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Old November 17th, 2007, 03:42 AM

mantari mantari is offline
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Default Another bug? I nova\'d a sun while orbiting. :)

NOTE: This is a modified example to show some of the conditions surrounding the problem. I can make it simpler.

If you issue a NOVA for the star you are currently at, then immediately issue a TIME command to make it blow up, the image of the planet is not displayed.

In the sample code, below, I set up a very specific star with a grassland planet. In the single page, I set the planet to frozen1. I then set off a NOVA, delay 1, radius 0. That makes a nova which does not blow up a ship, but goes off almost immediately. (This is a desired effect.)

Then I do a "TIME 1" which actually makes it go off immediately!

It works perfect, except for one tiny exception. No planet picture.

I threw in an extra CHNG 0 PLNT frozen1 command just for grins, but it has no effect either way on the results.

I've attached an image of the happening to this post. (You'll see a cool nova shockwave in the background of the window.)

And... yes, if you guessed, XPLR 0 2 doesn't work in this situation either. So you have to go back and re-view the star system in order to mark it explored.


FLAG event always
KEYS unstablestar2

STRT msq_yellow
PLNC grassland
FLAG nearby

TYPE explore
STR0 0

REQ0 0
CHNG 0 PLNT frozen1
NOVA 0 1 0 msq_yellow ocean1
GFXP misc/civilwar.jpg
TITL Global ThermoNuclear War
TEXT Scans indicate this primitive planet...
SCOR 200 strategic
XPLR 0 2
Attached Images
File Type: jpg 564849-empty.jpg (37.2 KB, 370 views)


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