Ok, so far we are 4 players
There is still room for others...
So far the game settings are
- small galaxy
- spiral arm type
- no computer player
- starting ressource 20000 pts
- 1 starting planet
- home planet value: good
- 2000 racial points
- simultaneous turn
- autosave
- Version 1.11
- victory conditions: more on that later
Turn generation:
- 1 turn every week day
I must receive your file by 07:00 AM (GMT -05:00) at the latest
I will generate the turn and send the files by 09:00 AM GMT at the latest
So we all have 22 hours to complete our turn and send me the files
- 1 turn per weekend
As soon as I have all the Friday files, I'll compile the turn and resend the files.
You play your turn when it's convenient during the weekend.
I must receive your weekend turn before monday 07:00 AM
Special note:
We will all be partying like crazy during Christmast and New Year.
So we probably won't have any turn for December 24-25-26-31 and January 1.