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Old January 11th, 2004, 06:55 PM

onomastikon onomastikon is offline
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Default 4 short questions about Fatigue

1. Does pure movement (advancing, running) cause fatigue?

2. Stats on items that reduce fatigue (like girdle of might, etc.) dont make it clear to me by how much. Is there a way to figure that out? Does it count for all activities (e.g. trampling, casting, melee, etc.)?

3. Speaking of stats, what exactly do these numbers mean when it reads e.g. "30-". They dont seem to cost exactly 30. When my Great Mother casts one of those in her dominion with -3 drain, it should cost her way more -- but her fatigue only seems to go up by less than 30. Is this "-" in the "30-" mean something?

4. What exactly is the deal with fatigue and mounted units?

Thank you.
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Old January 11th, 2004, 07:07 PM
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Default Re: 4 short questions about Fatigue

Originally posted by onomastikon:
1. Does pure movement (advancing, running) cause fatigue?
From what I've seen in the VCR it does not.

2. Stats on items that reduce fatigue (like girdle of might, etc.) dont make it clear to me by how much. Is there a way to figure that out? Does it count for all activities (e.g. trampling, casting, melee, etc.)?
Reinvigoration items reduce fatigue by the "reinvigoration" number every turn. If a unit is unconscious (fatigue over 100) it also gets an additional 5 fatigue reduction per turn.

3. Speaking of stats, what exactly do these numbers mean when it reads e.g. "30-". They dont seem to cost exactly 30. When my Great Mother casts one of those in her dominion with -3 drain, it should cost her way more -- but her fatigue only seems to go up by less than 30. Is this "-" in the "30-" mean something?
The "30-" refers to the fact that a caster that is highly skilled in the first listed magic path for the spell, or blood magic if the spell involves blood, uses less fatigue to cast the spell.

4. What exactly is the deal with fatigue and mounted units?

Thank you. [/QB][/quote]
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Old January 11th, 2004, 07:12 PM

Teleolurian Teleolurian is offline
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Default Re: 4 short questions about Fatigue

I believe that heavily encumbered units will fatigue by an amount equal to their encumbrance UNLESS they are mounted.

[ January 11, 2004, 17:37: Message edited by: Teleolurian ]
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Old January 11th, 2004, 07:19 PM
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Default Re: 4 short questions about Fatigue

>1. Does pure movement (advancing, running) cause fatigue?


>2. Stats on items that reduce fatigue (like girdle of might, etc.) dont make it clear to me by how much. Is there a way to figure that out? Does it count for all activities (e.g. trampling, casting, melee, etc.)?

The number associated with the item provides reinvigoration (anti-fatigue) as per the number once each round.

>3. Speaking of stats, what exactly do these numbers mean when it reads e.g. "30-". They dont seem to cost exactly 30. When my Great Mother casts one of those in her dominion with -3 drain, it should cost her way more -- but her fatigue only seems to go up by less than 30. Is this "-" in the "30-" mean something?

That's probably becuase she is casting a spell that requires less skill than she has. Extra skill over what's needed will lower the fatigue from the spell. Effectively, if a mage is skilled, they may cast more often.

>4. What exactly is the deal with fatigue and mounted units?

As far as I know, it works the same for them, except they don't get penalties from armor encumberance.
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Old January 11th, 2004, 07:26 PM
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Default Re: 4 short questions about Fatigue

Originally posted by onomastikon:
1. Does pure movement (advancing, running) cause fatigue?
Usually no. In special cases yes - eg, flying can cause fatigue.

2. Stats on items that reduce fatigue (like girdle of might, etc.) dont make it clear to me by how much. Is there a way to figure that out?
It's on the item description. Have a second look at that girdle of might, it clearly reads: reinvigoration: 3. Meaning every leader equipping it will recover 3 extra fatigue each battle round.

Does it count for all activities (e.g. trampling, casting, melee, etc.)?
Yes and no. Yes: reinvigoration will remove fatigue from trampling, casting, and meleing all the same. No: you'll just recover fatigue at the beginning of the next round by the amount listed under the fatigue status of your leader, no matter the number of spell you cast or the number of trampling attacks you made in that round.

3. Speaking of stats, what exactly do these numbers mean when it reads e.g. "30-". They dont seem to cost exactly 30. When my Great Mother casts one of those in her dominion with -3 drain, it should cost her way more -- but her fatigue only seems to go up by less than 30. Is this "-" in the "30-" mean something?
Spells cost less fatigue if you have more levels in that path than the requirements. IIRC the fatigue cost of a spell is something like:

spell_cost x (1 + drain_adjustment) + spell_casting_encumbrance

drain_adustement is 0.1 per level of drain scale in the province (so it's -0.1 per level of magic scale)

spell_cost is the listed value divided by 1 + the number of extra magic levels you have over the spell requirements. For spells that need 2 magic paths I believe only the first listed counts.

Also note encumbrance of units may increase depending on the climate of the province.

4. What exactly is the deal with fatigue and mounted units?
Mounted units disregard encumbrance from armors.
God does not play dice, He plays Dominions Albert von Ulm
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