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Old March 8th, 2001, 02:02 AM

Tarkin Tarkin is offline
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Default Attention: All Mod Guru\'s

Hail honored mod developers,

I am curious if I might receive a bit of assistance?

What I would like to do is to eliminate all of the original race designs that come with SE IV and replace them with designs of my own creation. I plan on creating these new race attributes within the games own race creation system. I will use the original ship sets but will replace the race portraits with my own.

#1. What impact might this have on the SE IV came engine if any?
#2. Will I need to replace the original races with the same number of replacement races?
#3. Am I correct in assuming that these new races will use the generic AI files?
#4. Could I take a race AI file from another mod, rename it and use it for one of my custom designed races?

Sorry for all the questions but I am a newbie and I love to tinker and make things better fit my vision of the perfect Sci Fi universe.

Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their Chances!

[This message has been edited by Tarkin (edited 09 March 2001).]
Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their Chances!
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Old March 9th, 2001, 02:07 AM

Tarkin Tarkin is offline
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Default Re: Attention: All Mod Guru\'s

Anyone have any tips?
Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their Chances!
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Old March 9th, 2001, 04:08 AM
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Default Re: Attention: All Mod Guru\'s

1) The quick-start races might have a problem with being deleted, try removing one & see what happens, but save a backup.

2) depending on the result of (1), you may need at least the original number, but you can definitely add MORE.

3) I believe so, but you can probably ovverride those defaults with specific individual race files.

4) That would depend on the creator's mood & view, but I suspect most modders would not mind if you asked first.
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Old March 9th, 2001, 05:50 AM
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Default Re: Attention: All Mod Guru\'s

1-don't KNOW if there are specific calls to the defaults but I suspect there are. If you want to setup specific races you can do that by specifying them in game setup and unmarking the generate empires and neutrals buttons. and if you wanted to custonize, say the race protrait and pop pictures, then you could do that eay after creation by merely dropping then into the respective race filee (properly named of course), I have done it a number of times with no ill effects (except maybe on my tummy )

3- they will unless you make race specific AI files.

4- I have used (gotten permission IIRC too) to use the EA as part of the base for a custom race but I also used part of Xi'Chung and Uka'tal (sp) to make up parts, then modded those heavily with God Emperor and Sundevil's MODs along with some of my own. If you only use them yourself, I don't think anybody would give a rip. Now if you post them as a download racestyle i would urge you to give crdit where credit is ude.

[This message has been edited by pathfinder (edited 09 March 2001).]

[This message has been edited by pathfinder (edited 09 March 2001).]

[This message has been edited by pathfinder (edited 09 March 2001).]
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Old March 10th, 2001, 01:22 AM

Tarkin Tarkin is offline
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Default Re: Attention: All Mod Guru\'s


I appreciate your feedback!


Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their Chances!
Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their Chances!
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