i am very new to dominions
so far i really like blood hunting . at the moment i play abysia standard .
i read cherries good guide and i think it is still almost the same for blood hunting in 2.12 although it is for 2.08.
at the moment i hunt this way : 2 demonbred without dousing rod in every 5-8k pop province or tax 100% unrest 0 < 20 income province .
at the moment i have set it up for 10 such provinces and get around 100-150 blood / turn .
i have a lab in every such province .
so the only thing i have to do each turn is go once to lab and click pool because with this setting the unrest keeps between 0-50 without patrolling .
perhaps i should give each of my demonbreds a sdr. but at the moment 80% of my demonbreds find slaves / turn in average .
if i would give them sdrs i think they would find 100% but so increase my unrest and i would have to patrol and so do more micromanagement .
is this setting for lazy people like me quite ok or what would you suggest ?
and if you have a link to a still actual and good blood hunt discussion plz post it for me
i am searching for a formula too
in a dominion 1 faq i found that for less than 5k population the probability for finding slaves is current pop / 5000 % .
in addition blood level influences it and with blood over 3 there is 100% .
3rd factor listed there was unrest .
is it under the current patch still true that you can get maximum 110 slaves / province like listed in cherrys blood slave gathering data ?
and if you patrol then to decrease unrest you kill 10 pop for each point unrest reduced by patrolling right ?
so if you do massive blood hunting in one province you kill 500-1000 pop / turn right ?
so assuming you hunt in a 10k province you have to move every 10-15 turns because the province has left under 5k pop which makes hunting harder .
and Last question
in the summon reference stands e.g. at infernal forces : +1 devil / path
is this only for blood path or do i get an additional devil for each level of fire over fire 2 too ?