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Old September 29th, 2003, 02:17 PM
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Default Tien Chi

Is there any chance we could get a little more info on this new nation. I know it has a chinese/oriental theme, but what kind of units do they have? (Samurai? - oh wait that's Japanese) and what kind of magic do they wield?
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Old September 29th, 2003, 02:21 PM

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Default Re: Tien Chi

Hm I bet that astral or nature.

[ September 29, 2003, 13:22: Message edited by: Mortifer ]
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Old September 29th, 2003, 03:22 PM
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Default Re: Tien Chi

You didn't have Tien Chi in DOM I????

I could have sworn that they were there. Ok, here is something about them

Default theme:
They have a wide choice of units ranging from light infantry to heavy infantry, archers (2 types - armored and unarmored) and crossbowmen. They have cavalry (light and heavy too) and most of their cavalry has bows too. They use Composite bows, which are right in between short and long bows in damage and range. Basically their troops do not excel in anything but they have a wide choice of troops and that makes them "Jack of all trades" even more then Man.
But if you think that this is their strength you are wrong. They are extremely powerful in magic and in fact I believe they have most powerful magic Users in game (not counting pretenders of course) - Celestial Masters (His stats are posted little lower). Of course they cost a lot as well. They have cheaper magic Users as well and good commanders which are mostly armed with composite bows too so they don't just stand behind troops doing nothing.
Also, they can use unique magic available only to them - summoning celestial troops. Basically, only celestial masters and pretender can summon such troops which are quite strong (I'll leave it a secret of what they are). However, they can use this only in default theme.

They also have 2 additional themes � �Spring and Autumn� and �Barbarian Kings�.

Spring and Autumn:
In this theme they get much less troop selection but they get even more powerful magic Users. Celestial Masters are most powerful in this theme - 1 Fire, 1 Air, 2 Water, 3rd level Priest, 2 Random picks and can fly (in default they get only 1 random pick and can't fly). Also master of five ways appears (has 1 level in each elemental magic), master of dead (death 1 and priest), and master of the way (water and priest, he�s there in default theme too). Also they get Lord, which is basically chariot commander with good stats.
In Barbarian Kings most troops are replaced with mounted barbarian (Mongol like) troops also armed with composite bows and very fast. They have less powerful magic in this theme but their military is stronger. In this theme they also get Khan - very powerful mounted commander, which is both great fighter, has bow and commands 75 men.

All in all Tien Chi are one of most interesting races in game - at least for me.

[ September 29, 2003, 14:32: Message edited by: Daynarr ]
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Old September 29th, 2003, 03:25 PM

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Default Re: Tien Chi

wow sounds cool!
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Old September 29th, 2003, 03:26 PM
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Default Re: Tien Chi

Aaack! My acidic saliva is destroying my keyboard!

Now, tell us about Machaka and Mictlan!
(They aren't in Dominions I)

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Old September 29th, 2003, 03:33 PM

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Default Re: Tien Chi

I would think that there over reliance on archery make them a bit predictable. cast arrow fend, and they are much screwed.
Currently playing: Dominions III, Civilization IV, Ageod American Civil War.
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Old September 29th, 2003, 03:35 PM
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Default Re: Tien Chi

Who said they are relying on archers?
They seem to have a good mix of units...

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Old September 29th, 2003, 03:53 PM

Mortifer Mortifer is offline
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Default Re: Tien Chi

Originally posted by Daynarr:
You didn't have Tien Chi in DOM I????

I could have sworn that they were there. Ok, here is something about them

Default theme:
They have a wide choice of units ranging from light infantry to heavy infantry, archers (2 types - armored and unarmored) and crossbowmen. They have cavalry (light and heavy too) and most of their cavalry has bows too. They use Composite bows, which are right in between short and long bows in damage and range. Basically their troops do not excel in anything but they have a wide choice of troops and that makes them "Jack of all trades" even more then Man.
But if you think that this is their strength you are wrong. They are extremely powerful in magic and in fact I believe they have most powerful magic Users in game (not counting pretenders of course) - Celestial Masters (His stats are posted little lower). Of course they cost a lot as well. They have cheaper magic Users as well and good commanders which are mostly armed with composite bows too so they don't just stand behind troops doing nothing.
Also, they can use unique magic available only to them - summoning celestial troops. Basically, only celestial masters and pretender can summon such troops which are quite strong (I'll leave it a secret of what they are). However, they can use this only in default theme.

They also have 2 additional themes � �Spring and Autumn� and �Barbarian Kings�.

Spring and Autumn:
In this theme they get much less troop selection but they get even more powerful magic Users. Celestial Masters are most powerful in this theme - 1 Fire, 1 Air, 2 Water, 3rd level Priest, 2 Random picks and can fly (in default they get only 1 random pick and can't fly). Also master of five ways appears (has 1 level in each elemental magic), master of dead (death 1 and priest), and master of the way (water and priest, he�s there in default theme too). Also they get Lord, which is basically chariot commander with good stats.
In Barbarian Kings most troops are replaced with mounted barbarian (Mongol like) troops also armed with composite bows and very fast. They have less powerful magic in this theme but their military is stronger. In this theme they also get Khan - very powerful mounted commander, which is both great fighter, has bow and commands 75 men.

All in all Tien Chi are one of most interesting races in game - at least for me.
Sounds awesome.
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Old September 29th, 2003, 03:55 PM
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Default Re: Tien Chi

Actually they will suffer less from arrow fend then Man troops, but it WILL help against Tien Chi anyway. At least they will have to engage you in close combat. They mostly rely on MAGIC and they have a lot of choices there. Also, they have troops with Glaive (10 damage, 4 range but attack and defense suffers) to tackle enemy mounted troops and cavalry of there own (heavy cavalry too). Of course if you lack air wizards Tien Chi archers and crosbows are gonna walk all over you.
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Old September 29th, 2003, 04:01 PM
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Default Re: Tien Chi

Ok, but please, tell us about Mictlan!
*drools, melting holes to floor*

Barbarian Kings sounds awesome, though...
Just imagine Khans with Chain Mails of Displacement and Bows of War...

[ September 29, 2003, 15:18: Message edited by: Nerfix ]

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