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Old October 4th, 2006, 05:52 PM
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Default Tank Speeds too slow?

I'm not sure if this was dealth with before. But is something I've noticed and is bothering me a little. I'm going to just post some ideas.

Tank speeds in kmph seem to be very slowed down (to a lesser extent infantry as well). I'm going to use a t-55 as an example. in a game yesterday, the max speed they acheived on a road, was 17-18kmph. In reality a t-55 can do around 50kmph.

If this slow down is meant to reperesent the tank being in "combat mode": slower, careful, observing, I understand. But shouldn't the player be able to decide if he wants the max speed possible, or a slower more careful advance.

I would imagine ,if it was implemented, when you pass a certain threshould speed spotting is reduced.can this be modeled with the game engine?

Same basic problem with infantry, limited to around 6kmph max speed. the player can't decide he wants his troops to "dash" to a certain location.

Should I just disregard the km speeds? are they not accurate?
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Old October 4th, 2006, 09:28 PM
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Default Re: Tank Speeds too slow?

Lot's of things can affect how fast a tank can move even on a paved road. Try running on a straight, flat stretch of paved highway ( as I just did in testing-- August 1960 Russia vs Great Britain ) and you will find t-55's can do a game reported 30 mph ( or 48 kph if you prefer ) quite easily.


---I just had one do 33 MPH ( 53 kph )

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?

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Old October 4th, 2006, 10:46 PM
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Default Re: Tank Speeds too slow?

ok, very nice. I'll do a test myself too. some terrain feature must have affected my speed.

and what about the "slowness" of infantry? I remember infantry speeds being talked about before.
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Old October 5th, 2006, 12:21 AM
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Default Re: Tank Speeds too slow?

Infantry are not slow - considering they are moving tactically. The faster they are going, the more vulnerable they are - e.g. if you move 6 hexes along a road, and then get splatted by arty fire..

As there is no "dash" or "creep" concept in SP consider a 1 hex move moving cautiously, or perhaps it was a quick "dash and dive", the effect is the same (they only moved 1 hex, so are less vulnerable than the section which moved 3 beside it).

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Old October 5th, 2006, 01:43 AM
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Default Re: Tank Speeds too slow?

within a hex (micro-level not reperesented in the game "dash and dive") infantry can actually be going more than 6mph. But moving through hexes only a max of 6mph. which would be about a moderately fast walk.

I'm trying to understand the real world mechanics.
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Old October 5th, 2006, 06:33 AM
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Default Re: Tank Speeds too slow?

Smersh, are you referring to game speeds as kmph?
As far as I can recall, a unit's game speed rating isn't expressed in kmphs. I've checked the OOBs and 18 is a T-55s game speed, so it will do 18 hexes per turn. Check the actual speed in the unit's status bar on top of the screen.

If I may quote the old non-Windows SPMBT PalyerInfo.txt file (dunno if it is considered a reliable source, but the OOB figures haven't changed since):
Ground Speed equation is: max km/h speed divided by 3 = SPEED in hexes.
Same with the infantry, game speed of 6 means about 18 kmph, which is darn high for pack-carrying infantry.
I repeat myself, but the actual kmph/mph unit speed shows up on the status bar above, with the mention "ready, moving at xx kph".
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Old October 5th, 2006, 09:46 AM
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Default Re: Tank Speeds too slow?

Your first test refers to ".....infantry, limited to around 6kmph max speed." then two posts later it's......"But moving through hexes only a max of 6mph. which would be about a moderately fast walk." So just what speed ARE you talking about 6 kmph or 6 MPH? The GAME reports speeds in MPH

I just retested what I already knew but infantry, traveling, along a flat paved road move at 11 MPH reported game speed ( 17.7 kmph ) are you suggesting THAT is too slow ? Across country ( that is, NOT a nice leisurely walk in the park ) they move at 6 MPH ( 9.65 kmph ) .... that's NOT "too slow" for infantry in a combat zone.


"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?

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Old October 6th, 2006, 03:30 AM
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Default Re: Tank Speeds too slow?

Sorry for the confusion. I for some reason thought the game reported it in Kph. I corrected myself in the second post.

I was upset that my infantry couldn't charge forward maybe 300 meters, and grab some victory points before the enemy arrived. instead they had to be in "combat mode" advancing at around 4mph.

I have a better understanding of infantry and tank movement speeds now. thanks.
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Old October 6th, 2006, 02:05 PM

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Default Re: Tank Speeds too slow?

If they could move at only 4 mph then it is not the 'combat mode' that held them back but terrain since regular infantry can move 3 hexes over clear terrain giving them a speed of 6mph. So if they were at 4mph they moved only 2 hexes which means they either didn't move their full capacity or at least one of the two hexes was not clear terrain.

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Old October 6th, 2006, 04:35 PM
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Default Re: Tank Speeds too slow?

what I meant by "combat mode" is that their moving tacticly, looking around etc. Which would slow down movement speed. Because most soldiers not in "combat mode" can run at least 10mph for long distances.

ins't that the explanation why infantry speeds are slower than just say a group of men running from one place to another.
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