Okay, so I want to put together a mod to extend the number of nations in play to the maximum limit - I believe that there will be 11 free nation slots after the next patch.
The 11 mod nations will have to be:
1) Chosen.
2) I'll need to get permission from the authors of the mod to abuse their work in every orifice.
3) I have to re-encode the mods so that they will all work at once and in conjunction with a streamers mod and a single age mod.
4) The national banners will have to adjusted up in size to match the streamers mod.
5) I'll probably have to trim down the extra black space on at least some of the custom graphics to prevent a crash.
6) After a period of testing and compliance enforcement on my own, I'll run a few MP games and get feedback. Since the megagames are not CBM, these new nations will be balanced in the absence of CBM, but I may use the CBM-ified versions as a starting point.
Anyway, name Mods that you'd like to see included in the package, respond and include more feedback below. If you are a mod author, give feedback on what you'd like to see done with the mod (i.e. can I include it, do you have reservations about my including it, etc.)
So, which nations do people want included? Here are my comments on the existing mod nations. Since I've got a limited number of slots, some of these mod nations might be combined together, especially if they are thematically very similar.
My prejudices:
* I prefer nations to be slightly overpowered than for them to be slightly underpowered. This is more of an issue for the changes I make then for the nations I pick.
* I prefer folkloric sources over more modern sources. I generally dislike stuff that is "generic", new nations should have a very specific schtick if possible.
* I prefer nations that play differently from the existing nations.
You'll see these prejudices reflected throughout.
... Preliminary Choices to Include ...
Urdheim - Nearly usable as-is.
Gaea - Needs to be strengthened, but I don't want to destroy the unique flavor of the nation.
Haida Gwaii - Is non-compliant in several respects, but . Probably needs to be strengthened.
Padmassa - Needs a lot of artwork. Will be dropped if I can't finish the art in a timely fashion. Heavily non-compliant but I don't need permission to fix it.
Insectoids - May be hard to balance.
Theran Empire, Horror Scourge - The horrors themselves are non-compliant (aren't horrors, don't see horror marking.) I think it'd be strategically fascinating to have a nation that was dependent on more compliant horrors (summons them as indies, sends them in remotely, etc.), so maybe I'll ***** at Amos until he lets me fix it. I love the artwork.
Carthacia - I might steal some units from the other hoburg mods if the author(s) don't mind. The trebuchet is non-compliant. Needs some balance fixes.
Kharamdzu - Resource and money bonuses in capital are maybe non-compliant?
Skaven - I haven't looked at balance/compliance on this one yet.
some vampires (Sanguinia or Therans, possibly a combination of the two mods if the authors agree to let me combine them).
some elves (Sylvania or Blood Elves, possibly combination of the two mods if the authors agree to let me combine them).
Other interesting possibilities:
* I also like Avernum, Arga Dis and Tharoon but that's too many slots

. Arga Dis has a lot of schtick overlap with Arco and Tharoon with Patala, but they are certainly valid choices, especially if I decide that one of the nations above is unworkable.
* The trade confederation and magoserium mods have a similar schtick but are a bit thin. I could combine those. Tarent and the Commonwealth might also be worked in somehow.
* Sar Elad could get the various angelic crusade mod units as national summons (and possibly some as recruitables).
I have mysterious compliance rules that exist in my own mind and cannot be written down

A mod nation is non-compliant if it doesn't hew to the general standards of existing nations in each era - UNLESS it deliberately doesn't as part of that nation's unique flavor. This mainly means I'll be standardizing prices, but I might remove recruitable siege engines (for example), or adjust the statlines on certain units, among many other things to make the mods "fit". This is distinct from game balance - a nation could be awesomely overpowered and still be compliant, or could be non-compliant in various ways but perfectly balanced.
A mod should also, from a backstory perspective, not directly contradict anything in the canonical nation descriptions, including (for example) redefining what a giant or a troll is.