Allow me to explain the situation.
Marignon is attacking Abysia (me). Their attacking force consists of an archer, a light infantry, and an initiate. The initiate is equiped with a Shroud of the Battle Saint, a Spell Focus, a Medallion of Vengence and one fire gem.
My defense force consists of 45 summer lions, my national hero, Ba'al Chozron the Anathemant Warlock, along with my PD 30 troops.
During the fight, the enemy initiate casts phoenix pyre and blindness before getting routed by my lions. He tries to run away but my lions catch him and kill him. The initiate blows up in a raging inferno. Immediately after he blows up, he teleports right next to my Warlock and blows up a second time right next to my warlock, killing him.
I'm confused as to how and why the initiate teleported. My Warlock was way on the other side of the battlefield. He should have been safe, no?