As that nototious Vanheim raider I can say that the Zapemiester's description of situation is quite accurate.
Few words about the game. It is midgame in no-newbies game called Throne of Heavens, played on zen's cradle map, turn 47, currently set of 24h quickhost, with possibility to switching to 48h quickhost. There are several (four) leading nations in the game in close race with each other in every field, Machaka is one of them. Up until several turns ago Machaka was the strongest nation in the game, but as Zapmesiter wrote their fortunes have somewhat declined recently.
Nevertheless it is still one of the major power in the game, with Chalice, Hammer of the Forge Lord(?), Gate Stone, and other powerfull artifacts, as well as gems, good reseach, armies, large territory and ability to summon Tantarian gods to do their bidding. Their main problem atm is the raiding by Vanheim.
If you think you could take rein in powerful if a bit decadent Empire and try to reverse its fortunes and restore its glory thought military might, magic or dimplomacy, please contact Zapmeister.