Re: Adding completely new units
First thing you need to get a unit in the game is the entry in the OOB file. That's what MOBhack is for.
Second thing you need is an icon. That's the visual used on the game screen for the unit. Without one you'll be stuck with an invisible unit or a floating WinSPMBT logo. To create icons, draw your unit to the same standard as the ones already in-game (top-view, top-top-front lighting, 6in per dot) using whichever image editor you fancy, from MS Paint to Photoshop, then load the game palette, then compress them into the shp files using SHPed.
Third and last thing usually needed is a lbm image. Select an image (preferably free of rights) of 1/2 proportions, convert it to greyscale and 160x80 px, apply necessary corrections, then convert to .lbm format using the dedicated palette.
LBMs aren't actually compulsory, they just show up in the purchasing, encyclopedia and unit info screens.
But before you go to greatest lengths to master all of this at once, check out the actual icon list and lbm folder, there is lots of unused entries lying around.
Regarding the Cold War mod, feel free to comment on the existing thread or PM me if you think you can contribute.