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Old June 23rd, 2001, 02:39 AM

Drunkard Drunkard is offline
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Default It\'s only the best damn air traffic controller game you can find�if you\'re into that

Overall, I thought the review was decent. Not as good as the www.gamesdomain.com review, but good. One thing I didn't agree with was their take on the sound: "Great radio chatter but, as with the graphics, it does too good a job or recreating the monotony of ATC." Ouch. I think we have some Disney Nazis over there. I was actually REALLY surprised to see ign review this game. I thought they would just let it slide by.
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Old June 23rd, 2001, 03:16 AM

Drunkard Drunkard is offline
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Default Re: It\'s only the best damn air traffic controller game you can find�if you\'re into that

While I am on the subject (sort of), I would just like to praise AC3 - again, because it never gets old.
I like to think that there are two different types of games: the card-game/board-game type (endlessly replayable) and the scripted type (and, consequently, not extremely replayable). It is obvious which Category AC3 fits into. It is an arcade game at heart. At least, I would like to think so. I can picture it sitting in an arcade with its jet-green cabinet, official AC3 Headset, and high resolution TV monitor. While I can't quite see the mouse and keyboard there, it doesn't really matter. What matters is that the game is spectacularly playable. I liken it to Pac-Man, or Missle Command, or insert-your favorite-mindless-arcade-game-here. And with that in mind, I can see how reviewers dislike it. It's simple. No convoluted plot, no wizards and warriors, not a single race car. The planes don't explode with terribly grotesque pictures of dying people and no one yells at you for losing a plane. But all that doesn't make a great game. What does make a great game is a programmer with a job to do - or rather, and more preferably, a passion. And I think that is what Joe/AC3 has, and many lack.
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Old June 25th, 2001, 11:53 AM
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Default Re: It\'s only the best damn air traffic controller game you can find�if you\'re into that


Well said! And you are right about reviewers. It endlessly amazes me the number of reviewers that have one track minds. As with all our games, it is about playability and having fun. So why can't the reviewers look at those issues. AC3 is a great game.

We knew that we would take a hit with alot of reviewers on this one. But if you look at it as a game of ATC simulation, rather than a ATC trainer, it is dead on perfect!

Tim Brooks
Shrapnel Games
Tim Brooks
Shrapnel Games
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Old June 29th, 2001, 06:25 AM

Drunkard Drunkard is offline
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Default Re: It\'s only the best damn air traffic controller game you can find�if you\'re into that

"On the other hand, the best thing about the game's midi music soundtrack is that it can be turned off." - GamesFirst

Good review. But it sure is taking a lot of heat for the midi sound.
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