Thank you Thatguy. I have thought about the IR variant to go with my IR Panthers.
Thanks for the input Pierre. I based the barrels off the reference material I scrapped up. All the ones I found had the 2 longer barrels. Same goes for the 22. All the materials I have its pretty close to them.
As far as the Czech variant. I will have to put that on my to do list for MBT.
Thanks again for you comments.
I have the 250s done too. But a question for you. I have done the "neu" late design 250/1, should I do the other variants on that build also or the original design variants enough?
Reduced scale Monty? I have my private scale but its actually a bigger scale the 1 pixel = 5.5". I have actually started to pull away from that scale. Getting tired of monitoring 2 scales. lol
All the stuff I release on here are the 1 pixel = 6" scale, except airplanes and helos. They have their own scales I use....
Thanks fellas.