PBEM Modern/Intermediate level
Looking for a regular opponent who like playing present day battles. Large maps and realistic orders of battle. Here is a template that I send out for your carousal.
Currently using slots 2,6 and 14.
WinSPMBT v 3.5
PBEM Game Parameters
Type of Battle: Meeting engagement
Points per side/Nationality:
Player #1:France
Player #2:Germany
Ladder Game:Yes
Date: October 2007
Number of turns:40
Slot #: 6
Map size: 200*160
Map description: Rural farm land and some hills. I used the random map generator and then added stuff. If you don�t like it we can use something else.
General Preferences:
� all on
� fast artillery on
Player Preferences:
� Battle points:45000 points for each side
� Air sorties:5
� Everything else 100%
Realism Preferences:
� All on
Miscellaneous special rules/ purchase agreements for both players.
Limit of 2 to 4 artillery guns towed or self propelled with the special AP ammo.
All arty must be on board except for one battery.
Must purchase two Squadrons of MBT (the more expensive ones)
No Allies
Purchase a realistic order of battle. Open to interpretation but you know what I mean.
No pre-bombardment