubleshoot
-> Add Yomi eats nothing!
-> Add LA Atlantis - frozen death from all directions

-> Add LA Abysia: Discussion and a Proto-Guide.

-> Add 8.31.2 Sauromatia: Lawful Evil

-> Update 8.16.2 MA Ctis, Miasma


-> Created basic translator to HTML (HTML version included)
-> Put dominions III wiki general guide before nations guide
-> Add 10.1 Lies My Rulebook Told Me
-> Add 10.2 Countering Master Enslave
-> Add Best Researcher for LA Abysia
-> Add 8.37 Ashdod, no guide yet, just place holder
-> Add MA Pythium thread
-> Add 10.3 Cost efficient blood hunting
-> Add 10.4 refuting common wisdom on scales everybody knows
-> Add 10.5 Maths problem: fatigue vs critical hits
-> Add 10.6 Equipment for Elemental Royalty
-> Add 10.7 Minimum dominion?
-> Add 10.8 Fortress to Province ratio
-> Add 10.9 Keeping Helpful Enemy Dominion Alive...
-> Add Thoughts on EA Abyssia (guide)
-> Add Guide to Middle-Age Mictlan
-> Add Questions about LA Pangaea manikins
-> Add The pythian prescription (A newb guide)
-> Add A Poisoner's Guide to LA Pythium

ver. 0.50.
The recommended viewer is GVIM (preferably with UTL script). With UTL the document feels like a wiki since it contains internal links.
GVM is free and is a great editor (sorry 4 propaganda but its true nonetheless ), you can get it here. And UTL script here.

I've allowed no lines in the document to start with a number since it messes up my tocifyer script. So you'll see all such line start with a "|" instead.

I'm of course willing to maintain the document so any comments are welcome. For example:
-> If I quoted someone in the doc. and didn't give him credit.
-> Any mistakes the document contains, feel free to argue, but be ready to argue your opinion for the views in the document are made by players with lots of experience.
-> Missing lore you'd like to see added to document. Just point the finger and I'll add it.
-> Typo's, format inconsistencies or whatever is not to your liking.
Attached Files
File Type: zip WL_KB_V1_00.ZIP (1.91 MB, 1167 views)

Last edited by WraithLord; April 14th, 2009 at 04:17 AM.. Reason: update version -> 1.00
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