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Old June 1st, 2001, 11:07 AM

Lemmy Lemmy is offline
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Default Online combat tournament idea

Was thinking Last night about nothing in particular when this crossed my mind...

Wouldn't it be cool/nice/wonderful/narf if you could play tactical combat over the internet against other human players. Before you can play you should register, nothing special, something like this here at SG. Once you're registered you can design your ships/bases/fighter/sats and your designs would be stored on a server, there should be a max. number of design per player.

Then before combat you should choose what ships you want to use for combat.

There could also be different categories in which you can play. Each Category would have their one limitations like the max amount of resources your fleet can exist of. Or the max. ship size in your fleet, no ships bigger than cruiser for example, or only dreadnoughts.

For each Category there would be different highscores. The score you get could depend on various things, like the other players rank, the higher his rank, the more points you get. Or how fast you defeat someone, less turns = more points.

There could also be a Category in with only 4 players per combat (one on each side) and if a hex-based map was used, you could have 3 or 6 players per combat.

That's enough rambling for now , time for another topic

2b| |!2b?

[This message has been edited by LemmyM (edited 01 June 2001).]
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Old June 1st, 2001, 11:15 AM
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Default Re: Online combat tournament idea

I take it you mean playing tactical as a gam in it's own right, without a full gam of SEIV attached to it?

Yeah, could be intresting.

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Old June 1st, 2001, 12:53 PM

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Default Re: Online combat tournament idea

that's exactly what i mean
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Old June 1st, 2001, 05:24 PM
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Default Re: Online combat tournament idea

There could also be a Category in with only 4 players per combat (one on each side) and if a hex-based map was used, you could have 3 or 6 players per combat.
You don't need a hex grid for that. It wouldn't be hard to implement different equidistant starting positions depending on the number of players.

Cap'n Q

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Old June 1st, 2001, 08:56 PM
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Default Re: Online combat tournament idea

How about a PBEM or PBMB game of tactical combat?

You have a host, and two or four players.

Designs are submitted, as well as fleet sizes and compositions.

Every day, the host gathers the moves from each player and plays one round of tactical combat according to the list of moves from the players.
A screenshot of the map, and a list of damage to each ship gets posted after each round.

The whole game would take no longer than a month (30 turns) if it was a turn-per-day that became a stalemate.

All you need is an operating system that will run for a month without crashing

[This message has been edited by suicide_junkie (edited 01 June 2001).]
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Old June 2nd, 2001, 12:13 PM

Lemmy Lemmy is offline
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Default Re: Online combat tournament idea

that could could work, but the point of my idea is that when you have nothing to do, you just go on-line and play a fast ( 1 hour max. ) game of tactical combat.
If other players are Online at that time of course.

And you don't need a operating that can run for one month...well you do, but it will be a server.

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Old November 20th, 2001, 12:54 PM

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Default Re: Online combat tournament idea

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