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Old August 17th, 2007, 10:00 PM

SQUIRE SQUIRE is offline
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Default Your assistance please - Components limit

I've edited the components file with various items. It works and runs... but I placed 'Restrictions := Four Per Vehicle'. I works on players but I found that the computer defies this rule and places about 6 or so on a vehicle. So is there a reason why or a way to enforce the restriction ?

The long story here is a clip of the component code of one such item:
(the family # had to be changed due to that the limitation affected hence a standard one would be limited to 4 or the weapon series in general).

Name := HYBRID Anti - Proton Beam I
Description := Focused energy beam used as a medium range weapon. - LIMIT OF 4 PER CRAFT.
Pic Num := 18
Tonnage Space Taken := 6
Tonnage Structure := 6
Cost Minerals := 10
Cost Organics := 0
Cost Radioactives := 2
Vehicle Type := Ship\Base\Sat\WeapPlat\Drone
Supply Amount Used := 2
Restrictions := Four Per Vehicle
General Group := HYBRID-Weapons
Family := 122000
Roman Numeral := 1
Custom Group := 0
Number of Tech Req := 1
Tech Area Req 1 := Energy Stream Weapons
Tech Level Req 1 := 1
Number of Abilities := 0
Weapon Type := Direct Fire
Weapon Target := Ships\Planets\Ftr\Sat\Drone
Weapon Damage At Rng := 8 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Weapon Damage Type := Normal
Weapon Reload Rate := 2
Weapon Display Type := Beam
Weapon Display := 1
Weapon Modifier := 0
Weapon Sound := apbeam.wav
Weapon Family := 1
Hi... So you decided to check me out. Well here is some info for those playing SEV. I found a possible bug playing the demo and checked it against the current version. When buying shipyards for the 1st time on a planet opt to select/get more than just one or two. You will then have a very fast ship-yard production and upgradable too. (PS it may be cause crashes).
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Old August 21st, 2007, 10:51 AM
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Default Re: Your assistance please - Components limit

The AI is not affected by the restrictions that you put in componentes, if you want to limit a component in the AI designs you need to edit the AI design file so it don�t uses more than your specified number of components (yes, you have to edit all the Ai individually for this)...
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Old August 24th, 2007, 08:45 PM

SQUIRE SQUIRE is offline
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Default Re: Your assistance please - Components limit

Thanks on the info... umm but just in case can you tell me one of the specific files (the name of the file) for any one of the races so that I can have the an idea. In case I don't figure it out.
Hi... So you decided to check me out. Well here is some info for those playing SEV. I found a possible bug playing the demo and checked it against the current version. When buying shipyards for the 1st time on a planet opt to select/get more than just one or two. You will then have a very fast ship-yard production and upgradable too. (PS it may be cause crashes).
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